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Monday Daily Delawhere [3.14.16]

Filed in National by on March 14, 2016 0 Comments

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Sunday Open Thread [3.13.16]

Filed in National by on March 13, 2016 3 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [3.13.16]

The New York Times says Trump decided to enter politics after Obama mocked mercilessly at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner back in late May 2011. That night was also the night Obama personally ordered the mission to kill Bin Laden. “That evening of public abasement, rather than sending Mr. Trump away, accelerated his ferocious efforts to gain stature within the political world. And it captured the degree to which Mr. Trump’s campaign is driven by a deep yearning sometimes obscured by his bluster and bragging: a desire to be taken seriously.”

“That desire has played out over the last several years within a Republican Party that placated and indulged him, and accepted his money and support, seemingly not grasping how fervently determined he was to become a major force in American politics. In the process, the party bestowed upon Mr. Trump the kind of legitimacy that he craved, which has helped him pursue a credible bid for the presidency.”

Mein Fuhrer Trump is a very vain man, and he has very little to be proud about, what with his small hands and many failed businesses and many bankruptcies.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [3.13.16]

Filed in National by on March 13, 2016 0 Comments

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Saturday Open Thread [3.12.16]

Filed in National by on March 12, 2016 30 Comments

A Republican in 2016.

If you are a Republican and you do not like this, you have two choices: Stay in your party and forever associate yourself with Trumpnazism, or leave your party to start anew. Make it now.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on March 12, 2016 1 Comment

President Obama pays tribute to the late Nancy Reagan. Hopefully he doesn’t get into trouble like Hillary did.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell highlights Delaware’s vibrant tourism industry as a major contributor to our economic growth.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [3.12.16]

Filed in National by on March 12, 2016 0 Comments

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Friday Open Thread [3.11.16]

Filed in National by on March 11, 2016 1 Comment
Friday Open Thread [3.11.16]

A funny thing is happening to President Obama that bodes well for Hillary Clinton in the fall: he is becoming more popular. Libby Nelson:

As President Obama prepares to leave office, Americans are starting to like him a little more. The latest Gallup data on Obama’s approval ratings found 50 percent of Americans approve of the job he’s doing — the highest level since 2013. That’s much better than Obama’s average 46 percent approval during his seventh year in office, which ended January 19, and the 43 percent approval rating during his sixth. Obama is also much more popular than George W. Bush was at this point in his presidency, and nearly on par with Ronald Reagan during Reagan’s final March in office.

Actually, that Gallup Tracking Poll that Libby cites is out of date. Gallup now finds 52% of Americans approve of the President’s job performance, while 44% disapprove. And this is confirmed across all of the polls released this week. Rasmussen has Obama at 50-49. ABC News/Washington Post, 51-43. NBC News/Wall Street Journal, 49-46. CNN/ORC, 50-44. President Obama will go down in history as one of the best Presidents this country has ever had, and the best it has had since Roosevelt. And the American people, faced with the prospect of replacing him, are realizing that.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [3.11.16]

Filed in National by on March 11, 2016 1 Comment

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Thursday Open Thread [3.10.16]

Filed in National by on March 10, 2016 153 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [3.10.16]

Jonathan Chait says the best attack against Trump is one his Republicans can’t and won’t deliver, but the Democrats will:

Ted Cruz, true to his paranoia, has charged that mainstream news outlets are sitting on a series of explosive reports about Donald Trump’s history, planning — as a nefarious plot to help Hillary Clinton — to unleash them only after Trump has secured the nomination. The accusation is almost certainly false. (“Almost” being a necessary qualifier, since one can’t prove a negative.) At the same time, Cruz’s charge reflects a broader truth. There are cutting charges that might sever Trump from his loyal base that have not seen the light of day. The thing is, Cruz and his fellow anti-Trump conservatives are perfectly aware of what they are. They have chosen to holster those attacks for reasons entirely their own. […]

There’s a devastating response to Trump’s message: He’s not planning to be greedy for us; he’s planning to be greedy for himself. The centerpiece of Trump’s domestic program is a massive tax cut that would mainly benefit fellow rich people:

The reason Republicans refuse to exploit this vulnerability is obvious — they all propose to do the same thing.

Not to mention that Trump will use his position to further enrich himself and his companies by pawning off all his wares on us. The official wine of the United States: Trump Wine. Public water? No. Trump Water. Steaks? Trump Steaks.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.10.16]

Filed in National by on March 10, 2016 0 Comments

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Wednesday Open Thread [3.9.16]

Filed in National by on March 9, 2016 10 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [3.9.16]

Well, Bernie got his first quality narrative changing shocking upset of a win in Michigan last night. All his prior wins could be discounted in one way or another: caucus states, states close to Vermont, states that were overly white and liberal electorates. Michigan is the first state that is nearly identical to the demographics of the nation as a whole where he won. Sure, it’s a very narrow win, and sure, Hillary actually won the delegate count, both in Michigan and throughout the night, thus expanding her almost insurmountable lead, but a win is a win. And you need wins, especially the unexpected shocking upsets kind of wins to change narratives and momentum, and campaigns are all about narratives and momentum. So for the last two weeks, I have been crowing about Hillary’s success, so Bernie supporters, feel free to crow here about his success last night. Hey, if Hillary had won Michigan, I would have been saying the race is over. Remember what Chris Bowers said yesterday, that Bernie needed to win Michigan. He did. Celebrate it if you feel that rash commonly referred to as the Bern.

Tomorrow, we will begin to talk about whether this win changes the course of the race.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.9.16]

Filed in National by on March 9, 2016 0 Comments

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Tuesday Open Thread [3.8.16]

Filed in National by on March 8, 2016 16 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [3.8.16]

Rebecca Traister imagines a Clinton/Trump race:

Clinton’s South Carolina speech, which emphasized racial unity and a message of peace, love, and understanding, forecasts how she plans to frame her campaign in opposition to the bombastic demagogue who trades on anger and prejudice. But it also points up just how much they are running in two separate elections, to be president of two different countries. Trump is running in the country that is in the midst of a dramatic and terrifying backlash to the social movements of the past 50 years; Clinton herself represents the very victories of some of those movements and is seeking to modestly stabilize their gains. In the end, this may be an epic, gory battle between those who are threatened by the changing face of power in America and those who are doing the changing.

Usually, the more optimistic and hopeful campaign wins, especially when the economy is good (which it is) and when presidential approval is good (which it is, as Obama is over 50% approval).

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