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Better Late than Never: SEIU Local Endorses Bryan Townsend for Congress.

Filed in National by on September 12, 2016 6 Comments
Better Late than Never: SEIU Local Endorses Bryan Townsend for Congress.

32BJ SEIU, the local chapter of the Service Employees International Union, and the local chapter that represents Delaware commercial office cleaners, today endorsed Bryan Townsend for Congress. Daisy Cruz, the 32BJ SEIU Mid-Atlantic District Director, made the following statement:

“Bryan Townsend will stand up for Delaware’s working moms and dads who are leading a movement to build a better future for their families. He has been a strong supporter of the issues that make a difference for our community like good schools, raising the minimum wage, clean air and water, paid leave and equal pay.

“He’s not just giving lip service to these ideas; he has a proven track record of fighting for real change in Dover. Washington desperately needs more leaders like Bryan to level the playing field for working families and fight for prosperity for everyone”

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Open Thread – Monday, September 12, 2016

Filed in National by on September 12, 2016 23 Comments
Open Thread – Monday, September 12, 2016

David Atkins at The Washington Monthly says Hillary’s Health Isn’t a “Real Issue in the Campaign”:

The Washington Post is, like many media outlets, a mixed bag. On one hand, they have some seriously great investigative journalists bringing important stories to light. Greg Sargent and Paul Waldman at The Plum Line are national treasures. The editorial page, on the other hand, is a different matter. But worst of all is Chris Cilizza of The Fix, who is the poster child for vapid, process-oriented, horse-race obsessed, campaign pseudo-journalism.

Case in point: today’s reaction to Clinton’s minor medical incident today in New York. It was a very hot day, Clinton was in neck-high shirt over the top of a bulletproof vest, and she had a spell of dizziness. As it turns out, she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday—an inconvenience for a presidential candidate to be sure, but not really a major story in and of itself.

Conservative media had been noticing that Clinton appeared under the weather recently, most notably due to mild coughing. Whether it’s a simple scratchy throat, or allergies, or a mild cold, or even pneumonia still isn’t very important, and it’s not an issue on which voters should be judging candidates. Health only becomes an issue if there’s a serious chronic condition that might endanger the president’s life or impact their ability to do their job. So far there has been no evidence that Clinton has such a condition. That hasn’t stopped conservative media organizations from speculating that Clinton might be too ill to be president, however. But then, these are the same people who speculate the Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and the mainstream press shouldn’t be feeding the conspiracy trolls.

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Daigle: Barbara Gittings Stonewall Democrats’ Endorsement of Townsend

Filed in National by on September 12, 2016 17 Comments
Daigle: Barbara Gittings Stonewall Democrats’ Endorsement of Townsend

Daigle: “We have great respect for Blunt-Rochester’s and Barney’s accomplishments and candidacies. We even endorsed Barney for Treasurer in 2014 in recognition of his dedication to our cause, his intellect, and his principles. However, Townsend comes out ahead. For years, Townsend has consistently stood strongly and proudly with our community, campaigning unabashedly for our equality behind the scenes and on the streets. From his emotional pro-equality testimony on the Senate floor, to counseling struggling youth, Townsend is always there.

Importantly, he has demonstrated true partnership, working hard to respect and thoroughly understand the needs and challenges of our community. This is how he approaches all problems, and all communities, earning him respect up and down the State. Townsend has also proven himself on issues of economic inequality, opportunity, education, industry, and healthcare. These are especially important matters to us as well. For example, the LGBT community endures a higher rate of poverty than the general population due to stigmas, job /wage discrimination, and healthcare access.

Given this difficult choice between excellent candidates, we must also consider who would be the most effective coalition builder and change maker for us and the State. The choice here is clear: Townsend is the bold advocate that we want and need to represent Delaware in Congress. “

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Daily Delawhere – Monday, September 12, 2016

Filed in National by on September 12, 2016 0 Comments

Shipley Street from afar #wilmingtondelaware #wilmingtonde #delagram #forwilm #inwilmington

A photo posted by Laura G. Bolen (@lgbolen) on

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Daily Delawhere – Sunday, September 11, 2016

Filed in National by on September 11, 2016 0 Comments


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Daily Delawhere – Saturday, September 10, 2016

Filed in National by on September 10, 2016 0 Comments

Coastal …………………………………#blackandwhite #delagram #southside #igersdelaware #surf

A photo posted by John Yeatman Jr (@_yeat) on

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Open Thread – Friday, September 9, 2016

Filed in National by on September 9, 2016 7 Comments
Open Thread – Friday, September 9, 2016

“As U.S. officials cast doubt on Donald Trump’s claim he read the ‘body language’ of intelligence officials at a recent briefing, NBC News has learned exclusive details of what unfolded in the room — one of Trump’s advisers repeatedly interrupted the briefers until Chris Christie intervened.”

