Delaware Dem
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In case you missed it…
Clinton-Kaine’s first joint appearance as a ticket. I know many are disappointed, or think Kaine is boring. If you do feel that way, watch the speech. Just watch it. I think your opinion will be changed dramatically.
Saturday Open Thread [7.23.16]
![Saturday Open Thread [7.23.16] Saturday Open Thread [7.23.16]](
DR Tucker at the Washington Monthly on Kaine:
While I anticipated that […] Hillary Clinton would select a running mate more admired by the progressive wing of the party, I have no grievance with her selection of Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her partner.
Yes, there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth in some quarters because Caine is viewed as the ultimate centrist. [But] as Evan Popp notes, Kaine’s record is not nearly as offensive to progressives as is commonly assumed.
This is a tell….
Anything you want to tell us, @SenWarren? #ColbertRNC
— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) July 22, 2016
Friday Open Thread [7.22.16]
![Friday Open Thread [7.22.16] Friday Open Thread [7.22.16]](
Andrew Sullivan, like myself, read Trump’s draft speech around dinner time, after it was leaked by a Republican to Hillary’s campaign (which by itself should strike panic into the hearts of the Trump campaign). Here is his take before seeing it:
It’s a remarkable piece of oratory, cannily crafted, framed by massive lies and distortions, crammed with incoherence, and yet, I’m afraid to say, scarily potent. It invents a reality – that the U.S. is in a state of chaos, lawlessness and soaring crime; that the world is careening toward catastrophe – and then makes a classic argument for a strongman to set things straight.
This is a very new departure for politics in a liberal democracy. We’ve never heard an appeal from a major party platform to junk traditional democratic norms, and cede power to a new tyrant, whose magical powers will somehow cause almost every problem in the country to disappear. In this election, the very basis of liberal democracy is on the ballot. The fears I expressed last May about the popularity of tyranny in a late-democracy have, I’m afraid, only been fanned by events since.
The speech is entirely about fear, to be somehow vanquished by a single man’s will to power. Its core message is what America was founded to resist. Its success would be an abolition of the core promise of this country for two centuries – that self-government is incompatible with the rule by the whims and prejudices and impulses of a man on a white horse.
It can happen here. It is happening here. No election has been more important in my lifetime.
His reaction after delivery:
I have to say I’m relieved. This was a terrible presentation of what read like a powerful speech. It seems screechy, unmodulated, and yet also plodding. Mussolini never had a Teleprompter.
I agree completely. During the hours between reading it and 10:30, I drank. Heavily. It read like a fascist masterpiece determined to take what existing fear there is and stoke it so as to change America beyond any democratic (small d) recognition.
But it was delivered like a 75 minute primal scream. If one piece of shit complains about Hillary’s voice ever again, I will punch them directly in the face, and then continue the pummeling on the ground.
However, it was still a dark, dystopian, fascist speech. It will do more to unify those who believe in liberalism or progressivism than anything Clinton, Sanders or Obama could do alone.
DSEA and NEA Endorses Townsend [Update]
![DSEA and NEA Endorses Townsend [Update] DSEA and NEA Endorses Townsend [Update]](
I have just learned that the Delaware State Education Association, a union representing approximately 12,000 hard working classroom teachers, specialists, and education support professionals working in Delaware public schools, will be endorsing State Senator Bryan Townsend in the Democratic Primary for our lone congressional seat. Townsend is running against former Markell and Carper advisor and 2014 Treasurer candidate Sean Barney and former state Labor Secretary Lisa Blunt Rochester.
The release is inside.
Donald Trump is frantically scrubbing his speech for plagiarism.

From Talking Points Memo:
Donald Trump’s campaign team is reportedly checking and rechecking the speech he will give Thursday at the Republican National Convention to make sure it isn’t plagiarized, The New York Times reported. […] Trump’s chief speechwriter, Stephen Miller, told others on the campaign that the speech was original, two anonymous campaign staffers told the Times. Miller declined an interview with the Times. Despite this, at least one staffer reportedly downloaded plagiarism software to screen the text. The search came up empty, according to the Times.
Original, as in either written by Trump himself or Miller. So why would then have to scrub the speech for plagiarism, unless Trump wrote a lot of it, just as, I am convinced, he wrote Melania’s speech. Yeah, I doubt Meredith McIver is either a real person or, if actually a human, responsible for the plagiarism in Melania’s speech.
Thursday Open Thread [7.21.16]
![Thursday Open Thread [7.21.16] Thursday Open Thread [7.21.16]](
I’d never thought I would be … proud… of Ted Cruz. He one upped Trump in dominance politics last night, refusing to endorse in a prime time speech and telling conservatives to vote their conscience instead of voting for Trump, ruining the night for VP nominee Mike Pence and Trump’s other son, Eric. He cast himself as the leader of the true conservative resistance while other Republican leaders, save John Kasich, cowered like cowards before the Fascist. He is now a leading contender for 2020, and will be able to say he was right.
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