
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Sunday Open Thread [12.16.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 16, 2012 8 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [12.16.12]

It’s Sunday, the Eagles are not playing (Go Ravens!) and many of us are still outraged, grieving and otherwise engaged with making sense of a country where freedom seems to mean being free to endure the mayhem of others.

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Saturday Open Thread [12.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 15, 2012 12 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [12.15.12]

So how about some content for this thread? Once again, thanks so much to everyone who came out to celebrate the holidays with us last night. It really is fun to see all of you, and so great to know that we have such generous readers.

Everyone will have the shootings in CT on their minds for awhile now. I see lots of energy about pushing for a conversation about guns in our so-called civilized society. What I do know is that we won’t be able to claim the mantle of being “civilized” until the lives of our children are more valuable than our guns. It is odd that we are more ready to defend the right to “bear arms” at the expense of any right to the safety of your kids. That said, this is an interesting Twitter exchange with Rupert Murdoch:

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Dear Santa — More of This Please in 2013!

Filed in National by on December 12, 2012 3 Comments

The “fiscal cliff” negotiations (or at least they will be when the Republicans show up) have gone through a media roller coaster — they’re talking, they’re dealing, Medicare is on the table, Medicare of off of the table, they’re not talking, they’re not dealing, they are at an impass. The current story seems to be that Boehner still can’t get the President to negotiate with himself and Boehner still can’t get his caucus under control. But watching this has produced some satisfying optics. Optics don’t get you to good governing, but it is a pleasure to see Democrats playing offense for a change.

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The Coolest Poll of the Year

Filed in National by on December 12, 2012 0 Comments

Public Policy Polling was the third most accurate polling outfit this cycle (Behind Ipsos/Reuters and YouGov, according to this study). An awesome showing by a Democratic-leaning group that is making its name on delivering good data, rather than trying to move the news cycle. (Rasmussen came in 14th, so how about those false equivalency apples?) So who could blame them for taking their victory lap by providing a new comprehensive poll on Americans’ thoughts on Christmas?

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Late Night Video — EXXON Hates Your Children

Filed in National by on December 11, 2012 11 Comments

The Other 98% has created this ad that sounds as though it will air nationally next week. It is meant to point out the absurdity of giving EXXON $10B in taxpayer subsidies while climate change is making itself felt. It also helps that this is circulating during the “fiscal cliff” BS — if John Boehner is looking for cuts to save money, here is one to start with.

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Privatizing the Port of Wilmington

Filed in Delaware by on December 10, 2012 17 Comments

If you’ve been following the NJ over the past few weeks, they’ve done a couple of stories on work that Diamond State Corporation (the entity that runs the port for taxpayers) and DEDO have been doing to try to privatize (or get a private partner — not so sure of the difference between the two) the operations of the Port of Wilmington. Much of this discussion is being held outside of the public eye, something that should concern every taxpayer. Without public scrutiny or input, Diamond State has hired a management/financial consultant, put out a solicitation, received responses, shortlisted two potential investors (one a local group, the other not) and made a selection — Kinder Morgan.

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Imagine if Head of MSNBC Had Done This

Filed in National by on December 4, 2012 14 Comments

Bob Woodward reported in the Washington Post yesterday that Roger Ailes had approached General David Petraeus with some political career advice:

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Discharge Petition is Filed

Filed in National by on December 4, 2012 12 Comments

Nancy Pelosi. Giving no quarter as the petition is filed. For my money, this woman is not involved enough in the business of congressional governing. Do I have to say more? You can see progress on who has signed this petition here. I presume that they will refresh that list as Representatives sign on. You can see her introduce this here:

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Nate Silver Thinks POLITICO’s Political Coverage Is Dumb

Filed in National by on December 2, 2012 2 Comments

As reported in a bunch of places, Nate Silver gave an interview with Bill Simmons over at Grantland and he responded to a question about Politico’s misguided dismissal of him and his prediction methodology. From the Business Insider:

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Sunday Open Thread [12.2.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 2, 2012 8 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [12.2.12]

Sorry about no Open Thread yesterday, gang. It is 18 days until the Mayan-predicted End of the World, so I think we all in prep mode.

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QOTD — Should Sandra Fluke Be Considered as Time’s Person of the Year?

Filed in National by on November 30, 2012 31 Comments

She’s in Time’s finalist group (sorry, this is presented as serious click bait) — a group that included Gabby Douglas, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Sheldon Adelson (!?), Paul Ryan (!?), Joe Biden, The Higgs-Boson, Malala Yousafzai , among others. Conservatives are having fits that Fluke is included, with this bit being fairly representative:

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QOTD 2 — Lunch with Obama and Romney, What Do You Think They Will Talk About?

Filed in National by on November 29, 2012 6 Comments

Today, President Obama and failed Presidential candidate Mitt Romney are having a private lunch. During his acceptance speech on Election Night, President Obama noted that he would meet with Mitt to see if there is a way forward together. One of the things I like the best about Barack Obama is how easily graceful he […]

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QOTD — Who Should Be In Obama’s Second Term Cabinet?

Filed in National by on November 29, 2012 7 Comments

So we know that there will be some departures from the first term — Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner is out; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is out (after doing a spectacular job); Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta; Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank (acting); Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar; Press Secretary Jay Carney; Attorney General Eric Holder (maybe not going for a year or so) look like they are at the top of the list to go. Other possibilities include:

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