
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Filed in National by on March 7, 2011 1 Comment

The Center for American Progress has put together a great infographic putting into context the policy choices at hand in an economic environment where we have a government hell bent on putting taxpayer dollars into the pockets of wealthy people and corporations — at the expense of the people who have been hurt the most by current economic conditions:

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Weekend Read March 5 Edition

Filed in National by on March 5, 2011 12 Comments

Today is probably a good day to start cleaning up your yard. Certainly *I* should do that, but there is other stuff going on too, like a panel discussion on the potential for a City of Wilmington School District (from 9AM til noon at the Carvel State Office Building Auditorium), the spring Household Hazardous Waste event (at Frawley Stadium) and the Delaware Home Show at the Chase Center.

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How to Make Work/Life Balance Work

Filed in National by on March 4, 2011 2 Comments

This is a Ted talk by Nigel Marsh (runs about 10 minutes). He is the author of a couple of books, but this is the first time I’ve seen him. This talk is funny and very, very wise — something for all of us to think about over the weekend:

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Elizabeth Warren on the Assault on Middle Class Families

Filed in National by on March 3, 2011 1 Comment

As always, right on target. And she discusses how the new Consumer Protection Agency does not add to the deficit, showing how silly the repubs are being on this issue.

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Hollowing Out of the American Middle Class

Filed in National by on February 26, 2011 38 Comments
Hollowing Out of the American Middle Class

Rather than rely on one of our commenter’s recitation of the arguments of his overseers, let’s take a look at *real data* that shows how squeezed Middle Class Americans are:

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Another BushCo Iraq War Lie — Mobile Bioweapons Labs Edition

Filed in National by on February 15, 2011 1 Comment

It is completely amazing to me that the British press is still working to figure out how we got duped into the Iraq war. Part of this, of course, is that there have been multiple official inquiries that have been revealing the timelines, the decisions taken and the ways that the world was suckered into […]

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How the World Sees Us

Filed in National by on February 5, 2011 2 Comments

…at least via our right wingnut crazies.

This hit my mailbox ALOT over the past few days, and I cringed every time I saw it: Middle East unrest according to Glenn Beck and friends. The Guardian rounds up a the crazy, the stupid and the dangerous of the Wingnut-o-Sphere, and you should go over there to see it all.

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The Achilles Heel(s) of Job Creation in 2011

Filed in National by on February 3, 2011 1 Comment
The Achilles Heel(s) of Job Creation in 2011

ADP has released its January payroll data today, showing an estimated addition of 187,000 private sector jobs. The usual suspects are forecasting that this Friday’s Labor Department employment number for January will be 140,000. Neither of these numbers shows anywhere near adequate job growth, but it is some growth.

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February 3 — Call Beau Biden to Demand Tougher Penalties for Mortgage Fraud (EDIT)

Filed in National by on February 2, 2011 7 Comments

If you’ve been following the foreclosure mess, you know that last year, with promises by some AGs that people would go to jail. That effort into large scale investigations seems to be dead in the water, while banks remain free to continue their bad practices.

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ACA Repeal Stunt Amendment Fails in Senate Tonight

Filed in National by on February 2, 2011 29 Comments

The GOP brought up their amendment to repeal the ACA on a bill meant to reauthorize the FAA. It failed pretty spectacularly — largely because the GOP amendment didn’t propose a way to *pay* the $1+ trillion cost of repeal.

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Paying China First

Filed in National by on January 31, 2011 4 Comments

In a nutshell, that seems to be forming up as the GOP plan to avoid defaulting on the US debt if there is no agreement on the debt ceiling.

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Senator Coons’ First Floor Address in the Senate

Filed in Delaware by on January 30, 2011 1 Comment

Chris Coons gave his first floor speech on the Senate floor this past Thursday, on the subject of reviving and supporting the manufacturing sector in the US

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Senator Coons Discusses the SOTU Address

Filed in National by on January 29, 2011 3 Comments

This video is from C-SPAN, where he also responds to callers:

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