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Tuesday Open Thread [6.7.2016]

Filed in National by on June 7, 2016 16 Comments


The AP, and all the news organizations that followed their lead, did us a disservice. The stupid superdelegates who could not keep their damn mouths shut for another 24 hours did us a disservice. Hillary was deprived of a clinching victory party tonight. The early call may depress Hillary’s vote in California, allowing Sanders to win and sending him off on a longer yet angrier (if that is possible) quixotic journey. The early call makes both Bernie and his supporters angrier and more irrational than they already are, and more difficult to reason with, and more difficult to get them to accept reality and to stand down. Neither campaign is happy now, and if you think Hillary is happy with this call on a Monday night rather than a Tuesday night, you are very new to politics and know nothing.

The early call presents us with a solution that may diffuse some tension on the Bernie side: pushing reform to the process so that we eliminate super delegates.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [6.7.2016]

Filed in National by on June 7, 2016 1 Comment

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John Oliver Becomes a Debt Buyer to Forgive Debt.

Filed in National by on June 6, 2016 4 Comments

On Last Week Tonight last night, John Oliver shocked pretty much everyone, including himself, by having the biggest giveaway in television history. Oliver’s segment this week was about debt buyers and how ridiculous the entire industry is. Central Asset Recovery Professionals is a debt acquisition firm that Oliver and some associates began for a mere $50. Oliver was then offered debt to buy for almost $60,000. How much was that debt? Close to $15 million. And then Oliver bought the debt and promptly forgave it. Warm and fuzzy, man.

The entire segment is worth watching, but Oliver’s surprise begins around the 17:09 mark.

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Monday Open Thread [6.6.16]

Filed in National by on June 6, 2016 9 Comments
Monday Open Thread [6.6.16]

Josh Marshall on the meltdown of Trump:

But after two rallies and a flurry of interviews there’s no question Clinton has gotten to Trump in a big way. As she said, he is very thin skinned. (Emphatically denying that you’re thin-skinned is not a credible rebuttal.) Given who he is, being denigrated by a strong woman must cut deeply. Underneath the angry talk, he appears befuddled and uncertain about just how to respond. That is mainly because even before her assault he’d maxed out his invective. She was crooked, a liar, untalented, a lightweight, a sexual predator by proxy. How exactly do you escalate from there?

His furious effort to wring more aggression out of the English language has proved a rather unconvincing rebuttal to her central charge that he is temperamentally unfit, too emotionally unstable to serve as President. He now says flatly that she should be in jail, says he’ll find an Attorney General who will imprison her. He now also calls her a “thief” which somehow is the reason she set up her own email server. Overshadowed by the “my African-American” stumble in Friday’s speech in Redding was a bizarre interlude in which Trump gave a glowing evocation of the supporter who cold-cocked and beat a protester in Tucson on March 20th as an example of his little-heralded but purportedly expansive support among African-Americans. He’s trying to escalate but has little room to go. He’s maxed out. The transcripts of the two speeches read like compressed literary spittle.

His affect is also different. Both rallies struck me as significantly hotter than anything we’ve seen before from Trump, more sweat, more chopping hands, more yelling – simply more electric, frenzied and angry.

As Clinton and her team certainly anticipated, hitting him hard as mentally unstable and unfit for the presidency has placed Trump in a sort of Chinese finger puzzle of his own creation. The only mode of response he knows – an escalating and bellicose round of personal attacks with increasingly hyperbolic accusations – only confirms Clinton’s diagnosis. The harder he fights the tighter the charge sticks.

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Fmr. State Rep. John Atkins Arrested Again

Filed in National by on June 6, 2016 8 Comments
Fmr. State Rep. John Atkins Arrested Again

WGMD News is reporting that former State Rep. John Atkins (R then D for the 41st District) was arrested by Delaware State Police on Friday night for offensive touching and criminal mischief.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [6.6.2016]

Filed in National by on June 6, 2016 0 Comments

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Sunday Open Thread [6.5.16]

Filed in National by on June 5, 2016 5 Comments

Hillary won the Virgin Island caucus last night by some insane margin, garnering her 6 delegates to Sanders’ 1. That means if the AP delegate count is accurate, he is now 65 delegates away from the nomination. If she wins Puerto Rico by some similarly insane margin, like 85-90% of the vote, then it is possible that she can win the 65 delegates she needs out of the 72 delegates available. But that’s not likely. First, I’d imagine Bernie will do better on PR than on VI because he has taken a stand against the whole Puerto Rican debt bailout issue. Second, while VI’s population was primarily of African descent, PR’s population is obviously more Latino, so demographically he will do better. He will still lose, but I sense PR is more like a 70-30 percentage split. That should mean 42 delegates for Hillary and 18 for Bernie, leaving Hillary 23 short. So she will clinch at 8 pm on Tuesday when New Jersey closes.

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The Democrats go left on Social Security because of Republican racism.

Filed in National by on June 5, 2016 45 Comments
The Democrats go left on Social Security because of Republican racism.

President Obama announced this week that Social Security should be expanded rather than cut, thereby joining a growing Democratic consensus on the issue, though I am sure the President is still not progressive enough for some. “We should be strengthening Social Security,” he declared. “Not only do we need to strengthen it, it is time […]

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [6.5.2016]

Filed in National by on June 5, 2016 0 Comments

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It looks like it’s happening!!!! Warren to be VP.

Filed in National by on June 4, 2016 30 Comments
It looks like it’s happening!!!!  Warren to be VP.

The Boston Globe is reported last night that it looks very likely that the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, is going to choose Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren to be her running mate, making it the first ticket in American history with two women on it. Why? How? Because of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid….

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Saturday Open Thread [6.4.16]

Filed in National by on June 4, 2016 11 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [6.4.16]

This week has been pivotal. First, the revelations of the Trump University Scam and Trump’s defrauding of the veterans broke. Then Trump goes nuts on the press for revealing the truth in a preview of what press conferences under a fascist dictator will look like. Then Hillary’s amazing speech on Thursday. Then Trump’s insane racist attacks on the Judge in the Trump University case, which he has escalated throughout the week. And then last night he sees a single African American in a crowd at his rally, and in the middle of discussing black protestors who are thugs, says “Look at my African American over there. Look at him. Aren’t you the greatest?”

Everywhere I go, I see people on Facebook, Twitter, in real life, on cable TV, trying to find words or reasons for all this behavior, in particular the attacks on the Judge and the comments on “my African American.” Look, it is all pretty simple, and people just need to accept it rather than rationalize their way out of saying what is really going on here. And that is this: Donald Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. He is a racist. He desires to be a fascist dictator that jails his opponents and cleanses the country of the minorities he hates. Seriously. It’s not hyperbole this time. The Republicans have literally nominated the heir of Adolf Hitler.

The sooner you all accept it, the better off you will all be, because everything will make sense.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on June 4, 2016 0 Comments

In this week’s address, the President discussed his return to Elkhart, Indiana, the first town he visited as President and one that was among the hardest-hit by the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell pays tribute to our fallen heroes and honors Major Beau Biden.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [6.4.2016]

Filed in National by on June 4, 2016 0 Comments

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