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A Special Message from Chairman Copeland

Filed in National by on June 28, 2016 8 Comments

This is kinda pathetic.

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Tuesday Open Thread [6.28.2016]

Filed in National by on June 28, 2016 16 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [6.28.2016]

Ryan Cooper highlights Hillary Clinton’s “secret weapon”:

[W]e shouldn’t forget the final and most powerful advantage Clinton will have: President Obama.

No sitting president in modern times has ever campaigned at full strength for his party’s nominee. George W. Bush was persona non grata on the campaign trail by 2008. Bill Clinton was seen as damaged goods by Al Gore in 2000, who distanced himself from the Clinton name (despite the 42nd president’s tremendous popularity at the time). Ronald Reagan was already elderly in 1988 and did not have a great relationship with George H.W. Bush. LBJ quit politics altogether in 1968. Eisenhower did campaign a bit for Nixon, but he was also old by 1960, and avoided much of the campaign.

President Obama, by contrast, is still quite young (indeed, he is 14 years younger than Clinton herself), and by all accounts is eager to help Clinton, who represents the best chance of preserving his legacy. Any lingering sense that a soon-to-be former president should refrain from campaigning to preserve the dignity of the office is utterly dead. And as he finishes his presidency, Obama is more popular today than he has been since the bin Laden raid — part of an upward trend that shows no sign of slowing.

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Tuesday Daily Delawho [6.28.16]

Filed in National by on June 28, 2016 0 Comments

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AG Matt Denn’s Statement on Supreme Court Abortion Decision

Filed in National by on June 27, 2016 0 Comments
AG Matt Denn’s Statement on Supreme Court Abortion Decision

Here is a statement from Attorney General Matt Denn regarding the Supreme Court’s Decision today in the case of Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, Commissioner, Texas Department of State Health Services that struck down Texas’ regulations of clinics performing abortions that forced many to close.

”In January, I joined 14 other state Attorneys General in urging the United States Supreme Court to invalidate provisions of a new Texas law that unduly burdened the rights of women to choose whether to have an otherwise legal abortion. I was pleased today to see that the Supreme Court – not just by a divided plurality decision, but by a clearly articulated majority decision – invalidated the Texas restrictions that were challenged. In so doing, the Court gave renewed confidence to those who believe in a woman’s right to choose that the Court would fairly and impartially apply its own precedents regarding state imposed restrictions of that right.”

It is nice to have a progressive Attorney General. Denn for Governor!!

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The First Clinton-Warren Appearance

Filed in National by on June 27, 2016 19 Comments

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Monday Open Thread [6.27.16]

Filed in National by on June 27, 2016 32 Comments
Monday Open Thread [6.27.16]

The Huffington Posts’s Earl Ofari Hutchinson makes a strong case for Clinton picking Elizabeth Warren for her running mate: “Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is Hillary’s best bet for VP. Why? Despite the relentless lampooning, ridiculing and name-calling of Trump, and the smug writing of his political obituary, the election will be a close run up. The big GOP donors and handlers, the hate driven passion to beat Hillary, Trump’s skilled fear mongering and pander to bigotry, the never-ending media fawn over him, and GOP dominance in the majority of the state’s legislatures and state houses will insure that…The fatal mistake is to assume that simply painting and then writing off Trump as a kook will be enough to scare millions to storm the polls to defeat him. Clinton’s campaign is a political textbook study in business like organization, precision, and professionalism. But it’s not a campaign of passion…Its passion that pushes people, especially young people, and minorities, out the door and to the polls on Election Day. These voters made the White House a wrap for Obama in 2008 and 2012. But Clinton is not Obama, and in the handful of swing states that will decide the election, the numbers and turnout will mean everything.”

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Monday Daily Delawho [6.27.16]

Filed in National by on June 27, 2016 1 Comment

The class photo of the House of Representatives of the 148th Delaware General Assembly! #netde #Delaware #pictureday

A photo posted by Delaware House GOP Caucus (@dehousegop) on

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Sunday Open Thread [6.26.16]

Filed in National by on June 26, 2016 47 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [6.26.16]

Longtime columnist George Will has officially left the Republican Party, he told a group of conservatives on Friday. Will, a conservative columnist for the Washington Post, confirmed to PJ Media that he switched his Maryland party registration from GOP to unaffiliated.

At a meeting of the Federalist Society Friday in D.C., Will told the group it’s worth refusing to back Trump even if it hands the election to Democrat Hillary Clinton. “This is not my party,” he told the group. “Make sure he loses. Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House.”

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Sunday Daily Delawho [6.26.16]

Filed in National by on June 26, 2016 0 Comments

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Saturday Open Thread [6.25.16]

Filed in National by on June 25, 2016 1 Comment
Saturday Open Thread [6.25.16]

The Brexit vote, as is Trump support, is a primarily a generational divide. The older Silent and Baby Boom generations are extending a giant middle finger to the X and Millenial Generations, a one last Fuck You. Jack Lennard:

Let’s look at the voter demographics. The “Leave” vote was overwhelmingly carried by those over the age of 65, whereas according to pre-vote polling, 72 percent of those who were aged 18 to 24 favored “Remain.” […]

Despite young people having to live with the decision of the referendum for an average of 69 years, it has been decided for them by people who will only have to live with it for an average of 16 years. Put simply: The long-term effects of Brexit will not be felt by those who overwhelmingly voted for it. Because they will be dead.

This is a final middle-fingered salute to the young from the baby boomer generation. Not content with racking up insurmountable debt, not content with destroying any hopes of sustainable property prices or stable career paths, not content with enjoying the benefits of free education and generous pension schemes before burning down the ladder they climbed up, the baby boomers have given one last turd on the doorstep of the younger generation.

My generation will not enjoy the free movement to 27 different countries and the workers’ rights that rescued Britain from the “sick man of Europe” era of the 1970s. For us, there will be no golden age of economic hope and glory. UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage’s sickening elation at “independence day for the United Kingdom” (surely a joke, given the context of violent colonialism that Britain herself exported to the world over the last centuries, yet sadly deadly serious) heralds nothing but a grim forecast of turmoil.

Where the Greatest Generation of the Depression era and World War II was the best generation, the Silent and Baby Boom Generations have been among the worst ever to walk on this Earth.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on June 25, 2016 2 Comments

On Friday, June 24, President Obama designated the Stonewall National Monument – the first national monument dedicated to telling the story of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community’s struggle for equal rights.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell highlights the efforts of the state to give all Delaware families access to high-quality early learning programs.

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Saturday Daily Delawho [6.25.16]

Filed in National by on June 25, 2016 3 Comments

The Senators of the 148th General Assembly. Thank you for all that you do!

A photo posted by DE Senate Majority Caucus (@desenatedems) on

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Friday Daily Delawho [6.24.16]

Filed in National by on June 24, 2016 1 Comment

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