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Saturday Daily Delawhere [12.5.15]

Filed in National by on December 5, 2015 1 Comment

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Friday Open Thread [12.4.15]

Filed in National by on December 4, 2015 15 Comments
Friday Open Thread [12.4.15]

Last night, a theater performance played out in the Senate. Mitch McConnell managed to get the Senate to finally pass a bill, by a vote of 52-47, that repeals Obamacare, defunds Planned Parenthood, and allows terrorists to keep buying guns legally in the United States. They also refused to increase security at Planned Parenthood facilities in the hopes that conservative terrorists will find it easier to commit more attacks.

The bill will be vetoed by President Obama, of course, after it is passed in the House. This was all theater so that the GOP could send a message. And that message is that the Republican Party opposes women’s healthcare, opposes healthcare in general, and is in support of terrorists and will continue to arm them. The GOP wants you to die, and because you are not dying quickly enough for them, they will arm terrorists to see that you do die.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [12.4.15]

Filed in National by on December 4, 2015 1 Comment

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Thursday Open Thread [12.3.15]

Filed in National by on December 3, 2015 2 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [12.3.15]

Rick Klein says our political system has failed on gun violence: “Are the responses just timed Tweets at this point, tweaked with a new detail or two? From one side of the aisle, ‘thoughts and prayers’ and a call for a focus on mental health. From the other, ‘this must change’ and a push for gun control, of course. The nation looks to politicians for guidance and help in understanding, if not fixing, tragic circumstances. On this count, when it comes to mass shootings and their aftermath, the political class has failed.”

“If anything, the responses we’ve come to expect now only add to a nation’s numbness. But the simple fact is that politicians and candidates aren’t feeling voter pressure to change their responses or their policy positions. Part of the ritual now is the numbness, followed by the forgetfulness.”

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [12.3.15]

Filed in National by on December 3, 2015 1 Comment

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Another Terrorist Attack in California

Filed in National by on December 2, 2015 101 Comments
Another Terrorist Attack in California

According to early reports from police, at least one gunman shot as many as 20 people at a conference center in San Bernadino, California. A specific yet unknown organization was holding a meeting at the conference center and was specifically targeted. It’s unclear how many people were fatally wounded. I have heard 12 or 13. There might have been multiple shooters. Reports say that one of the shooters or the shooter was dressed in heavy military armor and left the scene in a black SUV.

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Wednesday Open Thread [12.2.15]

Filed in National by on December 2, 2015 6 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [12.2.15]

Dana Millbank: “Let’s not mince words: Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist. Some will think this an outrageous label to apply to the frontrunner for a major party’s presidential nomination. Ordinarily, I would agree that name-calling is part of what’s wrong with our politics.”

“But there is a greater imperative not to be silent in the face of demagoguery. Trump in this campaign has gone after African Americans, immigrants, Latinos, Asians, women, Muslims and now the disabled… It might be possible to explain away any one of Trump’s outrages as a mistake or a misunderstanding. But at some point you’re not merely saying things that could be construed as bigoted: You are a bigot.”

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [12.2.15]

Filed in National by on December 2, 2015 0 Comments

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Sean Barney is running for Congress

Filed in National by on December 1, 2015 35 Comments
Sean Barney is running for Congress

Long rumored as a possible candidate who will have the backing of the VoteVets organization, Sean Barney officially announced his congressional campaign this morning. It appears from his announcement email that Mr. Barney intends to focus most of his campaign on foreign policy and I applaud Mr. Barney for devoting a lot of his announcement for standing up for the Syrian Refugees, joining Bryan Townsend, Lisa Blunt Rochester and Bryon Short in accepting the refugees after they complete the vetting process.

I wonder though, if Mr. Barney intends to focus his campaign entirely on foreign policy. Starting out this way though, is smart, since it is his base of support.

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Tuesday Open Thread [12.1.15]

Filed in National by on December 1, 2015 5 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [12.1.15]

Donald Trump “met privately on Monday with black pastors and religious figures at Trump Tower in Manhattan, trying to confront skepticism about his candidacy and project sensitivity about minority concerns,” the New York Times reports. Said Trump: “There was great love in the room.”

Politico: “Instead of endorsements, many black pastors issued Donald Trump demands for an apology for his treatment of racial minorities at a closed-door meeting at Trump Tower in New York on Monday.”

So demands for apologies equals great love. Personally, I believe these pastors and religious figures were fools to meet with him in the first place. You meet with Trump, you validate Trump, no matter what you say to Trump, because Trump will say you love him. And that is all the media hears.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [12.1.15]

Filed in National by on December 1, 2015 0 Comments

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Monday Open Thread [11.30.15]

Filed in National by on November 30, 2015 5 Comments
Monday Open Thread [11.30.15]

Glenn Thrush says Ted Cruz is running the best GOP campaign: “The fundamentals are in place for a big winter push. Cruz’s fundraising has been near the top of the field ($26 million as of Oct. 15) and his campaign has an efficient 50 percent burn rate with about $14 million cash-on-hand.”

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Watch this Space

Filed in National by on November 30, 2015 2 Comments
Watch this Space

“After prematurely announcing the endorsements of 100 black pastors — prompting several to protest they were not, in fact, supporters – Donald Trump’s campaign abruptly cancelled a press conference with the group scheduled for Monday afternoon at Trump Tower,” Politico reports.

“The botched endorsement rollout represents an embarrassing setback for a campaign struggling to combat the perception that its candidate is racially divisive.”

The pastors, as a group, said that they had only agreed to meet with Donald Trump, but were not endorsing him. To a narcissistic egomaniac fascist like Donald Trump, this is a huge… YUGE personal insult. How dare they not endorse him? What kind of idiot pieces of trash do they have to be to not endorse him? I mean, my God, the Donald gave them the great, no YUGE opportunity to meet his august presence.

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