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Friday Open Thread [7.3.15]

Filed in National by on July 3, 2015 14 Comments
Friday Open Thread [7.3.15]

David Russell:

Like all mood changes that take place in a mass society, it takes a great deal of groundswell for there to be any uprising that forces government to change. The cycle we are in has been 40 years in the making. The Republican Party has been masterful in using culture war wedge issues as a means of attracting and distracting voters, while they used their time in office to repeatedly pass legislation that favored business over workers and downshifted costs to individuals, which accelerated the erosion of stagnant wages. They have smugly gone about the business of enriching themselves and their sponsors, comfortable in the knowledge that Americans are largely uninformed and do not pay attention to the details of the legislative process.

This time around, however, the evolution of the Republicans will come too late for them to maintain the control they have had over their base. As the party is forced to shift away from cultural issues, it will become increasingly clear that the Republican stance on economics has not benefitted small business, as they claim; it has not benefited American families, as they claim; it has not benefitted students; and it has not benefitted workers. However, the Republican stance has uniformly and consistently disadvantaged the working American under the guise of “unwarranted government welfare,” “freedom to chose,” and “liberty from government interference.”

As that reality is broadcast by an increasingly progressive Democratic Party, combined with a president who only recently realized that he could display his liberal side, economic issues will continue to erode the Republican Party’s control over the public it seeks to attract.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [7.3.15]

Filed in National by on July 3, 2015 0 Comments

A horse farm on Bohemia Mill Road in Middletown, DE.

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Thursday Open Thread [7.2.15]

Filed in National by on July 2, 2015 8 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [7.2.15]

“For Democrats, Donald Trump amounts to a kind of divine intervention. With the Republican Party on an urgent mission to woo Latino voters, one of its leading presidential candidates has been enmeshed for two weeks in a nasty feud over his inflammatory comments about Mexican immigrants,” the Washington Post reports.

“The comments — and many more since — have prompted an uproar among Latino groups and acrimonious breakups between Trump and various corporate partners. His outlandish rhetoric and skill at occupying the national spotlight are also proving to be dangerously toxic for the GOP brand, which remains in the rehabilitation stage after losing the 2012 presidential race.”

The New York Times says that the “Democrats relish the situation.” I am always a more “be careful what you wish for person.” I remember when everyone wanted that idiot Bush junior to run because he could be easily beatable. But then again, there is always the Christine O’Donnell Factor: sometimes you are just so fucking crazy that no one will vote for you.

Meanwhile, in our polling results, Hillary Clinton absolutely destroys all Republicans in a new poll. We are talking 45 state landslide take back the House and Senate margins.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [7.2.15]

Filed in National by on July 2, 2015 0 Comments

The view of Iron Hill with Newark in between from the walking trail on the reservoir on Old Paper Mill Road.

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Wednesday Open Thread [7.1.15]

Filed in National by on July 1, 2015 1 Comment
Wednesday Open Thread [7.1.15]

I’m busy compiling the final Vote Tracker for the year to recap the final day of the legislative session for the General Assembly. So have at it.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [7.1.15]

Filed in National by on July 1, 2015 1 Comment

The Ukrainian Festival at the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church on Lea Blvd and Miller Road in Wilmington.

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Tuesday Open Thread [6.30.15]

Filed in National by on June 30, 2015 5 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [6.30.15]

We have a lot of polling information that I collected over the last 10 days while I was doing battle with man-eating sharks in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, so here goes….

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [6.30.15]

Filed in National by on June 30, 2015 0 Comments

Comes the "Kathleen."

Comes the “Kathleen” by Mike Mahaffie on Flickr.

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Monday Open Thread [6.29.15]

Filed in National by on June 29, 2015 3 Comments
Monday Open Thread [6.29.15]

I’m back from vacation, and it looks like my 10 day departure from political world were ten days of great political consequence that forever made this country a more progressive place. The lesson here is that I should go on vacation more often.

Ed Kilgore at the Washington Monthly:

It would be hard to identify a recent day in the more saturated with “history” than Friday, June 26. You had an epochal marriage equality decision from the U.S. Supreme Court, still echoing from its decision the day before rejecting what could have been a traumatic and politically overwhelming challenge to the Affordable Care Act. down in Charleston, the President of the United States–you know, that secular socialist–delivered a eulogy at the funeral of slain pastor/politician Clementa Pinckney that (I can assure you from my correspondence) made cold-blooded political analysts weep and atheists murmur the lyrics to Amazing Grace.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [6.29.15]

Filed in National by on June 29, 2015 0 Comments

This photo is from the wonderful photography of Nick McNevich. McNevich’s work was recently featured in the News Journal. McNevich is also part of the CreateInWilm Facebook community, which is a cooperative group of artists, photographers, and craftspeople dedicated to bringing change to the city of Wilmington through art and expression.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [6.28.15]

Filed in National by on June 28, 2015 1 Comment

This photo is from the wonderful photography of Nick McNevich. McNevich’s work was recently featured in the News Journal. McNevich is also part of the CreateInWilm Facebook community, which is a cooperative group of artists, photographers, and craftspeople dedicated to bringing change to the city of Wilmington through art and expression.

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Saturday Open Thread [6.27.15]

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 27, 2015 7 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [6.27.15]

Seriously? Multiple choice Mitt is reported by the WaPo to be gathering his team to get into the Presidential race for 2016.

In the conversations, Romney said he is intent on running to the right of Bush, who also is working vigorously to court donors and other party establishment figures for a 2016 bid. Romney has tried to assure conservatives that he shares their views on immigration and tax policy — and that should he enter the race, he will not forsake party orthodoxy.

To the RIGHT of Jeb Bush. As if that part of the Clown Car isn’t already overflowing.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [6.27.15]

Filed in National by on June 27, 2015 0 Comments

This photo is from the wonderful photography of Nick McNevich. McNevich’s work was recently featured in the News Journal. McNevich is also part of the CreateInWilm Facebook community, which is a cooperative group of artists, photographers, and craftspeople dedicated to bringing change to the city of Wilmington through art and expression.

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