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My new favorite GIF

Filed in National by on December 9, 2015 2 Comments


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Donald Trump is a Gift from God.

Filed in National by on December 9, 2015 5 Comments
Donald Trump is a Gift from God.

There are those, like Jeb Bush, who say that Donald Trump is a Democratic plant, an operative sent from the Clinton Machine to disrupt the Republican Primary. If that is the case, it is the most ingenious idea and plan to ever be considered and implemented in the history of politics, in this country and in all countries, for all time.

The theory that Trump is a plant prevails among some because he is making the Republican look and sound bad. And if all he were doing was running and saying the bigoted and fascist things he says without any support, and with all the “true” Republicans candidates and officials disagreeing with him and denouncing him, I would agree.

But that is not what is happening, is it? Trump averages around 25%-35% support in the Republican Primary. Why?

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The Bible is just as bad as the Quran

Filed in National by on December 9, 2015 9 Comments

People make a lot of assumptions about Islam compared with Christianity and Judaism — particularly that it’s more inherently violent, indeed, that the holy scripture of the Quran is more violent, or calls for more violence, than the Bible.

The team at Dit Is Normaal decided to put this to the test in the Netherlands, where they’re based (hence the speaking of the Dutch or German (I can’t tell which) in the video above, so make sure your English subtitles are turned on). They disguised a Bible as a Quran, read verses from the Bible (such as “You will have to cut off her hand”), and asked people for their thoughts.

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Wednesday Open Thread [12.9.2015]

Filed in National by on December 9, 2015 4 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [12.9.2015]

Ed Kilgore on Mein Fuhrer Trump’s next policy step:

On the outside chance that Trump is elected president, we should all pray this is his last stop on the road to a very different America where religious tests are suddenly constitutional and huge categories of people are treated as presumptive terrorists. He’s already called for a database of all Muslims and for monitoring and perhaps shutting down mosques. More generally, he’s already promising to do everything within his power to alienate allied countries with significant Muslim populations, while ignoring the suffering of the Muslims who are the primary victims of ISIS and their ilk. But one can theoretically imagine the next Trump step: maybe expulsions of Muslims already here; maybe the compulsory wearing of yellow crescents; and maybe something worse we have yet to imagine.

I have heard some objections to the comparison of Trump to Hitler. The objection holds that Trump has not killed 8 million Muslims and thus he has committed no Holocaust, and therefore to to compare him to Hitler cheapens the Holocaust. My rejoinder to that is “yet.” He is most definitely following down the path of Hitler. So we must stop him now lest he commit a second Holocaust.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [12.9.2015]

Filed in National by on December 9, 2015 1 Comment

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Tuesday Open Thread [12.8.2015]

Filed in National by on December 8, 2015 3 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [12.8.2015]

Harry Enten notes that the GOP establishment may need religious voters to stop Donald Trump from marching to the Republican presidential nomination. And to that end, they will have to embrace a man they despise: Ted Cruz.

“To beat Trump, the establishment may have to defeat him in Iowa, but recently, the Iowa caucuses have been unwelcoming to establishment-approved candidates. Still, there’s a way to square that circle. The GOP establishment doesn’t need to win Iowa — it just needs Trump to lose. And the establishment may have to rely on an old frenemy to make that happen: born-again and evangelical Christians.”

Cruz is leading Iowa now because he has taken away evangelical Christians from Ben Carson. It is time for the Establishment to embrace Ted Cruz. Hahahaha. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.

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More Evil than Dick Cheney

Filed in National by on December 8, 2015 8 Comments
More Evil than Dick Cheney

“I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion goes against everything we stand for and believe in.”

— Dick Cheney, quoted by the Washington Examiner, on Donald Trump’s call for banning Muslims from entering the United States.

The Republican Party has reached a point with Donald Trump where they have to repudiate him such that he is banned from all Republican primary ballots and refused nomination or, each and every Republican alive today is branded with his politics, that of fascism.

Your choice, Charlie Copeland. Colin Bonini. Greg Lavelle. Mike Castle.

If you all have any decency left, you will condemn him and kick him out of the party, and refuse to put his name on the Delaware GOP ballot.

Or, you’re Nazis.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [12.8.15]

Filed in National by on December 8, 2015 0 Comments

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Monday Open Thread [12.7.2015]

Filed in National by on December 7, 2015 0 Comments
Monday Open Thread [12.7.2015]

Matthew Yglesias at Vox on last night’s Oval Office address, which I thought was pretty good. But why was it necessary?

The Oval Office address represents Obama’s best effort to meet the psychological needs of a frightened nation under attack while sticking on a policy level with a restrained policy that Obama recognizes is emotionally unsatisfying but that he regards as offering the best chance for success. […]

We saw in Paris that firearms attacks lead major newspapers to leap toward declarations like “war in the heart of Paris” (la guerre en plein de Paris) and “this time it’s war” (cette fois, c’est la guerre) that are, of course, reminiscent of the post-9/11 declaration of a “war on terror.”

But a war against whom? And with what purpose in mind?

Public policy wars are at times metaphorical (war on poverty, war on drugs) but given that terrorism is a matter of hard security, a literal military war is clearly what the media and the political system desire. But it’s far from clear that extended control over physical territory abroad is necessary for orchestrating violent acts in Western cities. On the contrary, as the president said last night drawing more western troops onto Muslim soil appears to be one of ISIS’ objectives:

We should not be drawn once more into a long and costly ground war in Iraq or Syria. That’s what groups like ISIL want. They know they can’t defeat us on the battlefield. ISIL fighters were part of the insurgency that we faced in Iraq, but they also know that if we occupy foreign lands, they can maintain insurgencies for years, killing thousands of our troops and draining our resources, and using our presence to draw new recruits.

The attack in San Bernardino was new and horrifying. But the problem of ISIS is not new. The previous American policy — airstrikes, training, diplomatic work in Syria, no big ground troop presence — was already the policy that Obama thought most likely to succeed. A new attack appears to require a new response, but there is no new response that Obama thinks makes sense.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [12.7.15]

Filed in National by on December 7, 2015 1 Comment

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [12.6.15]

Filed in National by on December 6, 2015 0 Comments

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Saturday Open Thread [12.5.2015]

Filed in National by on December 5, 2015 0 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [12.5.2015]

David Brooks: “When campaigns enter that final month, voters tend to gravitate toward the person who seems most orderly. As the primary season advances, voters’ tolerance for risk declines. They focus on the potential downsides of each contender and wonder, Could this person make things even worse?”

“When this mental shift happens, I suspect Trump will slide. All the traits that seem charming will suddenly seem risky. The voters’ hopes for transformation will give way to a fear of chaos. When the polls shift from registered voters to likely voters, cautious party loyalists will make up a greater share of those counted.”

He is half right. I feel like they will turn away from Trump, but they will not turn towards Rubio or Christie. They will go for Cruz. Because they want chaos. They do not fear it.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on December 5, 2015 0 Comments

In this week’s address, the President offered his condolences to the families and community of the victims of the San Bernardino shooting.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell discusses efforts to transform the criminal justice system through the implementation of programs designed to support pre-trial detainees.

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