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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on May 28, 2016 0 Comments

In this week’s address, President Obama solemnly reflected on the meaning of Memorial Day and recognized the sacrifices made by the American warriors who never made it back home.

In his weekly message, filmed at W.B. Simpson Elementary, Governor Markell highlights the World Language Immersion Initiative and announces its expansion.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [5.28.2016]

Filed in National by on May 28, 2016 0 Comments

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Friday Open Thread [5.27.2016]

Filed in National by on May 27, 2016 7 Comments

Last night, Mein Fuhrer Donald Trump, was featured with his family in an hour long special called Meet The Trumps on Fox, who are obviously auditioning to be the US version of Russia Today to Donald Trump’s Vladimir Putin. This is what state-run fascist media looks like.

The special served as a decent preview of America’s dark totalitarian future. But there is good news! You can stop this. You can vote for Hillary Clinton. Yes you can. Yes we can.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [5.27.2016]

Filed in National by on May 27, 2016 0 Comments

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Thursday Open Thread [5.26.2016]

Filed in National by on May 26, 2016 5 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [5.26.2016]

Alan Abramowitz: “Perhaps the key lesson that we can learn from the results of the 2008 battle between Clinton and Obama is that Sanders supporters probably do not have to love Clinton in order to vote for her in the general election. They merely have to like her as well or better than Trump, and that should be a very easy bar to clear.”

“Trump has far less appeal to Democratic voters in 2016 than McCain had in 2008. According to the 2008 ANES data, McCain was viewed favorably by 23% of all Democratic identifiers and leaners and unfavorably by 58%. In contrast, according to four recent national polls… Donald Trump is viewed favorably by only 5% to 12% of Democratic voters and unfavorably by 82% to 89%. And while these polls did not provide data on Trump favorability among Clinton and Sanders supporters, it seems unlikely that he is viewed more favorably by Sanders voters, who tend to be, if anything, further to the left and more suspicious of billionaires than Clinton supporters.”

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [5.26.2016]

Filed in National by on May 26, 2016 0 Comments

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Blevins Endorses Townsend

Filed in National by on May 25, 2016 23 Comments
Blevins Endorses Townsend

State Senator and President Pro Tem Patti Blevins (D-Elsmere) has endorsed her down Kirkwood Highway colleague State Senator Bryan Townsend today. This may not seem like a rather large deal, given that they are fellow upstate Democratic Senators. But Blevins is a further signal that the Dem Establishment is lining up behind Townsend now that their favorite, Bryon Short, is out. So in that case it is.

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Daigle Drops Out of Crowded 7th RD Democratic Primary

Filed in National by on May 25, 2016 3 Comments
Daigle Drops Out of Crowded 7th RD Democratic Primary

I am sorry to see this, but it is expected given incumbent Bryon Short’s return to the race after his own withdrawal from the Congressional race.

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Clinton/Sanders Democratic Delegation Fundraiser June 2!

Filed in National by on May 25, 2016 0 Comments
Clinton/Sanders Democratic Delegation Fundraiser June 2!

To be delegate to the Democratic convention can be an expensive proposition. You have at least five nights in a hotel at at least $150 a night, and that is being, pardon the pun, conservative. I, as a Hillary supporter, have donated personally to a Bernie delegate, because she is a friend and because, if you need help to participate in our party democracy, you should get it.

In that vein, Rebecca Faye Powers and Mona Parikh are hosting, and the Progressive Democrats are sponsoring, a fundraiser for those delegates, whether they are Bernie delegates or Hillary delegates, who need assistance. Rebecca Faye Powers knows the Bernie delegates who are in need, and Drew Fennell knows the Hillary delegates who are in need. Whatever is raised at this fundraiser will be divided evenly between those on each side who need help.

So please join us all on next Thursday, June 2 between 5:30 and 8:30 pm at the Ernest & Scott Taproom, 902 N. Market St, Wilmington, Delaware 19801.

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Wednesday Open Thread [5.25.2016]

Filed in National by on May 25, 2016 2 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [5.25.2016]

You know what will bring unity among Sanders and Clinton supporters: the sacking of DWS. And it looks like some Democratic Senators are actually contemplating sacking her BEFORE the convention, which will give Bernie a literal scalp to crow about.

Democrats on Capitol Hill are discussing whether Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz should step down as Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman before the party’s national convention in July. Democrats backing likely presidential nominee Hillary Clinton worry Wasserman Schultz has become too divisive a figure to unify the party in 2016, which they say is crucial to defeating presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump in November.

Wasserman Schultz has had an increasingly acrimonious relationship with the party’s other presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, and his supporters, who argue she has tilted the scales in Clinton’s favor. “There have been a lot of meetings over the past 48 hours about what color plate do we deliver Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s head on,” said one pro-Clinton Democratic senator.

A senior Senate Democratic aide said, “There’s a strong sentiment that the current situation is untenable and can only be fixed by her leaving. There’s too much water under the bridge for her to be a neutral arbiter.” Another Democratic senator who supports Clinton said Wasserman Schultz will hurt her chances of rallying the liberal base in the fall.

“We need to get this figured out and come together,” said the lawmaker. “Hillary’s got the nomination. She needs Bernie’s energy. It’s time for her to accommodate. It’s time to pick hard-nosed people to cut through things and figure out a deal. “They need to know this is their party,” the lawmaker said, observing that if Wasserman Schultz were to be replaced as party leader, young liberals may become more enthusiastic about the ticket.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [5.25.16]

Filed in National by on May 25, 2016 0 Comments

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Tuesday Open Thread [5.24.2016]

Filed in National by on May 24, 2016 0 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [5.24.2016]

Jesse Berney at Rolling Stone looks at Trump’s donations to veterans groups:

He claimed to have raised $6 million for the various charities — $5 million from others, $1 million from himself. That’s real money when it comes to nonprofit budgets.

Only… he didn’t.

Trump being Trump, we’ll probably never know how much money he raised that night. But his campaign manager has admitted it wasn’t the $6 million Trump claimed.

Trump, who went to a rich kids’ military boarding school, got multiple deferments to get out of Vietnam, and has said he likes troops who “didn’t get captured,” loves to fashion himself a champion of veterans. That’s what his counter-event that debate night was all about: selling himself as a generous friend of the men and women who serve our country in the military.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [5.24.16]

Filed in National by on May 24, 2016 3 Comments

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