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Carney, Bonini to debate October 28

Filed in National by on October 11, 2016 24 Comments
Carney, Bonini to debate October 28

Congressman John Carney (D) and State Senator Colin Bonini (R) will have what appears to be their first and only debate at Widener University’s Delaware Law School on Concord Pike in North Wilmington on Friday, October 28th at 8 to 9 a.m. It will be aired live on WDEL, and will also be broadcast on WDEL’s Facebook page via Facebook Live. The public can attend in person at the Ruby R. Vale Moot Courtroom on Wideners’ Delaware campus, but seating is limited to the first 150 people who arrive.

WDEL is taking questions from the public to be asked at the debate. Submit them via Twitter by tweeting at @WDEL.

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Samatha Bee on Republicans fearing the P

Filed in National by on October 11, 2016 1 Comment

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The October 11, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on October 11, 2016 28 Comments
The October 11, 2016 Thread

“Top Democratic strategists are moving to capitalize on the extraordinary events of the last several days, now believing they have a real shot of retaking the House majority after a slew of Republican lawmakers renounced their support of Donald Trump over his lewd comments captured on video,” the Washington Post reports.

“Democrats are working quickly to ensure that no Republican lawmaker who has ever expressed support for their party’s presidential nominee can easily separate themselves from Trump following his 2005 comments about groping and kissing women in unwanted advances.”

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Daily Delawhere — October 11, 2016

Filed in National by on October 11, 2016 0 Comments

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Oliver Unloads on Republican Defectors

Filed in National by on October 10, 2016 2 Comments

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Open Thread for Monday, October 10, 2016

Filed in National by on October 10, 2016 9 Comments
Open Thread for Monday, October 10, 2016

Taegan Goddard: “Trump was completely unprepared. His body language was terrible. He showed he doesn’t even know how a bill becomes a law. He admitted he hasn’t paid federal income taxes for years — and that won’t the headline from tonight.

Considering that backdrop, Clinton did a decent job. She was very smart to stick to audience questions and try to understand their concerns. Rather than needle Trump as she did in the first debate, she mostly tried to ignore him.

Clinton wasn’t perfect. Her answer on her emails was extremely weak. She left many of Trump’s attacks unanswered. But there’s only one candidate seriously running for president at this point. She won the debate hands down. It’s hard to imagine Trump won over even a single voter tonight.”

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Daily Delawhere — October 10, 2016

Filed in National by on October 10, 2016 0 Comments

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Chapman and Spadola are the only Delaware GOP candidates to renounce Trump

Filed in National by on October 9, 2016 3 Comments
Chapman and Spadola are the only Delaware GOP candidates to renounce Trump

While Charlie Copeland is sickened, the implication is that he is still happily voting for Donald Trump, since he did not say otherwise. Only Meredith Chapman and James Spadola have declared that Trump is unfit for the Presidency.

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Open Thread for Sunday, October 9, 2016

Filed in National by on October 9, 2016 20 Comments

Taegan Goddard says the House is now in play.

The bombshell video in which Trump brags about sexual assault forces every Republican candidate to take a stand on Trump. They can either denounce Trump or rescind their endorsements of him. But Republican candidates are in a no-win situation. If they withdraw their endorsements, they risk losing the GOP base that supports Trump. If they continue to endorse him, they risk losing swing voters. Trump has already pushed away many independent and suburban women who are never coming back. The potentially bigger impact of the Trump video is that it will convince many Republicans the election is lost. Turnout of GOP voters may plummet. Many Republicans already thought Trump was going to lose, but if it were close enough the downballot races wouldn’t suffer. Those hopes are blown if Republican voters stay home.

And if Trump withdraws or is somehow removed as nominee, you think Trump voters are turning out? LOL. No. And all these defections from establishment Republicans like John McCain and Condi Rice and Jeb Bush are already pissing off the Trump voter, otherwise known as the Republican base. For example:

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Daily Delawhere — October 9, 2016

Filed in National by on October 9, 2016 0 Comments

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New Rule: America is Great.

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 0 Comments

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Bobby is Pissed. [Update]

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 3 Comments

Robert De Niro doing his part to wake up Americans.

[Update: I removed the Trump tweet as it was from a fake account that fooled me. My apologies.]

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Not Good Enough

Filed in National by on October 8, 2016 13 Comments

Nemski posted this on our Facebook feed:

The Delaware GOP put out this statement:

The Chairman of the Delaware Republican Party released the following statement this evening in response to comments made by Donald Trump: “I was shocked and sickened upon hearing the 12 year old comments made by Mr. Trump prior to an Access Hollywood video shoot. Our Party is better then what we heard today, and we need to demand better from our standard bearer.”

“Delaware Republicans have worked tirelessly to show all citizens that they have a place in our party. We believe that every human being, man or woman, has inherent dignity. We stand by our efforts to promote individual liberty and economic freedom. We will continue our battle to return Delaware to the successes and growth it had under Republican leaders like Pete du Pont and Mike Castle.”

Not good enough, damn it. Simple condemnation is not good enough. It’s not good enough if the party and all its candidates named above are still going to vote for this man for President. The statement must include a withdrawal of support from Donald Trump and pledges that each Republican candidate up and down the ballot in Delaware will not vote for Donald Trump and they encourage every single Delawarean to do the same. Condemning him and then voting for him is accepting and endorsing him.

Remember Republicans, all of you, you are not victims and Donald Trump’s behavior is not shocking. You voted for and nominated this racist, this fascist, this sexist, this misogynist, knowing full well he was all of those things. You did this to yourself and you did this to our country. You all should be ashamed and you all should suffer the consequences, with the consequences being defeat at the ballot box.

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