
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Pinpointing the Causes of the Financial Meltdown

Filed in National by on January 26, 2011 16 Comments

Just as everyone is trying to digest the SOTU and the sideshows that were the Republican responses, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission is releasing its findings and they find that this meltdown was completely avoidable.

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Governor’s State of the State Address Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 20, 2011 20 Comments

Governor Jack Markell will be delivering the yearly State of the State address from Leg Hall starting at 2pm today.

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Forbes Magazine Says the Health Care Act is Actually Working

Filed in National by on January 18, 2011 18 Comments

As Ezra Klein notes this morning, the health care bill is being redebated this morning, not being repealed. Whatever the House does to try to repeal the Act today or tomorrow will definitely die in the Senate, so remember that as you listen to the sound and fury. Sound and fury that is already useless and a waste of tax dollars. And one that doesn’t do anything to create a job, heal the economy or even to reduce the deficit.

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Watching the CRI Working Hard for Their Climate Change Denier Merit Badge

Filed in Delaware by on January 6, 2011 4 Comments

Required, apparently, for full participation in the Wingularity.

Again, via Tommywonk, we learn that CRI (and their Director of Center for Energy Competitiveness, David T. Stephenson) have been posting up their promised *discussions* of the so-called flawed foundations of Delaware’s Energy policy. There are three new missives today:

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If We Had A Real Think Tank In Delaware…

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011 3 Comments
If We Had A Real Think Tank In Delaware…

…they’d be working overtime to make sure that this comes to fruition:

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In Which We Find the CRI Beginning their Astroturf Campaign In Favor of Dirty Energy

Filed in Delaware by on January 5, 2011 10 Comments
In Which We Find the CRI Beginning their Astroturf Campaign In Favor of Dirty Energy

First place to go to get up to speed on this is Tommywonk’s place, where he notes that they are retreating to that tried and true tactic of basically just making shit up.

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In Which We Find the NJ Editorial Page Becoming !@#$% My Dad Says

Filed in Delaware by on January 4, 2011 3 Comments

Take a look at some of the serial Conventional Wisdom atrocities from the curmudgeons at the NJ Editorial Board.

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Wilmington Cutbacks of Police and Firefighters

Filed in Delaware by on January 4, 2011 6 Comments
Wilmington Cutbacks of Police and Firefighters

Since September or so, there has been an ongoing drama in the City of Wilmington over a $5M budget shortfall and extensive budget cuts that have included the layoff of police officers and firefighters. There is a great deal about this story that is pretty dysfunctional (including how revenues suddenly went very soft shortly after the City’s budget was approved), but these first responders own some part of this dysfunction.

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Want a Better Informed Public? Start by Not Using Fox and MSNBC in the Same Sentence

Filed in National by on January 3, 2011 6 Comments

via TVNewser, we find media executive Larry Kramer opining that it is Fox News and MSNBC that are major contributors to a less informed but more opinionated public.

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More GOP Hypocrisy on Earmarks!

Filed in National by on December 10, 2010 2 Comments

Surprise, surprise, surprise

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Fear is the Mindkiller — The Complete Failure of John McCain

Filed in National by on December 6, 2010 3 Comments

This video is a compendium from Think Progress of John McCain’s performance last week during one of the hearings on ending DADT.

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When Conventional Wisdom Rules and Even Leaves the NJ Confused

Filed in Delaware by on December 4, 2010 1 Comment

If you’ve been reading the NJ Editorial page over the past week or so (I know, I know), you will find that the Editorials are still filled with the usual (and lazy) conventional wisdom, but you will have also noticed that this CW leaves them endorsing multiple competing positions. Take a look: Extend Bush Tax […]

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30 Media Heroes

Filed in National by on November 30, 2010 6 Comments

Having some fun with the Salon Hack 30 list, Greg Mitchell over at The Nation challenged his readers to create the 30 Media Heroes list.

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