Delaware Dem
Delaware Dem's Latest Posts
The January 2, 2017 Thread

Washington Post: “Incoming Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) has told Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that Democrats will home in especially on Rex Tillerson, Trump’s choice for secretary of state; Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), his pick for attorney general; Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), tapped to lead the Office of Management and Budget; and Betsy DeVos, selected to serve as education secretary.”
“There’s also Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services and oversee changes to Obamacare, who is expected to be attacked by Democrats for his support for privatizing Medicare. Andrew Puzder, a restaurant executive set to serve as labor secretary, will face scrutiny for past comments on the minimum wage, among other policies. Steve Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs partner set to serve as treasury secretary, and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, Trump’s pick to lead the EPA, will also be the focus of Democratic attacks, aides said.”
The December 31, 2016 Thread

“President Obama will head to Capitol Hill next week to meet with Democratic lawmakers to discuss a strategy to fight the ObamaCare repeal effort,” The Hill reports.
“Obama will hold a joint meeting with House and Senate Democrats at 9 a.m. Wednesday in the Capitol Visitor Center auditorium. The notice for the meeting says the session is expected to last ‘at least one hour.’”
The December 30, 2016 Thread

“The Obama administration struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services,” the New York Times reports.
“The administration also sanctioned four top officers of one of those services, the military intelligence unit known as the G.R.U., which the White House believes ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations.”
“The expulsion of the 35 Russian spies, who were posing as diplomats, was in response to the harassment of American diplomats in Russia, officials said. None of those officials are believed to be connected to the hacking.”
Odds & Ends
I am updating the Blog Roll on the right column. Removing a lot of dead links or dead blogs. If you know of a website that we should add, please let us know in the comments.
Also, we will be having a series of polls over the next week and a half giving final grades to President Obama and Governor Markell, as they both are leaving office. We will also begin doing our approval rating polls of various state and federal officials. Of course, these polls are not scientific, as they are non-random internet polls. They are just for fun.
The December 29, 2016 Thread

Secretary of State John Kerry accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel “of thwarting peace in the Middle East, speaking with a clarity and harshness almost never heard from American diplomats when discussing one of their closest and strongest allies,” the New York Times reports.
“With only 23 days left in his four-year turn as secretary of state, during which he made the search for peace in the Middle East one of his driving missions, Mr. Kerry said the Israeli government was undermining any hope of a two-state solution to its decades-long conflict with the Palestinians.”
Wall Street Journal: “Mr. Kerry’s decision to deliver a broad, hard-hitting speech on the Middle East just three weeks before leaving office reflected the frustration many in the administration say they feel about the failure of peace efforts and the accusation by Israel and some of its Washington allies that President Barack Obama hasn’t been a loyal friend.”
Israel has made the two state solution now realistically impossible due to the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Thus there can only be a one state solution: Israel with both Jewish Israelis, Arab Israelis and Palestinians as residents and citizens. If Israel denies the full rights of citizenship (including voting rights) to the Palestinians and Arab citizens residing within its borders (now including the whole of the West Bank), that means it is a discriminatory Apartheid state that must be opposed by the whole world. Good job Israelis.
Governor-elect Carney’s Inaugural Information

The following is a schedule of the events concerning the Inauguration of Governor John C. Carney and Lt. Governor Bethany A. Hall-Long. Advanced registration is required for all events, and the deadline is January 6, 2017. To RSVP and register for the inaugural events, and for more information about the inauguration, please visit the Carney Inauguration website.
Tip: KWS denied job in Carney Administration, May Run Again in 2020.

From our Tip Line:
No insurance industry publications, nor the WNJ, have so far acknowledged the election of new DE insurance commissioner Trinidad Navarro, who will replace failed incompetent Karen Weldin Stewart. However, she is working hard to stay relevant, including asking John Carney for a job which he of course refused. She was interviewed at the recent national meeting of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in Miami Beach, obviously arranged and bought-and-paid for by one of her cronies, by a representative of international insurance rating agency A.M. Best. […] After the interview, A.M. Best published a big article with a photo of her in which she spouts off about what she sees as the future of Delaware insurance matters and how she would do things. She added she may run again in 2020 [when she will be 74 years old] or become IC in another state, or just hold off on deciding, i.e. “taking a cue from Joe Biden”. Her hubris is breathtaking. No questions about Trini Navarro by the interviewer, nor an acknowledgment from her. This sycophantic crap was inappropriate and unprofessional on the part of A.M. Best, to put it mildly. Looks like you’ll have to deal with this arrogant moron for at least the next four years because she ain’t going away.
I am pretty sure the Wilmington News Journal has acknowledged the election the election of Trinidad Navarro when they reported the election results, both on September 13 and November 8. So I am not sure what that reference is about. As for Insurance Industry publications or the A.M. Best interview, I would have no idea.
But yes, Karen Weldin Stewart should retire from attempts at seeking office. I am sure she will be present at Democratic Party functions and events because she always is. This Baby Boom generation of politicians, whether national or local, sure are clinging to power, aren’t they?
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