“U.S. official pointed out that intelligence officers don’t give policy advice, so it would be inaccurate to say that Obama failed to follow the advice of the intelligence community. A second U.S. official said analysts are trained not to allow their body language to betray their thinking. Meanwhile, four people with knowledge of the matter told NBC News that one of the advisers Trump brought to the briefing, retired general Mike Flynn, repeatedly interrupted the briefing with pointed questions.”

“Two sources said Christie, the New Jersey governor and Trump adviser, verbally restrained Flynn — one saying Christie said, ‘Shut up,’ the other reporting he said, ‘Calm down.’ Two other sources said Christie touched Flynn’s arm in an effort get him to calm down and let the officials continue.”

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Daily Delawhere – Friday, September 9, 2016

Filed in National by on September 9, 2016 0 Comments

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Open Thread – Thursday, September 8, 2016

Filed in National by on September 8, 2016 17 Comments
Open Thread – Thursday, September 8, 2016

Donald Trump suggested that when he seeks the military’s advice on how to defeat the Islamic State “they’d probably be different generals, to be honest with you,” Politico reports.

“The comments could make for an awkward introduction between Trump and Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, the current Joint Chiefs chairman, the top adviser to the commander-in-chief. Dunford has a two-year term that ends September 2017 — a position that is normally extended for another two years.”

That was just the first of his whoppers last night. He lied about his stances on the Iraq War and Libyan Intervention. He said that allowing women to serve in the military means they will get raped. He praised Putin, said Putin is a strong leader, has an 82% approval rating (which is unusually low for dictators), and says good things about Trump, which is why Trump says good things about Putin. He said our current generals are all trash. He said he has a SECRET plan to fight ISIS, but the trashy generals he wants to fire may have a better plan than his SECRET plan. Oh yes, and he also lied about intelligence briefing by suggesting that his briefers hate Obama and have recommendations about how to defeat ISIS that the President is just not listening to. LOL. First off, intelligence briefers present simple facts, not recommendations. They would not tell Trump, explicitly or otherwise, about their opinions. And if they did, it would be a crime for Trump to tell a television audience. Fortunately for him, he was lying.

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Daily Delawhere – Thursday, September 8, 2016

Filed in National by on September 8, 2016 0 Comments

Find A Way – #PicsByBKane

A photo posted by B Kane

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Open Thread – Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Filed in National by on September 7, 2016 6 Comments
Open Thread – Wednesday, September 7, 2016

We have a massive polling dump that dramatically changes our map. Come inside to see. And we also have the New York Times getting off its fat Clinton hating Trump fellating ass and publishing this:

“In the 1980s, Mr. Trump was compelled to testify under oath before New York State officials after he directed tens of thousands of dollars to the president of the New York City Council through myriad subsidiary companies to evade contribution limits. In the 1990s, the Federal Election Commission fined Mr. Trump for exceeding the annual limit on campaign contributions by $47,050, the largest violation in a single year. And in 2000, the New York State lobbying commission imposed a $250,000 fine for Mr. Trump’s failing to disclose the full extent of his lobbying of state legislators.”

So if you want to talk an expert in pay to play politics, talk to Donald Trump. And by the way, the whole Trump Foundation-Pam Bondi thing in Florida is not pay to play. It is actual bribery. Pay to play is donating money for access. What Trump did was donate money for action. A specific action: the dropping of Florida’s fraud complaint against Trump University. And the same thing happened in Texas. If Hillary had done this, the media would be calling for her assassination.

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Daily Delawhere – Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Filed in National by on September 7, 2016 0 Comments

No lie, no filter. Seriously!

A photo posted by mcalagione (@mcalagione) on

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Matt Meyer’s TV Ad

Filed in National by on September 6, 2016 6 Comments

I will be curious if this is actually aired on television, or if this is just intended for social media and the internet.

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