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At Least Delaware and Pennsylvania are Tough

Filed in National by on November 19, 2015 1 Comment


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Thursday Daily Delawhere [11.19.15]

Filed in National by on November 19, 2015 0 Comments

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Wednesday Open Thread [11.18.15]

Filed in National by on November 18, 2015 0 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [11.18.15]

I have seen some liberals say that they are worried about the refugee situation and the Paris Attacks and about how the media is creating a narrative where, naturally, liberals will lose and the nation will march to war again. And because of that, they say, we should preemptively capitulate and give into the narrative. Kevin Drum is an example. I have a couple more in my Facebook feed.

That is what I did in 2002. I was one of those bedwetting liberals who went along to get along in 2002. I will not do it again. I, and we, have learned our lesson. Booman tells us what we must do:

I know damn well that the Republicans have the winning political argument when they say that they’ll protect the country at all costs, even down to denying three year-old orphans a sanctuary, [and] that they’re going to do even better if they can keep that pulse [of America] raised to just short of panic-level.

So, what’s the counter to that? Do we agree with them? Do we also try to make people more afraid?

The problem is that we disagree substantively, not politically. And if we’re compelled to take the losing political argument because it’s the right thing to do, then we should at least point out that our opponents are bedwetters who become incontinent every time they think of a Muslim terrorist- even when that Muslim terrorist is shackled in Guantanamo and being fed orange-glazed chicken, rice pilaf and two kinds of fruit.

Frankly, it’s not mockery that I am going for, but shame. I want to shame grown men into being embarrassed to admit that they pee themselves in fear. If nothing else, it keeps me sane when I’m surrounded by the worst kind of charlatans and demagogues.

Exactly right. I will not stop mocking them. I will not stop shaming them. I will call them cowards. Bedwetters. Even traitors. And if we lose the political battle, so be it. But at least this time I keep my integrity. And I am not entirely sure we will lose that political battle. A new poll out of New Hampshire shows only 38% of GOP voters support sending new troops to Syria or the Middle East. Maybe, finally, people have discovered their memories.

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Paper Tiger Tough Guys, those Republicans

Filed in National by on November 18, 2015 16 Comments

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Adams for Congress?

Filed in National by on November 18, 2015 1 Comment
Adams for Congress?

A reader has contacted us with a question about whether former State Senator and Senate President Pro Tem Thurman Adams ever considered or launched a congressional campaign, because he found a button recently saying “Adams for Congress.”

I think I vaguely recall seeing an Adams for Congress button at one point, on the Internet somewhere. But I told our reader that it was most likely from a Return Day celebration in Georgetown, since candidates and official holders “test the waters,” either seriously or as a joke, in “announcing” campaigns for higher office by having supporters wear buttons during the parade and celebration. For example, in 2008, Carney supporters were wearing buttons saying Carney for Congress. So it could be that Thurman Adams did the same thing, as a joke or seriously.

But I will ask you all, the vast hive mind of Delaware political knowledge: did Thurman Adams ever try to run for Congress?

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [11.18.15]

Filed in National by on November 18, 2015 0 Comments

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Tuesday Open Thread [11.17.15]

Filed in National by on November 17, 2015 5 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [11.17.15]

Once again, you can always count on the GOP to overreact to the extreme, so much so that their overreaction becomes the story rather than the original concern over national security and terrorism. Their cowardice and bedwetting when it comes to the Syrian refugees is but our latest example. You take an issue where, historically yet bizarrely, Republicans do better than Democrats, and you have a terrorist attack that highlights that issue. And instead of pressing the advantage, Republicans have decided to let their bigotry rule the day, and turn the issue of terrorism and national security into just another immigration issue where one can sound xenophoic as they want. It really is amazing to watch. Seriously, if you are a registered Republican at this very moment, you are a confirmed cowardly bigot. And you have allowed your bigotry to overrule your sense of political strategy.

And given that ISIS wants us to reject the Syrian refugees, you are also a traitor, since you are aiding the enemy.

