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The October 20, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 20, 2016 7 Comments

The key tell of the evening: A smiling ectastic Hillary leaves the stage and hugs her daughter and then proceeds to stay and shake hands with all the guests. A dour Trump remained behind his podium until Clinton left the stage (so as to avoid shaking hands with her) and then waiting on stage, looking grim and tired, until his family came up onto the stage to see him. And then he left immediately.

She absolutely destroyed him. And then he destroyed himself. Yes, he gave relatively calm and coherent, although reprehensible, answers in the first 30 minutes. But all it took for him to go off the rails was minor needling by Hillary about his Vegas Trump Tower being made of Chinese steel, his choking in Mexico, his hiring of undocumented workers, and his being a puppet for Putin.

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Joe is going to be back on Delaware’s roads with this thing soon

Filed in National by on October 20, 2016 11 Comments


The Secret Service let Vice President of these United States Joe Biden drive his 1967 Corvette when Jay Leno turned up, and the first thing he does is a glorious American burnout.

In a tweeted preview of the upcoming season of Jay Leno’s Garage, Jay shows up to the Secret Service’s training grounds to meet up with Vice President Joe Biden and his 1967 Corvette that he isn’t usually allowed to drive.

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The Daily Delawhere – October 20, 2016

Filed in National by on October 20, 2016 0 Comments


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The October 19, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 19, 2016 23 Comments
The October 19, 2016 Thread

Politico on how low will Trump go tonight: “Last time Trump suggested Clinton was the devil, said she had ‘hate in her heart’ and paraded Bill Clinton’s accusers in front of the debate stage. And that was ten days ago, when he was doing better in the polls.”

The only thing that is left is the Clinton Murders. He will accuse her of murder.

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The Daily Delawhere – October 19, 2016

Filed in National by on October 19, 2016 0 Comments

Room on the beach for more surf fisherfolk.

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Hensley takes credit for the Infrastructure Funding he voted against.

Filed in National by on October 18, 2016 1 Comment
Hensley takes credit for the Infrastructure Funding he voted against.

In a campaign mailer sent to residents of the 9th District, State Representative Kevin Hensley (R) boasted about securing funding for various projects in the district, adding that “he continues to work throughout the district to address drainage concerns, make infrastructure improvements, and address many other issues…”

This is a curious boast, since Hensley joined his House Republican colleagues last year in uniformly opposing a funding bill (House Bill 140) that will generate more than $300 million in new revenue for much-needed infrastructure projects throughout Delaware. This infrastructure investment has resulted in more than 50 new or previously delayed projects moving forward.

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The October 18, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 18, 2016 10 Comments
The October 18, 2016 Thread

Gerald Seib on the two different strategies for the final debate tomorrow: “It’s not unusual for a debate to take on such meaning. What is unusual is the stark contrast in the strategic choices and motivations facing the two candidates heading into the same event.”

“For Republican Donald Trump, the question is whether the kind of scorched-earth tactics he has employed in the last week—full-bore attacks on his opponent and on the legitimacy of the very system by which presidents are chosen—really translate to his benefit in a debate format.

“For Democrat Hillary Clinton, the question is whether to engage in the fight with Mr. Trump as she did in the last debate, or instead pivot beyond attacks and counterattacks to try to occupy some higher ground in the closing chapter of the campaign.”

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The Daily Delawhere – October 18, 2016

Filed in National by on October 18, 2016 0 Comments

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The October 17, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 17, 2016 102 Comments
The October 17, 2016 Thread

Michael Cohenbegs for an end to the madness.

This take is five days late, but after watching Hillary Clinton at the second presidential debate last Sunday — I am in awe of her. …

Trump called Clinton a liar. He said she had hate in her heart. He told her that if he were president he’d throw her in jail. He talked about the philandering of her husband Bill Clinton and even brought to the debate hall women who’ve accused him of sexual assault. He lied incessantly, about both his own plans and those of Clinton. He sought to intimidate her by looming over her and standing directly behind her as she answered questions. …

And yet, somehow, Hillary Clinton maintained her composure. She didn’t get angry; she didn’t get petulant; she didn’t give Trump a richly deserved slap in the face.

It’s all the more reason to scrap next week’s third and final presidential debate. No person should have to be subjected to what Clinton dealt with on Sunday and, more important, no great democratic nation should be subjected to it either.

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The Daily Delawhere – October 17, 2016

Filed in National by on October 17, 2016 0 Comments

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The October 16, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 16, 2016 2 Comments
The October 16, 2016 Thread

Matt Taibbi on how the GOP came to Trump: “The party spent 50 years preaching rich people bromides like ‘trickle-down economics’ and ‘picking yourself up by your bootstraps’ as solutions to the growing alienation and financial privation of the ordinary voter. In place of jobs, exported overseas by the millions by their financial backers, Republicans glibly offered the flag, Jesus and Willie Horton.”

“In recent years it all went stale. They started to run out of lines to sell the public. Things got so desperate that during the Tea Party phase, some GOP candidates began dabbling in the truth. They told voters that all Washington politicians, including their own leaders, had abandoned them and become whores for special interests. It was a slapstick routine: Throw us bums out!”

“Republican voters ate it up and spent the whole of last primary season howling for blood as Trump shredded one party-approved hack after another. By the time the other 16 candidates finished their mass-suicide-squad routine, a tail-chasing, sewer-mouthed septuagenarian New Yorker was accepting the nomination of the Family Values Party.”

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The Daily Delawhere – October 16, 2016

Filed in National by on October 16, 2016 0 Comments

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The October 15, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 15, 2016 8 Comments
The October 15, 2016 Thread

The New York Times says Trump’s Heated Rhetoric Has No Precedent: “On Thursday and Friday alone, Mr. Trump unleashed a barrage of near-apocalyptic warnings about the potential destruction of the country, broad accusations about the illegitimacy of American democracy, and crude innuendo about his opponent that is almost without precedent in modern presidential history.”

“He warned that Hillary Clinton was conspiring with financiers to destroy American sovereignty, claimed the fate of civilization depended on his victory and ridiculed the appearance of the one of the women accusing him of sexual harassment, while also deriding Mrs. Clinton’s looks and saying she ought to be in prison. He also said the presidential election amounted to ‘a big ugly lie.’”

“While delighting his partisans, Mr. Trump’s rhetorical shooting spree has enraged Democrats and unnerved many Republicans, who believe he is acting out a political death wish.”

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