
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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BREAKING: President Obama to Reject Keystone Pipeline Permit

Filed in National by on January 18, 2012 7 Comments

At least, that is what Politico (I know) is reporting.

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Zombie Casino Alert! Part III (or the New Legislative Session Episode)

Filed in National by on January 15, 2012 4 Comments

This morning’s NJ has a great piece of reporting from Chad Livengood and Doug Denison, detailing the current state of Delaware’s casino industry as well as the current positions a number of our politicians have staked out on how to best support this industry.

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Biden As VP in 2012?

Filed in National by on January 9, 2012 18 Comments

That is the question considered by Bill Keller in the Sunday NYT.

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City of Wilmington Mayoral Cattle Call — New Year 2012 Edition

Filed in Delaware by on January 9, 2012 16 Comments
City of Wilmington Mayoral Cattle Call — New Year 2012 Edition

The new year sees some firming up of plans for this race, and there has been some intersting movement since the last time we did this, in the Fall. For those of you following the broader narrative, you can see the first Cattle Call from 2010.

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The Rap Guide to Evolution

Filed in Science and Health by on January 7, 2012 3 Comments

According to the artist — this may be the first peer reviewed rap album ever.

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Pew’s Political Typology 2011

Filed in National by on December 21, 2011 14 Comments

A new poll! But this is one you take to see where you stand politically on a new political typology developed by (or maybe refined by) the people at the Pew Center for People and the Press. This is meant to get beyond the labels of red and Blue.

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Late Night Video — It’s Beginning to Look Alot Like Gingrich!

Filed in National by on December 16, 2011 0 Comments

This is very funny and very clever, even though Gingrich’s support seems to be crashing (at least in Iowa)

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BCBSD vs. Delaware Kids

Filed in National by on December 7, 2011 2 Comments

Yesterday’s NJ reported on the issues to be discussed in a hearing held last night in front of the Insurance Commissioner on a rate application that would attempt to charge Delaware kids more for subsidized insurance than they charge (via Highmark) in Pennsylvania. The bottom line here is that BCBSD/Highmark is trying to weasel out of a commitment required by law to cover these families in the way that Highmark covers families in Pennsylvania. It looks to me that they agreed to this when their merger was still not yet approved and now that it looks like a done deal they want to back out of it.

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In Which We Find Karen Weldin Stewart Abandoning Delaware Consumers Again

Filed in Delaware by on December 6, 2011 45 Comments

Back in June, we discussed the actions of KWS to apply for waivers from the medical cost ratio rule for two insurance companies so that they can continue to pay commissions to brokers and sales agents. Since then, HHS has finalized its rule that requires that the costs to pay premiums or other support to brokers and sales agents be categorized as Administrative Costs and therefore included to the maximum 20% overhead allowed by the ACA. Delaware’s own Insurance Commissioner voted in a recent NAICS action to vote on a resolution that recommends that Congress exempt the fees insurance agents and brokers from medical loss ratio calculations (pdf) and that HHS revive their rulemaking to exclude brokers and agents from the the administrative costs of insurance companies.

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Late Night Video — The Cain Train Wreck

Filed in National by on December 4, 2011 2 Comments

This weekend’s news has been fascinated with the suspension of Herman Cain’s fake bid for the White House. Fake, because he was just opening a campaign HQ this weekend and still hasn’t actually staffed up to properly compete in either Iowa or NH. He *has* been furiously fundraising, selling books and managing his profile. Much like the Alaska grifter and all of the other GOP grifters looking for their pipeline of wingnut welfare, Herman was alot of sound and fury, signifiying nothing. Which ultimately qualified him to be the GOP frontrunner for one New York minute. And that “suspending” business seems to mean that Herman can still raise money.

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Paul Calistro Announces for Mayor of Wilmington

Filed in Delaware by on November 28, 2011 34 Comments

Paul Calistro told friends and supporters over this holiday weekend that he was definitely IN as a candidate for the Mayor of Wilmington for 2012.

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Black Friday Open Thread [11.25.11]

Filed in National by on November 25, 2011 9 Comments
Black Friday Open Thread [11.25.11]

On your Black Friday open thread, tell us about the deals you scored, the leftovers you are making or the laughing you are doing at the shoppers or the people working out leftovers strategies.

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Black Friday Long Reading Links

Filed in National by on November 25, 2011 11 Comments

With any luck, you got to sleep in late and indulge in a pot of coffee and maybe biscuits and gravy for breakfast. If you are having a fairly leisurely day (or need something to read on your iPad while waiting for your loved ones to emerge with their Black Friday haul) here you go:

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