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The Cowardice of the Republican Party

Filed in National by on November 17, 2015 18 Comments
The Cowardice of the Republican Party

The last time I saw this much bedwetting I was three years old. A number of Republicans in our state legislature, as well as Republicans in our state, are quite distressed at the potential prospect of our state accepting placement of thoroughly vetted Syrian refugees.

State GOP officials and one gubernatorial candidate, Delaware state Sen. Colin Bonini, R-Dover, said Markell should follow [the example of certain Republican Governors across the country who also happen to be cowards].

Charlie Copeland, Delaware GOP chairman, said in a letter to Markell that the United States has to protect its borders, and that includes not allowing Syrian refugees into the state or country. Copeland also asked Markell to, “demand that the Obama administration halt all efforts to allow these individuals to cross American borders.” […]

Bonini, who is running for governor in 2016, said that the state needs to, “hold off until we have a much greater comfort level with the security background checks.”

This, despite the fact that French and Belgium citizens were the ones responsible for the Paris Attacks, not Syrian refugees. So in addition to being betwetting cowards, Mr. Copeland, Mr. Bonini, and any Republican who agrees with them are also mindbogglingly racist.

I hereby invite Mr. Copeland, Mr. Bonini, and any other coward currently serving in the legislature or identifying as a Republican to accept delivery of case of Depends for Men.

Let me know if you want your bottle of milk warmed up Charlie.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [11.17.15]

Filed in National by on November 17, 2015 1 Comment

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Monday Open Thread [11.16.15]

Filed in National by on November 16, 2015 4 Comments
Monday Open Thread [11.16.15]

Steven Benen says the GOP Candidates this weekend offered a lesson on how not to respond to terrorism. You don’t respond with fear, panic, sectarian rage, and bigotry.

To be sure, there are too many reactionary, overly simplistic attitudes on the right, which seem to give Republicans some emotional satisfaction without much regard for responsible policymaking. But there’s also the unnerving track record of many Republican officials – including would-be presidents – who seem to fall to pieces every time there’s a crisis. The benefit of a lengthy national campaign is that it gives voters a chance to see who’s made of sterner stuff, and who isn’t.

I don’t mean to be callous here, but the Paris Attacks are not 9/11. They are not the end of the world. It is a tragedy to be sure. Horrific. But it was a terrorist attack. And terror attacks are going to happen in this world. What we have to do now is investigate, track down those responsible, kill or capture them, but most importantly, respond smartly.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [11.16.15]

Filed in National by on November 16, 2015 0 Comments

Coast Guard in Lewes. From Mike Mahaffie on Flickr.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [11.15.2015]

Filed in National by on November 15, 2015 0 Comments

A Fall scene by the Hagley Museum, from ‘Visit Delaware’s’ Instagram.

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Saturday Open Thread [11.14.2015]

Filed in National by on November 14, 2015 32 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [11.14.2015]

Regarding the attacks in Paris last night that killed around 127 people (which I am sure may go up as 99 people were critically wounded out of 200 injured), we must resolve to stop terrorists whenever and wherever we find them. What does that mean though?

We already went into two Muslim countries to fight terrorism, spent 15 years there and tens of trillions of dollars, and accomplished nothing. Nothing at all. In fact, us being there made the problem worse. You cannot fight an ideology, or terrorism, like you would another country’s army. One is a philosophy, the other is a tactic. The terrorists would like nothing more than for the West to drop another 200,000 man army in the Middle East. It will be their greatest recruiting tool ever. And then they would blend into the civilian population, forcing us to kill and harass and terrorize civilians, thereby creating more terrorists who hate us for being their occupier.

So when I say we must fight terrorism, I do not mean fight it like a war.

No, the only way to fight them is containment, drone strikes and special ops that takes them out one by one. I know that is less satisfying to the red blooded vengeance we crave, but it’s the smart way to do it. And it is what we are doing. We have to, along with our allies, and Russia, redouble our efforts, and better coordinate strategy.

The dumb way is what the neocons in the Republican Party would have us do: putting an invading army of hundreds of thousands on the ground in Syria and Iraq.

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