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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on November 14, 2015 0 Comments

In this week’s address, President Obama honored our nation’s veterans, who have served and sacrificed in defense of our country.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell discusses efforts in Delaware to support veterans, including increasing access to employment and providing housing assistance, as the nation recognizes Veterans Day

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [11.14.2015]

Filed in National by on November 14, 2015 1 Comment

Brandywine Creek State Park. Photo from ‘Visit Delaware’s’ Instagram.

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Friday Open Thread [11.13.2015]

Filed in National by on November 13, 2015 7 Comments
Friday Open Thread [11.13.2015]

It’s starting to get nasty! Trump also went after Carson yesterday for being a pathological liar, which is correct. Fiorina, also a pathological liar, defending her fellow pathological liar by saying on Facebook:

“Donald, sorry, I’ve got to interrupt again. You would know something about pathological. How was that meeting with Putin? Or Wharton? Or your self funded campaign? Anyone can turn a multi-million dollar inheritance into more money, but all the money in the world won’t make you as smart as Ben Carson.”

And she is also right. Donald does lie as well, creating meetings with world leaders out of whole cloth, lying about self funding his campaign. He was born with a silver spoon. The only thing Carly gets wrong is this: Ben Carson is not smart.

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Conspiracy Christine.

Filed in National by on November 13, 2015 10 Comments
Conspiracy Christine.

Here at Delaware Liberal, we will always have a soft spot in our hearts for Christine O’Donnell. Her primary victory over Mike Castle not only delivered a Senate seat to the blue team when it was going to go red, but it also gave DL our highest traffic numbers ever for a few months. So we continue to keep tabs on Ms. O’Donnell. And as you know, she is currently being sued by the FEC for using her campaign donations to pay her personal rent at her Greenville townhouse during the campaign.

She hired a lawyer to defend her, but then stop paying that lawyer. Lawyers like to get paid for the work they do, and when they don’t get paid, we stop doing work. Of course, as a Republican, Christine looked upon her lawyer as a servant/employee that was indentured to her, no matter if she paid him or not. So she was surprised when said lawyer moved to withdraw from representing her, and further surprised when the motion was granted.

But somehow, she received an email between her former counsel and opposing counsel for the FEC, and now she thinks there is some huge conspiracy against her.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [11.13.2015]

Filed in National by on November 13, 2015 0 Comments

Off Old Wilmington Road in Mill Creek Hundred. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Thursday Open Thread [11.12.2015]

Filed in National by on November 12, 2015 1 Comment
Thursday Open Thread [11.12.2015]

The University of Delaware is going to select their new President next week, which I suppose means that the next President of the University will not be Vice President Joe Biden.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [11.12.2015]

Filed in National by on November 12, 2015 0 Comments

The Brandywine and the WSFS in Black and White. Photo by Nick McNevich on Instagram.

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Wednesday Open Thread [11.11.2015]

Filed in National by on November 11, 2015 1 Comment
Wednesday Open Thread [11.11.2015]

Brian Beutler says the Republicans have no answer to a key 2016 question:

[T]he most revealing question of the first half of the debate, addressed to Carly Fiorina, posited that Democrats will point out, accurately, that the labor market has performed better in modern times under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones, and that it performed particularly poorly under the previous Republican president.

“The Democrats will inevitably ask you and voters to compare the recent presidents’ jobs performance,” said moderator Gerard Baker. “In seven years under President Obama, the U.S. has added an average of 107,000 jobs per month. Under Clinton, the economy added about 240,000 per month, under George W. Bush, it was only 13,000 a month. If you win the nomination, you will probably be facing a Democrat named Clinton. How are you going to respond to the claim that Democratic presidents are better at creating jobs than Republicans?”

Fiorina, quite tellingly, had no answer. […]

“When Hillary Clinton runs, she’s going to say, ‘The Republicans gave us a crappy economy twice, and we fixed it twice. Why would you ever trust them again?’” Kevin Hassett, a Republican economist at the American Enterprise Institute, said earlier this year. “The objective for the people in the Republican Party who want to defeat her is to come up with a story about what’s not great.”

What’s not great is income inequality, but Republican policies of tax cuts, union busting and deregulation have created income inequality, not lessened it. So the GOP cannot campaign on that either.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [11.11.2015]

Filed in National by on November 11, 2015 1 Comment

The Brandywine Building in Black and White, by Nick McNevich on Instagram.

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Tuesday Open Thread [11.10.2015]

Filed in National by on November 10, 2015 1 Comment
Tuesday Open Thread [11.10.2015]

Washington Post: “As Trump has become the defining character of this Republican presidential primary contest, the race itself has seemed to take on elements of his personality — in particular, his aggressive, seemingly shameless rejection of the idea that he has ever been wrong.”

“The influence is especially strong in Fiorina and Carson, the two other political outsiders, who have risen in Trump’s slipstream. All three will be onstage Tuesday evening in Milwaukee for the fourth televised GOP debate.”

“As with Trump, some of these outsiders’ most memorable debate moments have come when they uttered statements that turned out to be exaggerated or untrue. And, like Trump, they have played to a distrustful electorate by criticizing the fact-checkers and refusing to acknowledge that any facts were wrong.”

Reality has a liberal bias. Not the media.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [11.10.2015]

Filed in National by on November 10, 2015 0 Comments

Bethany Beach Dune and Boardwalk, by ‘davidlandsel1’ on Instagram.

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Monday Open Thread [11.9.2015]

Filed in National by on November 9, 2015 3 Comments
Monday Open Thread [11.9.2015]

Ben Carson is crying about media scrutiny, saying it is unfair and that is because secular progressives fear him. LOL. Dr. Carson, as a secular progressive, let me tell you that I do not fear you. I pity you. You are a pathological liar with a clear psychological problem and a mental illness. I find you laughable as well. If you were to be your party’s nominee, Hillary Clinton would win nearly 50 states and all Republicans everywhere would be swept out of office. So I am actually rooting for you.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [11.9.2015]

Filed in National by on November 9, 2015 0 Comments

Canby Park off Maryland Avenue in Wilmington. Photo by xzmattzx.

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