
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Late Night Video — Kid President Gives You a Pep Talk

Filed in National by on January 30, 2013 4 Comments

I love this kid. This might be the best video of the year — already. It is hard to pick my favorite bits, but the You Can Cry About It or You Can Dance About It works as advice I especially needed recently. Kid President wants you to know that the time to be awesome is now (approx. 3.5 minutes long):

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Late Night Video — The Daily Show Investigates the Death of Investigative Journalism

Filed in National by on January 29, 2013 6 Comments

This is so much awesome — John Oliver doing the Daily Show investigative report into why investigative reporting is dying in American newsrooms. Once more — The Daily Show commits an act of news that neither the news networks or newspeople could manage (approx. 6 minutes):

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Tuesday Open Thread [1.29.2013]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 29, 2013 7 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [1.29.2013]

Yesterday, the wingnutoverse was on fire about Sunday’s interview by 60 Minutes with President Obama and Hilary Clinton. They thought it was awful, too soft, too cute and in the main tried to use it to frame Hillary as the Worst Secretary of State ever. (Your agenda is showing, Roger Ailes. Besides, I think that history has already written in Condi Rice as the worst Secretary of State in contemporary memory.) In a few liberal circles, this interview is being seen as Obama’s endorsement of Hillary in 2016. What did you think of this interview? (I confess I haven’t seen it yet.) You can watch it here:

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President Obama in Las Vegas Today Talking About Immigration

Filed in National by on January 29, 2013 7 Comments

This is scheduled for 3PM Eastern. President Obama will be in Las Vegas today to speak on his plan for reforming the immigration system. I imagine this will be covered just everywhere, but right now, you can count on CSPAN and the White House site for live streaming if you are at work. The media preview of this is fairly thin, but here’s the WaPo:

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Late Night Video — Unions Are Needed

Filed in National by on January 28, 2013 2 Comments
Late Night Video — Unions Are Needed

Awesome rant by this MSNBC commentator (with the cringeworthy name of) Krystal Ball. She reminds us that one of the things not touched on in President Obama’s inaugural speech was the health of unions, and reminds us that the war on unions coincides with the stagnation of American wages. This video is about 1.5 minutes long:

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Next Up — Immigration Reform

Filed in National by on January 28, 2013 18 Comments

This week will be very interesting on this front — as a bipartisan group of 8 Senators will release a plan to address issues with illegal immigration today and President Obama will release a plan tomorrow in Las Vegas. This comes after an election where Hispanics decisively voted for Barack Obama and the GOP spent a great deal of time demonizing them. While fixing the undocumented immigrant problem is indeed important, keep in mind that Democrats want to solidify their relationship to Hispanics and the GOP wants to start one. This deal would cover border security, a path to citizenship for approx. 10M people, and work visas for high tech workers. From the LA Times:

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Late Night Video — Bill Maher’s Theory on the Problem with American Masculinity

Filed in National by on January 27, 2013 0 Comments

Oh yes, this is hysterical (and about 5 minutes long):

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Essential Reading on the Deficit/Debt Issue

Filed in National by on January 27, 2013 43 Comments
Essential Reading on the Deficit/Debt Issue

Since we are to be treated to multiple staged crises by the GOP in order to dismantle entitlement programs so that there is more money to funnel to wealthy people, I thought it would be useful to collect some of the better pieces trying to assess where we (and the US Budget) really are. The coming months will be filled with more of the usual he say/she say fake objectivity from the media, who won’t do much to give you any context much less any real numbers. In other words, they’ll be participating in the fear factory that will be generated in order to create a better opportunity to cut back on entitlements. Several of these pieces will be longish and some will be fairly data-rich (we want that), so you might need a little time to read through them. But a good deal of the story is that we’ve gotten in a good deal of deficit cuts and we’re pretty close to the number needed for long term sustainability. This is good ammunition for talking to our Congressional delegation who seem hell bent on helping the GOP to cut Social Security and Medicare. Because what we should be focusing on is fixing these two — not in asking seniors to cut back.

I’m sure there will be other good work coming down the pike and I’ll add that to this list, but am not sure yet how to revive the thread. In the meantime, you can bookmark this as a place to find smarter journalism (or just plain wonkishness) on the budget issues.

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Late Night Video — Honda Anti-Theft Negotiator

Filed in National by on January 25, 2013 1 Comment

Very funny, but I would buy one — seriously. About 2 minutes long:

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Senator Chris Coons Reintroduces the FAST Voting Act

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 25, 2013 4 Comments

Senator Coons and others filed this bill last November, after we saw one more US election marked with long lines to vote, registration questions and issues and other problems that got in the way of very many Americans to exercise their franchise. He has reintroduced this bill, with Senators Mark Warner (D-Va.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) to help states to improve their election capabilities and make it easier for Americans to vote.

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Amendment to SB3 Filed by Speaker

Filed in National by on January 23, 2013 1 Comment

El Som will likely provide more insights into this tomorrow, but this press release announcing an amendment to SB3 that will be voted on tomorrow came to my inbox a little while ago:

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SecDef Panetta Lifts the Ban on Women in Combat

Filed in National by on January 23, 2013 3 Comments

This is great news — NPR is reporting that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta will lift the ban on women serving in combat roles with an announcement probably tomorrow. This ban has been a longstanding source of contention, especially since contemporary warfare doesn’t provide a bright line between combat and non-combat roles anymore.

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John Carney Brings the Pete Peterson Entitlement Destruction Circus to Town

Filed in National by on January 23, 2013 38 Comments

These events don’t seem to be on Representative Carney’s website yet (or I just bypassed them), but he is holding two Town Meetings to talk about the deficit. From his Facebook page:

Want to discuss ways of reducing the federal deficit? I’m hosting two town hall meetings, in coordination with the Concord Coalition, on January 31st to get your thoughts and ideas. We’ll be at Wesley College in Dover from 1 – 2:30 and at Delaware Tech’s Stanton campus from 6:30 – 8:00. These meetings are open to the public, but seating is limited, so please RSVP by calling (302) 691-7333 or (877) 899-7872.

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