Delaware Dem
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Del. ADA’s Progressive Rankings of the General Assembly

Earlier this week, the Delaware Chapter of the ADA released its annual Legislative Report Card, which evaluates each Representative and Senator’s votes on priority progressive legislation and determines which have acted as Progressive Heros, or, alternatively Progressive Zeros. For the 2nd year in a row, Rep. John Kowalko in the House and Sen. Bryan Townsend were the legislators at the top of the list as the most progressive in Delaware. The full list is inside…
Barney joins LBR in airing television ads, but he repeats false Social Security claim.

It’s your generic political ad, professionally produced, and it is likely airing only on cable and not over air out of Philadelphia (as that would be prohibitively expensive). Still, airing and producing this ad likely took a good chunk of Barney’s cash on hand.
The ad, though, repeats a false claim that Barney is the only candidate with a plan to protect and expand Social Security.
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A positive Bethany Hall Long piece, an anti-Gordon and pro-Meyer piece from Matt Meyer, and an anti-Koch Brothers issue ad on money in politics from the Townsend campaign.
Friday Open Thread [8.26.16]
![Friday Open Thread [8.26.16] Friday Open Thread [8.26.16]](
Here is Matt Flegenheimer’s write-up at The New York Times on Hillary’s speech yesterday, which I consider to be one of her best speeches ever:
In a 31-minute address, building to a controlled simmer, Mrs. Clinton did everything but call Mr. Trump a racist outright — saying he had promoted “racist lie” after “racist lie,” pushed conspiracy theories with “racist undertones” and heartened racists across the country by submitting to an “emerging racist ideology known as the alt-right.” […]
With Mr. Trump’s rise, Mrs. Clinton has often struck a have-you-no-sense-of-decency theme in her critiques — warning sternly and repeatedly that the arc of his candidacy transcended standard political attack. But her effort on Thursday was remarkable for its exhaustive accounting of Mr. Trump’s controversial racial history in business and in his presidential campaign.
Tom Gordon does not show up to WDEL debate with Matt Meyer!!
Apparently Mr. Gordon has refused to debate and defend his poor record tonight. #nomoretomfoolery #noshowtom
— Matt Meyer (@Meyer4NCC) August 25, 2016
Thursday Open Thread [8.25.16]
![Thursday Open Thread [8.25.16] Thursday Open Thread [8.25.16]](
Jonathan Chait: “The main difficulty Trump faces in dispelling the impression that he is a racist is that Trump is, in fact, a gigantic racist.”
Meanwhile, the Daily Beast says Donald is in trouble: “Donald Trump used his campaign funds to buy thousands of copies of his own book at retail cost, simultaneously diverting donor money back into his pockets while artificially boosting his sales figures. It’s a tactic that may be illegal, campaign finance experts say.”
Wednesday Open Thread [8.24.16]
![Wednesday Open Thread [8.24.16] Wednesday Open Thread [8.24.16]](
Laura Clawson says that Donald Trump won’t let go of Hillary’s main weakness in his eyes: that she is not a man.
Tuesday Open Thread [8.23.16]
![Tuesday Open Thread [8.23.16] Tuesday Open Thread [8.23.16]](
“I’m a journalist.”
— Sean Hannity, on Fox News in 2008.
“I never claimed to be a journalist.”
— Hannity, quoted by the New York Times on how he’s been advising Donald Trump.
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