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Thursday Open Thread [6.23.16]

Filed in National by on June 23, 2016 2 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [6.23.16]

“Britons headed to polling booths Thursday for a historic vote on whether to leave the European Union, a choice pitting a vision of an untethered Britain against bleak predictions of economic turbulence and global insecurity,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“After months of campaigning, most polls show a virtual dead heat between the pro-EU ‘remain’ campaign and the ‘Brexit’ camp, shorthand for those advocating Britain’s exit from the 28-nation bloc. Turnout will be crucial to determining the outcome, with stormy weather across southern England causing flooding and snarling public transport.”

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Thursday Daily Delawho [6.23.16]

Filed in National by on June 23, 2016 0 Comments

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Wednesday Open Thread [6.22.16]

Filed in National by on June 22, 2016 28 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [6.22.16]

Regarding the American Chapter of ISIS’s (otherwise known as Senate Republicans) refusal to pass common sense gun safety laws yesterday, USA Today pens a scathing editorial on the Senate’s inaction:

[I]n an extraordinary act of cowardice on Monday evening, 56 senators — 53 Republicans joined by three Democrats — threw away yet another opportunity to keep guns out of the hands of more felons, fugitives, the mentally ill or people prone to domestic violence.

These spineless lawmakers voted against advancing a commonsense measure to expand background checks to virtually all sales of guns, not just those sold by federally licensed dealers. The existing gap allows buyers who purchase from private sellers at gun shows, online or from newspaper ads to simply avoid the federal background check system. […]

Those who want to prevent future mass killings apparently will need to look outside Congress for help. Monday’s votes showed, once again, that too many members are too cowed by the gun lobby to take the actions necessary to save lives.

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Wednesday Daily Delawho [6.22.16]

Filed in National by on June 22, 2016 1 Comment

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Tuesday Open Thread [6.21.16]

Filed in National by on June 21, 2016 26 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [6.21.16]

There is this story in Politico that just has to be a set up. Apparently, anonymous Wall Street donors have told Hillary Clinton that she can either have their cash or she can have Elizabeth Warren, but not both. LOL. Ed Kilgore sniffs out what is going on:

If the Clinton campaign decided to plant a story to amplify the credibility-enhancing potential of a Warren pick to grieving Sandernistas, this is pretty much how it would read: The dozens of big-money donors all insisted on anonymity because “they feared Warren’s wrath”; they warn that a Vice-President Warren could jeopardize a deal on their preferred version of corporate tax “reform”; they suggest Warren doesn’t feel “comfortable spending time with the rich people you need to raise money from”; and they say there is a “chance for much better relations between business and the White House than during President Barack Obama’s tenure” — a tenure that was so unfriendly to business, it featured the bailout of the financial sector, a “free trade” agreement that actually offers trade protection to well-connected American industries, and a cabinet staffed with no small number of former Wall Street executives — but not if Warren is in the White House serving as the wet-blanket-in-chief.

The set up is that Wall Street says don’t pick Warren and then Hillary says Screw You, I’m Picking Warren. There is no better way to prove her independence from Wall Street to Sanders supporters. In my mind, there is no way this story from Politico is not directly from the Clinton campaign. And to me it signals that Warren is definitely the VP pick.

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Tuesday Daily Delawho [6.21.16]

Filed in National by on June 21, 2016 0 Comments

So I am going to try out something different. Instead of Delawarean landscapes and landmarks, from now until the election, we will feature photos from the social media pages of Delaware’s politicians. Hopefully these photos will be of them out and about at the various festivals and events this summer. Yes, I will even feature Republicans, because it is good to know what your opponent looks like at least.

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Monday Open Thread, June 20, 2016

Filed in National by on June 20, 2016 24 Comments
Monday Open Thread, June 20, 2016

Peter Bloom at Common Dreams says that What Progressives and Democrats Need is Coalition Not Unity:

While the media has called the Democratic race all but over, the supporters of Sanders are faced with a difficult decision. The mainstream opinion is for them to simply surrender to the “inevitability” of Clinton’s victory and embrace her as a candidate to unify the Democratic Party. However, for many progressives this option is both ethically and tactically problematic—forcing them into a familiar territory of voting for the “lesser of two evils.” Instead they have sought to send a distinct message to the status quo by proclaiming themselves “Bernie or Bust.”

Sanders, for his part, is far from willing to go away quietly. While he admits that defeating Trump must be priority number one, he has vowed to continue his revolution to transform the Democratic Party and the country. The immediate goal is to amass enough delegates and momentum to progressively influence the Party’s present platform and future direction.

However, is there an alternative option beyond the opposing poles of unity or bust? Is there a way for progressives to find a compromise with the Democratic Party without becoming compromised? The answer may be to fight for a coalition between progressives and the Democratic Party.

Well, in any realistic rather than fantastical view of our system of government and elections, the choice is binary. You either vote for Clinton, or you, whether directly or indirectly, vote for Trump. So I am not sure what Peter Bloom is talking about here. Further, the Democratic Party has always been a coalition of multiple groups that agree to come together to vote for a single Presidential candidate. There are trade unions, environmentalists, teachers, African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, liberals, moderates, progressives, etc., etc. The compromising he speaks of happens all the time: trading votes for President for policies. It will happen again in the crafting of the platform. The Democratic Platform will be the most progressive major party platform in all history.

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Monday Daily Delawhere, June 20, 2016

Filed in National by on June 20, 2016 0 Comments

Riverfront Park in Wilmington. Photo by vssimon on Instagram.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere, June 19, 2016

Filed in National by on June 19, 2016 1 Comment

Sunset in Rehoboth Beach. Photo by tywilkerson on Instagram.

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Saturday Open Thread, June 18, 2016

Filed in National by on June 18, 2016 17 Comments

Politico: “By reserving time in key swing states — at least Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia — the Clinton camp is sending an unmistakable message to the presumptive GOP nominee that it intends to press into traditionally Republican territory without spending too much time worrying about defending traditionally Democratic destinations where Trump insists he will compete, said a handful of high-level Democrats close to the Clinton effort.”

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on June 18, 2016 0 Comments

In this week’s address, President Obama reflected on his visit with the families of the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell remembers the victims of the shooting in Orlando and recognizes we have more work to do to ensure the freedom, dignity and safety of all people.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere, June 18, 2016

Filed in National by on June 18, 2016 0 Comments

The Caesar Rodney Monument, in Rodney Square in Wilmington. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Friday Daily Delawhere, June 17, 2016

Filed in National by on June 17, 2016 3 Comments

New Night in Newark. Photo by Phinonwoodside on Instagram.

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