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Daily Delawhere for Monday, September 19, 2016

Filed in National by on September 19, 2016 0 Comments

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The Rest of the Statewide Primary Maps

Filed in National by on September 18, 2016 17 Comments


Aside from two inexplicable RDs that George Parrish won in Wilmington, this map shows the perfect north-south divide of the Delaware Republican Party.


I wonder what explains KWS’s downstate wins other than establishment support? Perhaps they had no idea who Trini Navarro was. I was quite surprised at Navarro’s strength in Wilmington.


Lacy spent tons of her own money and campaigned for four years for 1 RD.

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Open Thread for Sunday, September 18, 2016

Filed in National by on September 18, 2016 3 Comments
Open Thread for Sunday, September 18, 2016

Josh Marshall on the Fever Inside:

We’ve now seen one of those days which has become darkly familiar in the year of Trump. Trump is dominated, put on the receiving end of various perceived insults and assaults. In this case, it was being coerced by campaign aides into finally giving up the birther lie – which had to be addressed after the Washington Post interview and which I suspect they feared might blow up one of the debates. That was followed by a series of attacks from Hillary Clinton, a for once emboldened press corps roundly attacking Trump for the content and manner of his “major announcement”, a furious attack from members of the Congressional Black Caucus and a mix of outrage and mockery from everyone from Barack to Michelle.

The response was predictable and rapid.

Trump lives in a psychic economy of aggression and domination. There are dominators and the dominated. No in between. Every attack he receives, every ego injury must be answered, rebalanced with some new aggression to reassert dominance. These efforts are often wildly self-destructive. We’ve seen the pattern again and again. The Khans, Judge Curiel, Ted Cruz, virtually every Republican presidential candidate at one point or another, half the reporters who’ve covered Trump. We can’t know a man’s inner thoughts. But we’ve seen action and reaction more than enough times to infer, or rather deduce, his instincts and needs with some precision.

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Daily Delawhere for Sunday, September 18, 2016

Filed in National by on September 18, 2016 0 Comments

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Everyone Gets a Trophy: The Lt. Governor Primary Map

Filed in National by on September 17, 2016 5 Comments


This map really shows you how everyone but Bethany Hall Long was a regional candidate. Fuller and McGuiness relegated to Sussex. Popitti and Dorsey Walker to Wilmington and New Castle County. Eaby in Dover. Every candidate won multiple RDs. But only Hall Long won in multiple parts of the state.

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Open Thread for Saturday, September 17, 2016

Filed in National by on September 17, 2016 26 Comments
Open Thread for Saturday, September 17, 2016

Josh Marshall gives us all a chill pill:

News Events Can Dramatically Affect Enthusiasm. Clinton has come off an awful few weeks. She took a bunch of days off the campaign trail for fundraisers. Then she had a media storm with “deplorables”, then she collapses on camera, was diagnosed with pneumonia and then spent three or four days totally off camera and off the campaign trail. These events may hurt Clinton. They may damage her campaign fatally. But a more likely explanation of the rapid shift in the polls is that they sharply demoralized her supporters and shook free her least committed supporters. That shows up in likely voter models; it leads to differential poll response. This does not mean the polls are wrong. It means they are accurately measuring the effect of those events. But there is good reason to think that it may be ephemeral because it is more as much a shift in enthusiasm and engagement than opinion. (We’ve even noticed a significant drop in TPM traffic since Clinton’s fainting spell. We’ve seen this happen before when our readers think the news sucks and some just tune out. No, I’m not basing this theory on TPM’s traffic. I just think it’s part of a common phenomenon.)

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on September 17, 2016 0 Comments

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Daily Delawhere for Saturday, September 17, 2016

Filed in National by on September 17, 2016 1 Comment


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Where They Won: The Congressional Primary Map

Filed in National by on September 16, 2016 12 Comments

Click the map for a larger version.

Rochester dominated in Wilmington and Dover and its suburbs, and held her own downstate, even winning districts in what where three way ties. Barney won several Sussex districts where I suppose his military background was attractive. Townsend won the People’s Republic of Newark, but did not win all of Greater Newark, where Rochester won. Townsend also won the the liberal enclaves of Milton and Rehoboth, and thus the 20th and 14th RDs downstate.

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The Purzycki Heat Map

Filed in National by on September 16, 2016 37 Comments


As you can see, the potential Mayor-Elect Mike Purzycki owes his victory to the Highlands and the West Side, though he had strong second place finishes in those areas where Eugene Young notched his victories. Interestingly though, in those areas where Kevin Kelley won in the West Side, Purzycki did not finish second, but third or worse. Further, in the north and northeast, where the color indicates that he finished in fifth place, he really finished much worse than that. Like 6th, 7th or 8th place. I just ran out of shades of pink and space in order to express that correctly. So as Purzycki admitted on election night, he has work to there and across the city in Kevin Kelley’s home base. Another thing that I found interesting is that Purzycki finished third in the southern Riverfront area across the river. I would have figured the residents of Christina Landing would have put him in second at least.

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Charlie Copeland wants you to know that his Delaware GOP is inclusive.

Filed in National by on September 16, 2016 8 Comments
Charlie Copeland wants you to know that his Delaware GOP is inclusive.

Or so this WDEL “story” by Rob Petree would have us know.

As times change, so do political parties–as is the case for the Grand Old Party. Many Delawareans have considered the Republican party to be one of exclusivity, as evidenced in the elections. Delaware Republican Chairman Charlie Copeland wants voters to know his party is “no longer your father’s GOP.”

“In the Republican party, there is active diversity–whether it’s African Americans, Hispanics, White, whether it’s LGBTQ, I mean the whole gamut–and we have an active discussion about all of those issues, and I think it’s good for the party and I think it’s good for the country.”

Hey Rob, once you dutifully took down that statement as Copeland’s hired steneographer, did it occur to you to ask any follow up questions, like, oh I don’t know, do you and your party support the Donald Trump and his history of racism?

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Open Thread for Friday, September 16, 2016

Filed in National by on September 16, 2016 3 Comments
Open Thread for Friday, September 16, 2016

James Fallows has a must-read piece on the upcoming presidential debates:

“If the sound-off image is of a calm, confident Clinton and a fuming Trump, she will have won the debates and moved that much closer to winning the election. But if Trump can seem easily rather than angrily in command, or if he can lure Clinton into joining him in an insult-for-insult exchange, or if she is beset by some new controversy for which she gives a hyper-legalistic rationalization, then the debates could be a turning point for Trump. … If he seems better than expected, either by throwing Clinton off her game or appearing calmer than a wound-up opponent who gives a dense six-point answer to every question, he might achieve something similar to Reagan’s ‘There you go again!’”

A potential strategy for Clinton:

“Most people I spoke with recommended a picador-like mocking approach, designed not to confront Trump directly but to cumulatively provoke him into an outburst. … When Comedy Central hosted a roast of Trump five years ago, he didn’t seem to object to jokes about his hair, about his weight, even about his lecherous remarks regarding his daughter Ivanka. The one subject he nixed, according to Aaron Lee, a writer for the roast, was ‘any joke that suggests Trump is not actually as wealthy as he claims to be.’ So this is a scab Hillary Clinton should deftly pick.”

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Daily Delawhere for Friday, September 16, 2016

Filed in National by on September 16, 2016 0 Comments


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