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Sunday Open Thread [5.8.16]

Filed in National by on May 8, 2016 0 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [5.8.16]

The Nazis are happy with Trump. “White men in America and across the planet are partying like it’s 1999 following Trump’s decisive victory over the evil enemies of our race,” exulted Andrew Anglin at the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer. “He is getting white people excited for the first time in my memory,” said a Stormfront participant. “Look at the crowds when he gets the cameras to pan out. They’re huge (or should I say YUGE?) and almost 100% white. It is fantastic to see.”

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [5.8.16]

Filed in National by on May 8, 2016 0 Comments

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Saturday Open Thread [5.7.16]

Filed in National by on May 7, 2016 17 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [5.7.16]

New York Times: “Hoping for a moment of party unity, Mr. Trump had scarcely declared victory in Indiana when the cascade of rejection began, starting with the announcement by George Bush and his son George W. Bush, the only former Republican presidents still living, that they would not back his candidacy. And on Thursday night, Mitt Romney, the party’s 2012 nominee, said he intended to hold to his earlier pledge not to vote for Mr. Trump, according to an audio recording of his remarks.”

“Mr. Romney’s remarks came just hours after House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, the nation’s highest-ranking Republican elected official, delivered an embarrassing blow to Mr. Trump, declaring that he had not yet proven himself worthy of an endorsement.”

And now Jeb Bush and Lindsay Graham say they won’t vote for Trump. Trump reacted as maturely as you’d expect. And he has now turned against his top fellater Joe Scarborough because Joe said he wouldn’t vote for Trump unless he dropped his Muslim ban.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on May 7, 2016 3 Comments

In this week’s address, President Obama recognized all mothers in celebration of this upcoming Mother’s Day, including First Lady Michelle Obama.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell recognizes the Delawareans who have devoted their career to public service, and talks about the positive impact of their work in building a safe and strong communities.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [5.7.16]

Filed in National by on May 7, 2016 0 Comments

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I’m Sorry

Filed in National by on May 6, 2016 51 Comments

I am bombastic. I use hyperbole a lot. I am also not afraid to attack and insult others when I feel they are being insulting towards me or my candidate. I am very much a believer in politics being a two way street, meaning that if you give it you better be prepared to take it.

I’ve been told that my invective towards Bernie and his supporters in the Open Thread is perhaps impeding the healing process as we move the nomination fight to the general election. And that’s right. I was doing it in response to the invective towards Hillary and her supporters I have seen on Twitter, Facebook and here at DL, because, like I said, I give as good as I get. But, if we continue in this vein, we aren’t going to heal and be friends and allies again.

So I am going to stop. I will not be posting negatively about Bernie Sanders, his campaign or his supporters anymore. Indeed, it is likely my only posts about Bernie in the Open Thread will be about drafting the platform and his contributions to that process. And even then, I will only be posting the commentary of others rather than adding my own commentary. I will be mostly focusing on the General Election in the Open Thread from here on out.

And I would like to personally apologize to any Bernie supporter who feels or was insulted by my commentary.

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Friday Open Thread [5.6.16]

Filed in National by on May 6, 2016 25 Comments
Friday Open Thread [5.6.16]

So, a lot happened yesterday. Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest ranking elected Republican in the country, broke with his party’s presidential nominee and said he could not support Trump. It is not surprising, but it is shocking when you stop to think about that. Trump responded as you would expect, childishly and petulantly, shooting himself in the foot in the process. He said “Oh yeah, well I don’t think I can support Speaker Ryan’s agenda.” Speaker Ryan’s agenda, such that it is, is the conservative agenda. That was a fucking bullhorn signal to conservatives that Trump is not on their side. That might have devastating consequences, all because Trump is an immature child who always has to respond insultingly. And I am somehow supposed to fear this man? Yeah, no.

We also got a lot of leakage in the Hillary Clinton/FBI story, which always tells you that the investigation is wrapping up and a conclusion has been reached on the nature of it. CNN reported that “some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion[.]” While the investigation is still ongoing and will conclude after a final interview of Hillary herself, “so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law.” Meanwhile, The Washington Post is reporting that “[p]rosecutors and FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server have so far found scant evidence that the leading Democratic presidential candidate intended to break classification rules[.] This was always going to be a Republican non-scandal, just like Whitewater, just like Benghazi. The most disappointing thing about the Democratic primary this year was seeing just how many supposed progressives gleefully repeated Republican talking points about Benghazi and her emails.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [5.6.16]

Filed in National by on May 6, 2016 0 Comments

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Inaugural 2016 Polling Watch Map of the Election

Filed in National by on May 5, 2016 35 Comments

The map is based upon current general election polling. Yes, Hillary is currently leading Trump in Utah, Mississippi, Arizona and Georgia. I would not expect that to continue in Utah and Mississippi. But Arizona and Georgia will be this year’s competitive battleground.

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Hard to walk all this back….

Filed in National by on May 5, 2016 9 Comments

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Thursday Open Thread [5.5.16]

Filed in National by on May 5, 2016 14 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [5.5.16]

Markos says no, the superdelegates will not be bailing Bernie out.

Hillary Clinton will end the contest with the most pledged delegates, and it won’t even be close. It was closer in 2008—and it wasn’t close back then, either. Best case scenario for Sanders at this point is that he splits the delegates through the end of the contest, but he’ll likely lose even more ground. So whether Clinton needs the superdelegates to get her a majority of all delegates is irrelevant. Obama needed the supers to get him a majority, too, and no one called it a “contested convention” because that would’ve been stupid and asinine.

[…] It’s undemocratic for a party elite to ignore the will of the voters and substitute their preferences for that of the party base. It was bullshit when Clinton made these arguments in 2008, and it’s bullshit today [when Sanders makes them]. You can rail against the establishment all cycle and sue the Democratic Party. It was good politics! It won him lots of votes! But then don’t expect that very same establishment to bail you out. If you go to war against them, you must beat them on the electoral battlefield. And it can be done! Because Barack Obama did it in 2008. And if the supers wouldn’t bail out Clinton that year, when Clinton was on the losing end, why would they turn on her this year, when she’s on the winning end?

Bernie’s insistence that the process is “rigged” and that he expects a contested convention are exasperating, especially when you consider, and Bernie admits himself, he will need the “rigged” super-delegates to make the convention contested. And it is all the more exasperating because it would be overwhelmingly anti-democratic.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [5.5.16]

Filed in National by on May 5, 2016 1 Comment

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Wednesday Open Thread [5.4.16]

Filed in National by on May 4, 2016 3 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [5.4.16]

Alright. Jason and I have to admit that we were wrong. Ted Cruz will not be the nominee. And Unstable Isotope was right: Donald Trump will be the nominee.

Bernie Sanders rebounded after a string of five defeats over the last two weeks to defeat Hillary Clinton in the Indiana Democratic presidential 52% to 48%. He wins 43 delegates to Hillary’s 37 from the contest, meaning he has gained 6 delegates on Hillary from the performance. At that rate, he will catch up to Hillary sometime in April 2017 after she has passed her first budget as President. Hillary leads Sanders still by 296 pledged delegates, thus Sander’s win last night, or wins by similar margins in all of the remaining nine contests, does little to impede Clinton’s likely path to the nomination.

Ted Cruz had a much easier path to the nomination of his party than does Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party. Ted Cruz dropped out last night because that path was foreclosed. Bernie’s path to the nomination was foreclosed on April 19 after his 20 point loss in the New York primary. But he remains in the race.

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