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Sunday Open Thread [4.24.16]

Filed in National by on April 24, 2016 35 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [4.24.16]

NBC News: “When asked why he thinks he’s losing in those states, Sanders responded, ‘Well, because poor people don’t vote. I mean, that’s just a fact.'” Well, that may or may not be true, but wasn’t the whole point of Bernie’s campaign is that he will inspire a revolution where people who hadn’t voted before would rise up and ….vote for Bernie? If Bernie is losing because poor people are not voting at all, yet alone for him, then it looks like Bernie has failed to create his revolution, by his own admission.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.24.16]

Filed in National by on April 24, 2016 0 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.24.16]

Businesses on the Boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Bernie Rally Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 23, 2016 12 Comments

Let no one know say I am not magnanimous. Here is a open thread for all those on Team Ironman who are going to feel the bern this afternoon at the Bernie Sanders Rally at the Chase Riverfront. Here is a picture from Delaware Public Media showing that the stage is set.

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Saturday Open Thread [4.23.16]

Filed in National by on April 23, 2016 8 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [4.23.16]

So Jason is worried that Trump will makeover himself and then become a moderate Democrat and win the election because voters are stupid and have no memory beyond two weeks ago. I’m not at all worried. In the modern day and age, of instant 24 hour cable crap and internet, video does not disappear, and brands do not change. Trump’s brand a racist fascist buffoon is established and is not going to change. Some columnists agree. Come inside…

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on April 23, 2016 0 Comments

In this week’s address, the President discussed his continued efforts to build a fairer and more equitable criminal justice system.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell discusses his commitment to ensure that Delaware’s professional regulations are instruments of opportunity for Delaware’s skilled workforce, including an executive order signed he this week that brings government together with community members to review existing licensing requirement and recommend ways to eliminate unnecessary barriers to entry.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.23.16]

Filed in National by on April 23, 2016 0 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.23.16]

Hoopes Reservoir, near Greenville, in the spring. Photo by xzmattzx.

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The Gravis Poll Internals

Filed in National by on April 22, 2016 6 Comments
The Gravis Poll Internals

Why I was weary of this poll is born out in the internals. The poll deviates from the state wide demographics. 5% African Americans? The 2010 Census has the state population at 21% AA. The Hispanic/Latino population is 8%, not 2. In 2008, 28% of the Democratic voters were African American. Sure, that turnout is amplified due to Barack Obama, but it’s not going to fall down to 5%. It’s not going to fall below 20%.

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Friday Open Thread [4.22.16]

Filed in National by on April 22, 2016 30 Comments
Friday Open Thread [4.22.16]

Donald Trump would “absolutely” change the Republican Party’s platform on abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother, Politico reports. Said Trump: “Yes, I would. Yes, I would. Absolutely. For the three exceptions, I would.” Well, that alone will burn down Quicken Arena.

The true believers on the right will stay home if a pro abortion platform is adopted at the RNC, and pro abortion to them is any exception to a complete abortion ban. They will not vote for Trump.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [4.22.16]

Filed in National by on April 22, 2016 0 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [4.22.16]

The old St. Paul Methodist Episcopal Church, on High Street in Odessa. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Thursday Open Thread [4.21.16]

Filed in National by on April 21, 2016 27 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [4.21.16]

Now this is interesting:

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, said on Wednesday that the senator will remain a Democrat after the 2016 presidential election. […] “Well, he is a Democrat. He’s said he’s a Democrat, and he’s gonna be supporting the Democratic nominee, whoever that is,” Weaver responded. And when asked of Sanders was now a “Democrat for life,” Weaver said, “Yes, he is.”

Ben and I were discussing in the comments yesterday the future of Bernie Sanders, and he was aiming for VP or Majority Leader of the Senate, and I was going for something more informal: a leader of a wing of the Democratic Party in the Senate and nationwide, who will have considerable sway on a President Clinton. This comment by Weaver indicates Bernie maybe taking that latter track, and if he does, good for him and great for the party.

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First Delaware Poll of Presidential and Congressional Primary

Filed in National by on April 21, 2016 8 Comments
First Delaware Poll of Presidential and Congressional Primary

Gravis Marketing, which does not have a good track record, having been called the worst polling firm in America, and which incorrectly predicted a close 53-47 six point race between Hillary and Bernie in New York last week when it turned out to be a 16 point race, has polled our great state of Delaware. So take its results with a boulder of salt.

That said, it finds Hillary leading Bernie by 7, 45-38, and Trump leading all with 55% to Kasich’s 18, to Cruz’s 15.

The more important numbers from this poll, however, are found on the Congressional Primary in the Democratic Party. It finds Townsend with a 7 point lead over Barney, 19-12, with Rochester getting 8 percent. A whopping 61 percent said they are unsure who they’ll vote for in the September primary.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [4.21.16]

Filed in National by on April 21, 2016 0 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [4.21.16]

Congregation Beth Shalom, on Baynard Boulevard in Wilmington. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Wednesday Open Thread [4.20.16]

Filed in National by on April 20, 2016 89 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [4.20.16]

Congratulations to the winner of the New York Primary and the presumptive 2016 Democratic nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton. The Democratic Presidential Primary is over. Going forward, in order to promote unity, I will not insult or otherwise attack or criticize Bernie Sanders or his supporters in my comments. And I understand some of you are still in denial and will enter a primal scream phase soon enough, if you are not already there, so I will not engage you over that. Some of you no doubt will proclaim that you will vote for Trump before you vote Hillary. That’s fine, I will not engage, I will let you work through it. And I am sure I am insulting some of you right now because you think this little speech is condescending. So I apologize for that.

What I will do, however, is still post excerpts of the punditry that is relevant to our politics. Some of that may not speak of Sanders in glowing terms. Indeed, there is a Jonathan Chait piece below that some will find unpleasant. But I won’t offer my usual asides and commentary.

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