
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Tuesday Open Thread [11.13.2012]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 13, 2012 23 Comments

It is now one week since Election Day and there are still races out there that have not been called. Check these out and tell us what you think.

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John Scalzi Has A Few Words for the White Folk Freaking Out Over 4 More Years

Filed in National by on November 12, 2012 14 Comments

What I really wish I could do is to ignore Fair Use and just repost the entire damn thing here. But to refresh, John Scalzi is the author of my Favorite Political Blog Post of All Time, and runs the blog Whatever, where he hold forth taunting the untauntable. Scalzi has provided some thoughts on the election, specifically directed to the white people in End Stage Freakout over the President’s win. Go over right now and read his entire post — Some Quick and Final Post-Election Notes to Some But Not All White Men.

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President Obama Speaks at Arlington National Cemetery in Honor of Veterans

Filed in National by on November 11, 2012 0 Comments

Many thanks to our veterans for doing all we asked of them and (don’t take this the wrong way) that we need a lot less of the services of those who sign up in the future.

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Apparently This is How Low the Bar Is Set for Republicans

Filed in National by on November 10, 2012 20 Comments

The 31 Worst People On the Planet Just go over there and see what passes for acceptable commentary by thse folks on Twitter in response to the President’s win on Tuesday. Just click on the link — I won’t replicate any of that here.

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QOTD — What Story Do These Maps Tell You?

Filed in National by on November 10, 2012 21 Comments
QOTD — What Story Do These Maps Tell You?

Just look.

Some more self evident maps inside.

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The Economy Speech — President Obama Speaks Live at 1:05 Today

Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 20 Comments

President Obama is speaking today at 1:05 about the economy and (presumably) about the so-called “fiscal cliff” that will roll back the Bush tax cuts and implement serious cuts to several government agencies (including the DOD). Remember throughout all of this — the GOP and their Democratic deficit hawks have been publicly hand wringing about too much spending and too big deficits. Just letting these two things happen put a substantial dent into both. That’s just basic math. There’s not many hints as to where President Obama will take this conversation, but there are some hints.

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Late Night Video — Rachel Maddow Delivers the Beat Down on the Tea Party

Filed in National by on November 8, 2012 3 Comments

Most of you have probably seen this, but Rachel Maddow provides a tour de force of a summing up of the entire Tea Party dogma that was smacked back on Tuesday. This is about 16 minutes long.

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Late Night Video — Obama’s Anger Translator – Victory!

Filed in National by on November 7, 2012 0 Comments

This is from Key & Peele, who do a recurring skit featuring Obama and his imaginary designated Anger Translator — Luther. These two have a message at the end of this crazy campaign season:

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Filed in National by on November 6, 2012 21 Comments

Waiting with DD, LG, xstryker for Rmoney’s concession speech at the Queen. Seriously this is a sweet win.  Can’t wait for President Obama to speak and for these CNN people to shut up.

Tell us of your first sighting of the “we need to be more conservative” excuse.


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Morning Election Day Open Thread [11.6.12]

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on November 6, 2012 30 Comments

The day is finally here. You are probably still hearing from campaigns and some of you are still working for a few. Use this thread to post your observations of what is happening at your polling place, what you hear happening in Delaware or anywhere in the country.

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Late Night Video — Chris Rock’s Message for Undecided White Voters

Filed in National by on November 4, 2012 2 Comments

Put down all liquids before you watch this. And a special message to FBH — No. This doesn’t count as racist, either.

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Saturday Open Thread [11.3/12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 3, 2012 29 Comments

Last weekend before the election! Lots of folks I know are out on the final canvas — off to PA to knock on doors for Obama or here walking for local candidates. What are you doing this weekend to get your favorite candidates elected?

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Late Night Video — Emergency Private Sector Alert System

Filed in National by on November 2, 2012 1 Comment

From the great Mark Fiore — this is not a test!

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