
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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QOTD — Have You Seen Your Congressional Delegation Weigh In on the Sequester?

Filed in Delaware by on February 25, 2013 9 Comments

Seriously — the past week (especially this weekend) has send lots of legislators to the airwaves to weigh in on the sequester. Most of the Democrats are out making the case for their plan to replace the sequester. The GOP either: 1) aren’t talking; 2) blaming Obama or 3) saying the sequester is no big deal. After a quick Google search and look at each of their websites, none of them has addressed the looming sequester at all.

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Why Privatize the Port Now?

Filed in National by on February 25, 2013 10 Comments

The Kinder Morgan proposal to privatize the Port of Wilmington ought to be much in the news this week — their Bond Bill Hearing is set for 10AM this Wednesday (in Dover) and the Wilmington City Council will conduct a hearing into this action on Thursday 28 February at 5pm in City Council Chambers. I know that the Wilmington hearing will be live streamed online, and I don’t know what access we’ll have for the Dover hearing other than in person. One of the things I want to point out today, and I’m hoping that decision-makers keep in mind, is that while DEDO was publicly touting an investment partnership to build out the Port, their RFP (released approx 2 months prior to this article) included a privatization option that customers and businesses at the Port did not know until months later. And still, this privatization deal is quite different than from the talking points DEDO was using to promote this deal as an expansion opportunity.

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Late Night Video — Mad As Hell Movie Mashup

Filed in National by on February 24, 2013 0 Comments

Awesome movie mashup for Oscar night — and perhaps NSFW due to language (approx. 3 mins long)

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Oscars Sunday Open Thread [2.24.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 24, 2013 14 Comments

Let’s talk about the Oscars! They’ll be awarding film awards tonite — who do you think should or will win tonite? Give us your predictions in the comments or talk about the movies you saw this past year.

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Late Night Video — President Obama Sends Kid President a Message

Filed in National by on February 23, 2013 0 Comments

I love this Kid and love how psyched he is to get this message About the Easter Egg Roll:

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Tantrum at Tiger Beat on the Potomac

Filed in National by on February 19, 2013 9 Comments

If you don’t know that reference, that is the name that Charlie Pierce has given to the execrable Politico. And it also means that you aren’t reading Charlie Pierce on the regular, which you really must start doing. Anyway, they are having a snit about the access that the Obama Administration does not give to the White House Press Corps. This after the same Press Corps has been whinging about not being able to cover the President while he golfs with Tiger Woods. All of this without getting the irony that they are spending more energy in complaining about the President not hanging around to joke with them than they are in explaining any sequester replacement plans. Or maybe climate change policy.

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Late Night Video — Canadians Are Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse!

Filed in National by on February 15, 2013 0 Comments

Really — this video is from a recent meeting of the Canadian Parliament where they told the world that Canada would not be a safe haven for zombies (1 minute, 18 seconds):

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Late Night Video — Coffee and Hugs

Filed in Delaware by on February 14, 2013 0 Comments

Today the NCCo Courthouse reopened for business after the horrific shootings this week, and those returning were greeted with Free Coffee and Free Hugs — way to go Wilmington (approx. 2.5 minutes):

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The Kinder Morgan Presentation

Filed in National by on February 14, 2013 20 Comments

Kinder Morgan had their public presentation on Monday accompanied with the requisite PowerPoint deck to highlight main points. I’ve embedded a copy of that presentation below — it is a black and white copy, so some of the graphics are hard to read. I hope you’ll take a look at these slides (some of them you might need to print) and let us know what you think of this deal so far. But here are some of my thoughts on what is here:

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They Deserve A Vote

Filed in National by on February 13, 2013 35 Comments

President Obama ended his SOTU speech last night by calling on Congress to at least vote on the proposals made to try to rein in some of this country’s gun violence. It was, in my opinion, perhaps the finest moment of this speech — reminding us of the price of a violent society, honoring recent victims of gun violence and making the GOP actually participate in a standing ovation for gun control. One article I read today noted that the repetition of “They deserve a vote” wasn’t in the prepared remarks — prepared or no, President Obama delivered a little bit of church yesterday and walked away with a great rallying cry:

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Late Night Video — POTUSes – Movie Presidents of the United States Remix

Filed in National by on February 12, 2013 0 Comments

Awesome mashup of 51 movie Presidents and plus one fictitious W (approx 4.5 minutes long):

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Tuesday SOTU Open Thread [2/12/2013]

Filed in National by on February 12, 2013 11 Comments

President Obama is delivering his State of the Union Address tonight and the usual suspects are spinning up expectations and related goo. DD covered a report from Politico that noted that President Obama won’t be extending any olive branches to Republicans this year, and I have been listening to NPR a decent portion of the morning and they are repeating the same thing. What I don’t hear is WHY the President should be extending olive branches to a party who works hard at not cooperating in the business of government. I suspect it is the same old — Democrats are supposed to cooperate and Republicans get a pass on obstructing (with the excuse of sticking to their principles). Anyone else noticing this narrative?

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NCCo Courthouse Shooting Followup

Filed in Delaware by on February 12, 2013 52 Comments

Today’s NJ has a good narrative of what happened at the Courthouse yesterday. They’ve also put up a Storify page, designed to capture the story as it unfolded on Twitter (if you have something to add to this, send it to Holly Norton). I’m not so sure what else will be known about this incident, but I know that lots of people are still talking about this and what it means for our community.

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