
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Well, THAT Didn’t Take Long

Filed in National by on November 24, 2010 9 Comments

Seriously — I’m thinking that that the GOP is going to have a float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade called the Hypocrisy Brigade.  NOW, what?, you are asking.  Earmarks!

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What Tax Cuts for the Rich Will Buy

Filed in National by on November 21, 2010 23 Comments

Courtesy of that delightful brawler from Florida, who takes to the house floor to demonstrate in detail what an extension of tax cuts for the wealthy will buy. Pay attention to the end, where he shows that all of the borrowed money Republicans plan to borrow and hand over to rich people could directly employ alot of currently out of work people.

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In Which We Find Paul Clark Crossing His Fingers Behind His Back

Filed in Delaware by on November 20, 2010 14 Comments

Yesterday, commenter jpconnerjr linked to the NJ article about Paul Clark showily rolling out his “firewall” that is supposed to resolve the potential conflict of interest issues inherent in having the NCCo County executive married to the favorite land use attorneys of NCCo developers.

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Fake Objectivity

Filed in National by on November 18, 2010 12 Comments

Not sure how many of you have been following the fallout from Keith Olbermann’s suspension from MSNBC. There has been Ted Koppel getting the vapors over the loss of objectivity and waxing nostalgic over perfectly objective times gone by. Or how about Howard Kurtz trotting out some of the tick tock on the MSNBC/Olbermann war.

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In Which We Find the CRI Making Stuff Up Again To Try To Scare People

Filed in National by on November 14, 2010 31 Comments

Seriously — they are actually PAYING money for their bullshit. And the new bullshit is today’s amateurish hand-wringing about Delaware’s debt situation and how apparently this is supposed to be a sword of Damocles for state Democrats by the CRI’s resident economist. An economist who apparently aspires to be the local version of the Laffer curve guy.

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This Is How Its Done

Filed in National by on November 12, 2010 23 Comments

As anon notes in today’s Open Thread, Nancy Pelosi was on NPR Morning Edition this AM, discussing the path forward.

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Rally with the Vice President on Monday in Wilmington

Filed in National by on October 31, 2010 55 Comments

This is cool. Vice President Biden will be in Wilmington rallying for the statewide Democratic candidates. See here for more details and to RSVP. Gates open at 3:45, expect airport-like security, and you are probably best off just bringing your cell phone or camera and leaving everything else. H. Fletcher Brown Park is at Market […]

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What the Heck Is Going On In This Picture?

Filed in Delaware by on October 30, 2010 9 Comments
What the Heck Is Going On In This Picture?

These signs have been side by side at 4th and Jackson (across from St.Paul’s) for almost 2 weeks, I think. I can’t tell if this is commentary or just apocalyptic:

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New Chris Coons Ad — Twilight

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2010 5 Comments

Saw this new ad from the Coons campaign on Facebook earlier today — highlighting the crackpot *career* of his opponent, while refocusing on his own career achievements.

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Details Are For Elitists!

Filed in National by on October 19, 2010 7 Comments

This awesome video features the political model (and likely the future fake husband of) Christine O’Donnell. Actually, this is probably the model for all of the crop of teajadis and wannabe teajadis out there:

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Turn Off Fox

Filed in National by on October 19, 2010 16 Comments

The Color of Change have set themselves a new goal — getting people to ask businesses and others with public TVs to encourage businesses and other public places to Turn Off Fox. CoC has been remarkably effective in getting most of Glenn Beck’s advertisers to abandon ship, and no they want places who leave FOX up on the TV to become Fox Free.

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It Would NOT Be OK If A Democrat Did This

Filed in National by on October 18, 2010 8 Comments

You’ve probably read already how the teatard candidate for AK-Sen had his hired security guards handcuff and detain — at a public event — a local blogger who wanted ask Miller about some questionable bits about his employment with the Fairbanks North Star Borough. But if you look around the intertubes today, you can see […]

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The Rules of Lying in American Politics

Filed in National by on October 17, 2010 7 Comments

Or….how to lie without the media scrutinizing those lies.

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