
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Study: Republicans HAVE Gotten More Conservative

Filed in National by on April 14, 2012 2 Comments
Study:  Republicans HAVE Gotten More Conservative

Surprise, right? Except this time it is backed up by political science research that shows pretty clearly the steady rightward shift of the GOP. Look at this graph (click for a larger version):

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3rd Worst State for Fraud

Filed in Delaware by on April 13, 2012 8 Comments

hat would be Delaware, and the kind of fraud that is being compared here is consumer fraud: identity theft, mortgage fraud, debt collection fraud and other types of scams focused on consumers. Only Florida and Colorado are worse, according to this piece from 24/7 Wall Street. New Jersey is ranked 10th, with Washington, Georgia, Virginia, Arizona, and Maryland ranked 9th through 6th. The stats for Delaware:

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I’m Crazy and I’m Right

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012 1 Comment

In honor of Santorum leaving the GOP race and finally letting Multiple Choice Mitt say YES to the GOP dress, here is this fun bit from the Bad Lip Reading Crew:

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Hearings Today on the DART Plan to Move the Rodney Square Bus Hub

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2012 7 Comments

Those hearings are at 11:30AM and at 5PM at the Carvel Building in downtown Wilmington. The current DART plan remove all of the bus stops at Rodney Square and then scatter them around on King, French, Shipley, Ninth and 12th streets. Which makes it very difficult for people to transfer between lines and provides a real disincentive for people to use the buses.

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A Look at How Red State Welfare Queens Operate

Filed in National by on April 8, 2012 39 Comments

Texas is one of those places that personify the whole Red State BS — lots of bluster, belligerence and general bellicosity on being self-reliant, not feeding at the government trough and all of that other hooey about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and not relying on the government.  Bloomburg has a great article called, Texas-Sized Safety Net Supports County Voting 83% Against Obama.

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Arizona Criminalizes On-Line Flame Wars

Filed in National by on March 31, 2012 35 Comments

You read that right. Arizona H.B. 2549 would make it a crime to be lewd or annoying on the Internets. This bill is on the Governor’s desk for signature. And isn’t interesting that these wingnuts have found one more bit of the Constitution that they want to undermine?

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Friday Open Thread [3.30.2012]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 30, 2012 16 Comments

Sorry gang!  Not sure what happened here, but use this as your daily Open Thread.  Today’s point and laugh moment comes from the champions of point and laugh:

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This is How Overturning Citizens’ United Starts

Filed in National by on March 28, 2012 5 Comments

States and towns all over the US are taking to their legislatures and city councils to call for the repeal of Citizens’ United — to remove the corporate personhood fiction and to prioritize the voices of non-Corporate Americans in the political process:

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Insurance Commissioner Debate Tomorrow!

Filed in National by on March 25, 2012 27 Comments

The first (I think!) Insurance Commissioner Candidate Forum will be held this Monday among the current officially filed Democratic candidates for the office:

Insurance Commissioner Candidate Forum
Monday March 26th, 2012
7:00 pm
Marbrook Elementary School
2101 Centerville Road
Wilmington, DE

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Late Night Video — Mississippi Conservatives And Their Delusions About President Obama

Filed in National by on March 20, 2012 2 Comments

….and their delusions about the government. This is remarkably sad to watch:

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Delaware Gets a C- on the Corruption Risk Report Card

Filed in National by on March 20, 2012 7 Comments

The State Integrity Investigation has conducted a year-long study of the effectiveness (or even existence) of each state’s laws and operating procedures in place to deter corruption and promote government accountability and openness. This report is done and published as of yesterday (19 March 2012) and Delaware gets an overall grade of C-, ranked #22 in terms of least corruption risk out of all 50 states. The state that came in the best? That would be New Jersey, with a grade of B+. Take a look at Delaware’s report card:

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REMINDER — DL Interviews Mitch Crane!

Filed in National by on March 15, 2012 0 Comments

DL is really proud to announce this one — we will be interviewing Insurance Commissioner candidate Mitch Crane this Thursday at 4:45pm. And we’re doing it live! THAT’S TODAY, so get your questions ready.

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The Delaware DREAM Act Introduced Today

Filed in Delaware by on March 14, 2012 39 Comments

This is very positive news — Senator Robert Marshall and Rep. Helene Keeley (or Rep Joe Miro according to the NJ) are the lead sponsors on a bill announced today at the LACC that would allow undocumented children to qualify for in-state college tuition rates and scholarships. If it gets passed, Delaware would be the 12th state that would level the playing field for these children.

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