
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Kinder Morgan Starts Talking

Filed in Delaware by on February 11, 2013 9 Comments

Kinder Morgan is making its proposal to privatize the Port of Wilmington to the Diamond State Port Corporation today. We’ll hear more about this (I hope) in tomorrow’s news, but wanted to take a look at this deal via what we know already. The most recent information has come from a few NJ articles — Deal to lease Port of Wilmington at risk; Delaware’s Port of Wilmington plan includes expansion; andKinder Morgan seeks new challenge in Del.

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How’s That Good Guy With a Gun Thing Working Out For You?

Filed in National by on February 10, 2013 22 Comments

Seriously — have you been following the story of the ex-LAPD officer who went on a shooting rampage? It is a horrific story — a fired police officer who decides that he is working out his perceived injustices on other officers or their families. This is a story of a previous good guy — one trained to use guns by the government — who is now just a guy with a bunch of guns seemingly seeking revenge.

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What We Have Here Is A Failure of Deficit Hawkery

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 10, 2013 6 Comments

Did anyone notice this article on Friday — where Senator Carper is committing to working for continued funding of the deepening dredge of the Delaware while the US Government is getting ready (prioritizing projects) for the cutbacks required by the sequester. And can I remind you that Senator Carper voted FOR said sequester?

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Late Night Video — God Made A Factory Farmer

Filed in National by on February 8, 2013 19 Comments

Reboot of the sappy Paul Harvey Farmer commercial from the Superbowl — this time with a major readjustment for reality (approx. 2 minutes)

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Late Night Video — An Immigration Protest from the Only People Entitled to One

Filed in National by on February 6, 2013 4 Comments

It is a little raucous, but this video is of a Native American reacting to an illegal immigration protest.    If you listen closely at the beginning you even get to hear the “I’m part Native American” deflection:

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The Uselessness of John Sigler — Part 138

Filed in National by on February 5, 2013 12 Comments

John Sigler’s email continues to make a fool of him — this time the email (which I haven’t seen) criticizes the Governor for his overseas trips. Really? Sigler clearly missed the fact that one of the real growth areas in American jobs is importing them from overseas. Still, it is a good bet that Sigler’s email provides no clues as to the places in Delaware where the Governor should be visiting to help bring in new jobs. The man is clearly not supposed to be making sense — just fine-tuning his manufactured outrage. The Governor provided a choice response though:

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QOTD — Is The Culture War Over?

Filed in National by on February 5, 2013 15 Comments

Mark Morford over at SF Chronicle thinks that it is, that the GOP lost and that the Godless Liberal Sickos Win Again. This is a great piece by Morford, taking a good look at the movement — a longtime movement — towards inclusiveness and equal rights for all:

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Late Night Video — Sam Harris and Cory Booker Debate Guns on Maher’s Show

Filed in National by on February 4, 2013 0 Comments

Watch closely and maybe you’ll agree that these two aren’t exactly having the same conversation. And where did this idea that any gun laws must be 100% effective? We don’t have this standard for any other legislation….

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Wayne LaPierre Gets Beat up by Fox News

Filed in National by on February 4, 2013 2 Comments

Chris Wallace interviewed LaPierre yesterday and by most accounts it seems that Wallace did not deliver a softball interview. This clip of the interview has been in wide circulation, and in it, Chris Wallace is not just tough on LaPierre and his talking points, but also lets LaPierre just hang from the rhetorical noose he creates. Interesting that this is from FOX News — especially since Rupert Murdoch has been on Twitter actively dissing US gun laws and attitudes to guns. This video is approx. 10 minutes long:

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Late Night Video — Hillary Clinton Says Goodbye

Filed in National by on February 1, 2013 1 Comment

We’re really going to miss her, I think. This video is 8 minutes long and I apologize for the commercial at the beginning:

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What Happens When Americans Find Out That Social Security is Not In Trouble

Filed in National by on February 1, 2013 14 Comments
What Happens When Americans Find Out That Social Security is Not In Trouble

Today’s WONKBLOG has a great bit of reporting on a new survey from a group called the National Academy of Social Insurance, which conducted a survey of Americans and found that most Americans want to fix the long-term shortfall by raising the cap on contributions and they want to increase the benefits. Shockingly, Americans come to this conclusion once they learn (via this survey) that Social Security is not in immediate crisis. Which it isn’t.

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Friday Open Thread [2.1.2013]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 1, 2013 19 Comments

YAY! The weekend! Anyone got any special Superbowl party plans in the works? And those of you avoiding the Superbowl like the plague, sound off……

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Kinder Morgan Doesn’t Like to be Bashed

Filed in National by on January 31, 2013 30 Comments

This is what Alan Levin had to say reacting to Kinder Morgan’s comment that the DE Legislature’s insisting on doing their job might kill the deal to privatize the Port of Wilmington. The NJ’s front page story on this today accounts for Kinder Morgan’s new found nervousness over this deal, telling an analysts’ conference call that the GA may have scuttled whatever deal is in being secretly negotiated:

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