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Thursday Daily Delawhere [12.17.2015]

Filed in National by on December 17, 2015 1 Comment

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2016 Statewides–LG–Handicapping a Scrum

Filed in National by on December 16, 2015 32 Comments
2016 Statewides–LG–Handicapping a Scrum

We have a Republican style free for all in the primary for Lt. Governor. For the first time in many decades, the office is open with no obvious “next in line” candidate running, hence the scrum. State Senator Bethany Hall Long seems to be the favorite, or at least, the establishment favorite, as she has garnered significant support from Legislative Hall, which of course is natural given her current job, including 14 of her fellow Democratic legislators, led by Patti Blevins and Dave McBride. But, trying to handicap this primary is more difficult than the Congressional primary because the lanes of the primary is not as obvious.

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Wednesday Open Thread [12.16.2015]

Filed in National by on December 16, 2015 5 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [12.16.2015]

Dylan Matthews reveals the real winner of the GOP Debate last night: Hillary Clinton.

If you asked Hillary Clinton to rank her preferred general election opponents in order, odds are that Cruz and Trump would top the list. Trump is a candidate almost tailor-made to energize Latino turnout and turn the demographic even more strongly pro-Democratic. And Cruz has most of Trump’s substantive liabilities plus has proposed a massive 16 percent sales tax on everything. Both of them are extremely potent boogeymen to get base Democrats enraged/energized. And none of them have the ability to make inroads with young and Latino voters that Marco Rubio has.

And so when Trump and Cruz win a debate, Clinton implicitly wins the debate as well. She’s getting exactly the Republican primary she wants, and it shows no signs of getting worse for her anytime soon.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [12.16.2015]

Filed in National by on December 16, 2015 1 Comment

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Tuesday Open Thread [12.15.2015]

Filed in National by on December 15, 2015 0 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [12.15.2015]

The issue of Obama’s legacy will come into sharper focus in the months and years to come, but The Atlantic’s James Fallows noted over the weekend “three big things that have happened during his presidency that in all probability would not have happened without him”:

* The climate deal itself, as explained in a NYT piece just now, and in unbelievable contrast to the utter collapse of the Copenhagen negotiations early in Obama’s term;
* The rapprochement with Cuba, marking the beginning of the end of the single stupidest (but hardest to change) aberration in modern U.S. foreign policy; and
* The international agreement with Iran, which in the short term offers (as I have argued at length) the best prospects for keeping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, and in the long run has the potential of beginning to end Iran’s destructive estrangement from the international order.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [12.15.2015]

Filed in National by on December 15, 2015 0 Comments

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The Fourth Estate Creates the Fourth Reich

Filed in National by on December 14, 2015 1 Comment
The Fourth Estate Creates the Fourth Reich

Given the reaction of some in the media, namely Ben Smith and Tom Brokaw, last week during the brewhaha that was the Republican presidential frontrunner calling for the banning of a religion and its adherents, it seems that it is finally starting to sink into some in the self-beloved media that, perhaps, just perhaps, Donald Trump was saying things that were really not so entertaining. That perhaps, just perhaps, caring solely about ratings was not the Fourth Estate’s job. As Matt Taibbi so wonderously phrases….

Essentially, TV news producers are wondering: “How do we keep getting the great ratings without helping elect the Fourth Reich?”

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2016 Statewides–IC–KWS Gets her multiple challengers.

Filed in National by on December 14, 2015 31 Comments
2016 Statewides–IC–KWS Gets her multiple challengers.

I see that Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart has successfully enticed more than one primary opponent to challenge her. You see, that is the key for her continued and unfortunate presence in office: you line up the support of the Gordon-Williams machine in New Castle County, and then you get more than one primary opponent to divide the anti-KWS vote. That is imperative because the anti-KWS vote is always the majority of the vote when there is a primary, as she has never received more than 42.5% of the vote in a contested primary.

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Monday Open Thread [12.14.2015]

Filed in National by on December 14, 2015 1 Comment
Monday Open Thread [12.14.2015]

“Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta handicapped the GOP race for 90 Democratic donors assembled at a private fundraising event… telling the crowd that he viewed Cruz as the likeliest nominee, followed by Trump, and then Marco Rubio,” Politico reports.

“Podesta’s remarks — which he made sure to say represent his own views, not an official campaign position — came after the real-estate magnate proposed a blanket ban on Muslims entering the United States, and Podesta suggested that the resulting surge of attention being paid to Trump didn’t change his belief that Cruz was the likeliest pick.”

Podesta must be reading Delaware Liberal, because we have been saying it for over a year.

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He’s back

Filed in National by on December 14, 2015 0 Comments

Contrary to Charlie Copeland’s inane praises of the entire GOP Presidential field (which, by the way Charlies, serves as an endorsement of racism and fascism on your part and on behalf of all Delaware Republicans), the GOP Field is so bad that former President George W. Bush is jumping back in….

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Monday Daily Delawhere [12.14.2015]

Filed in National by on December 14, 2015 0 Comments

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [12.13.2015]

Filed in National by on December 13, 2015 0 Comments

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Saturday Open Thread [12.12.2015]

Filed in National by on December 12, 2015 5 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [12.12.2015]

Paul Krugman says the Republican Party made Donald Trump.

The GOP “hasn’t tried to freeze out the kind of people who vote National Front in France. Instead, it has tried to exploit them, mobilizing their resentment via dog whistles to win elections. This was the essence of Richard Nixon’s ‘southern strategy,’ and explains why the G.O.P. gets the overwhelming majority of Southern white votes.”

“But there is a strong element of bait-and-switch to this strategy. Whatever dog whistles get sent during the campaign, once in power the G.O.P. has made serving the interests of a small, wealthy economic elite, especially through big tax cuts, its main priority — a priority that remains intact, as you can see if you look at the tax plans of the establishment presidential candidates this cycle.”

“Sooner or later the angry whites who make up a large fraction, maybe even a majority, of the G.O.P. base were bound to rebel — especially because these days much of the party’s leadership seems inbred and out of touch. They seem, for example, to imagine that the base supports cuts to Social Security and Medicare, an elite priority that has nothing to do with the reasons working-class whites vote Republican.”

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