Delaware Dem
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DL Endorsement for New Castle County Executive

Sometimes voting is an exercise in prevention, as in preventing someone from gaining office; or rejection, in rejecting a failed incumbent. You are not necessarily voting for an alternative, but against a failure. Other times, and hopefully more often than not, you are voting for the best candidate for the job. And sometimes, you can do both. And Democrats can do both on September 13 in voting for Matthew Meyer, and against Tom Gordon, for County Executive.
And doing both is necessary to save our state and county Democratic Party. Delaware, right now, is a one party state. Especially in New Castle County, which is more Democratic than Sussex County is Republican. The danger of one party states, or one party counties, is that they tend to become corrupt and abusive. And that is when the one party of the one party state collapses, either through the weight of its own corruption, or because outside forces have become strong and popular enough to depose him.
Twice now, Tom Gordon is the leading indicator of that trend. You would have thought we would have learned our lesson the first time. He previously served two terms, from 1997 until 2004, until he was forced out during a federal corruption investigation during his second term. Gordon and his chief administrative officer, Sherry Freebery, were indicted and accused of engaging in a criminal enterprise that included using county police officers to campaign for candidates of their liking. Further, Freebery was accused of accepting a “loan” of more than $2 million from a county landowner who needed county approval for a golf course project. It was also alleged that the county settled a sexual harassment lawsuit to avoid public disclosure of a sex scandal that included intimate relations between Gordon and Freebery. Gordon and Freebery had been charged with racketeering, wire fraud and mail fraud.
In the end, however, the prosecutions failed to eradicate the cancer that was and is Gordon. Freebery admitted to lying on a bank loan, a felony, and Gordon pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors for failing to provide accurate tax information for two employees who performed political work on county time. And Gordon found his way back into county government by defeating an ethically challenged Paul Clark in 2012. County voters took a chance that Gordon had changed and learned his lesson. They took a chance that he would bring back the roaring 90’s without the corrupt taint.
They were wrong.
Monday Open Thread [8.22.16]
![Monday Open Thread [8.22.16] Monday Open Thread [8.22.16]](
“It’s very hard to find someone to mimic the reckless temperament and the hateful instincts and divisive instincts of Donald Trump.” — Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, quoted by Politico, on not yet finding someone to play Trump for debate preparation.
Just have someone stand there and read the comments sections of right wing websites.
Sunday Open Thread [8.21.16]
![Sunday Open Thread [8.21.16] Sunday Open Thread [8.21.16]](
Ryan Cooper/The Week:
Unless something changes between now and November — and it will have to be something big — Hillary Clinton is going to win this election in a complete blowout, perhaps by big enough margins to retake Congress. It’s an extremely unusual chance to actually push through some big policy, which raises the question: Where is Clinton’s big plan?
Franklin D. Roosevelt had his New Deal, and Lyndon B. Johnson had his Great Society, both of which went some ways towards building a society that provided a decent standard of living to everyone, without exception. In the 1930s, “New Dealer” meant something. Hillary Clinton can try to finish the job with her own branded policy package — the New Deal Squared? The Extremely Good Society? — that will provide a unifying vision and rallying symbol. Here are some suggestions.
DL Does the Peach Festival
It was the political place to be, with multiple candidates taking part in the oft delayed parade (due to at least 7 people suffering from heat stroke or bee stings). But Delaware Liberal was there (LiberalGeek marched, I watched and took pictures and Jason330 interviewed people). We have brief interviews of Bethany Hall Long, Matt Meyer, Hans Reigle and Kevin Hensley. Jason, suffering from heat stroke no doubt, also interviewed a Corona at the end.
Bethany Hall Long, State Senator and Democratic Candidate for Lt. Governor
Matt Meyer, Democratic Candidate for New Castle County Executive
More inside….
Saturday Open Thread [8.20.16]
![Saturday Open Thread [8.20.16] Saturday Open Thread [8.20.16]](
A GOP memo to Republican members of all the county election boards in North Carolina, obtained by the Raleigh News and Observer via a public records request, reveals everything you suspected about GOP motivations in pushing for voting restrictions, including voter ID laws. It’s not surprising, but it should still shock the conscience.
Friday Open Thread [8.19.16]
![Friday Open Thread [8.19.16] Friday Open Thread [8.19.16]](
The big news from last night is that, in a few brief sentences, Trump, reading from pre-written text, expressed “regret” for some of his campaign rhetoric. He did not specific which rhetoric he was referring to. Was it the time he attacked a grieving mother, or prisoners of war, or veterans, or Muslims, or women, or Latinos, or African Americans?
He was not specific, and he was not sincere. To prove that, he followed the regret line up with this: “sometimes I can be too honest. Hillary Clinton is the exact opposite, she never tells the truth.” (Also, that the media has been taking “words of mine out of context.”)
Fuck Donald Trump and his regret.
But the media will lap it up. IT IS THE LONG AWAITED PIVOT!!!!
Hey, Daniello did something good!

While this blog has been at odds with the State Party Chairman, John Daniello, for much of our existence (i.e. since 2004 or so), we have to give credit where credit is due. So good on Chairman Daniello for sending the below letter to Donald Trump…er ah, I mean Charlie Copeland, the Chairman of the Delaware Republican Party.
Come inside to read the letter.
Thursday Open Thread [8.18.16]
![Thursday Open Thread [8.18.16] Thursday Open Thread [8.18.16]](
Remember Reagan Democrats? They were conservative working class whites who abandoned the Democratic Party for Reagan. We may be now witnessing the creation of Hillary Republicans, in that we are seeing college educated moderate whites who for some reason have long identified as Republicans now abandoning the GOP for Hillary. Nancy LeTourneau:
First of all, Donald Trump’s presidential nomination didn’t simply spring up out of whole cloth. As I pointed out yesterday, it has it’s roots in the Republican’s Southern Strategy, combined with their recent use of racism and nativism to stir up their efforts to de-legitimize the presidency of Barack Obama. The Republican embrace of post-policy paved the way for the candidacy of Donald Trump. Will they continue that strategy after he loses? That remains to be seen. But they’ve stirred up his supporters – who aren’t likely to go away once this election is over. In other words, the great Republican divide will still be with us after November. How that will affect the party affiliation of white college-educated voters is something to keep an eye on.
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