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Saturday Daily Delawhere [10.24.2015]

Filed in National by on October 24, 2015 0 Comments

Early Fall. Photo by joedeltufo on Instagram.

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Friday Open Thread [10.23.15]

Filed in National by on October 23, 2015 3 Comments
Friday Open Thread [10.23.15]

Amanda Marcotte is amazed that GOP Voters want Trump to be their nominee and that they think he would be their strongest candidate against Hillary Clinton.

Clearly, Republican voters are delusional. It’s hard to imagine any scenario where Trump doesn’t lose spectacularly against Clinton. Consider how much Romney’s chances were hurt by his indelicate “47 percent” comment. And that was mild compared toTrump’s relentless hateful bleating about Mexicans, his unsubtle racism regarding President Obama, and his ugly attitudes about women that will likely not be contained for the many months of running against a woman. Democrats win by getting out the vote, and almost nothing will encourage women and people of color to stampede to the polls more than pulling the lever against Donald Trump.

But clearly, Republican primary voters don’t see this. Which calls into question the hope that they will wake up and start supporting someone more electable before it’s too late for their party. […] It’s entirely possible that voters are still in the pissing-off-the-liberals phase and haven’t even started to consider boring issues like nominating someone who can run a credible general election campaign.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [10.23.2015]

Filed in National by on October 23, 2015 0 Comments

Bethany Beach erosion from the Nor’easter. Photo from jonbleiwes.

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Thursday Open Thread [10.22.15]

Filed in National by on October 22, 2015 22 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [10.22.15]

Prepare yourself for a nauseating display of shameless grandstanding by the GOP’s most hypocritical Hillary-Haters, otherwise known as the Benghazi hearings, which begin today.

Paul Waldman explains why the whole project may make backfire in a big way on the Republicans. “In hearings like this one, the members of Congress often think that the fantastically clever line of questioning they’ve prepared is really going to trap the witness and reveal her for what she is; it’ll be like Perry Mason breaking a witness down until she shouts, “Yes, I did kill him, and I’d do it again!” But that’s not how it usually turns out. More often, the witness looks like the one in command, someone being pelted with unfair and hostile questions from a bunch of partisan clowns who barely know what they’re talking about…A respectful and informative hearing that does no damage to Clinton will be a terrible disappointment.”

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Delaware Democrats Rush to Endorse Hillary

Filed in National by on October 22, 2015 3 Comments
Delaware Democrats Rush to Endorse Hillary

This photo is from Peter Souza, the White House photographer, might just confirm Margaret Hartmanns’ story that I posted about earlier today. It shows Biden reviewing his remarks yesterday morning with the President prior to his announcement.

After that announcement, Delaware’s Democrats rushed to be the first to endorse Hillary Clinton. Gvernor Markell in an interview with Jonathan Starkey had this to say:

Markell shifted his support to Clinton after Biden’s exit, citing her “advocacy for the middle class.”

“At this point, I think Secretary Clinton has certainly established herself as someone who will be a strong candidate and who will do the job well,” Markell said. “I will support her campaign. I think it’s important that we continue to build on the foundation that’s been laid. I think she’s the strongest candidate. I also think she’ll be in the best position to be the strongest president.”

Wilmington Mayor Dennis Williams had an more interesting Hillary endorsement story.

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Yeah, He Made the Right Decision

Filed in National by on October 22, 2015 5 Comments
Yeah, He Made the Right Decision

According to Margaret Hartmann of the Daily Intelligencer, Vice President Biden did not make up his mind until the last moment.

Politico reports that finally, advisers who wanted him to run said he needed to give an answer before Thursday, when Hillary Clinton will testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. They felt that if Biden waited, it would look like he was waiting to evaluate Clinton’s performance, and hurt both of them. […]

Biden greatly admires Clyburn, and his pseudo campaign got a boost when the congressman from South Carolina (a crucial early primary state for Biden) said a month ago that he was open to seeing Biden in the race. But on Monday, the congressman suddenly said “I would not advise him to get in” during a Huffington Post interview. The two men’s staffers began trying to figure out what had changed, and Biden was reportedly deeply discouraged by Clyburn’s change of heart. […]

Even on Wednesday morning, President Obama didn’t know which way Biden was leaning. With advisers pushing Biden to make an announcement, he said on Tuesday night that he needed to sleep on it. The next morning he went to the Oval Office and told President Obama he’d decided not to run. According to the AP, they talked for about 30 minutes, and Obama told Biden he wanted to be by his side during his address in the Rose Garden. The event was thrown together so hastily that Biden staffers had to dash over to the White House to watch the speech, and several people who had been strategizing with Biden for months learned that he’d made a decision from news reports.

I am not sure I believe all that. But if all of the above is true, yeah, he made the right decision.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [10.22.2015]

Filed in National by on October 22, 2015 0 Comments

Fall on the Brandywine. Photo from Visit Delaware’s Instagram page.

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Come Home, Joe.

Filed in National by on October 21, 2015 2 Comments
Come Home, Joe.

I was in line to pick up my lunch order in Philadelphia at around noon. I looked up to the TV in the shop, tuned always and thankfully to MSNBC, and I see a live shot of an empty podium in the White House Rose Garden. The red Breaking News chyron at the bottom of the screen informs me that we are awaiting a “statement” from the Vice President. Brian Williams and Andrea Mitchell are breathlessly speculating that if this is a Presidential campaign announcement, the expected presence of the President along side the Vice President during his announcement would be a massive rebuke to Hillary Clinton. I suppose it never crossed their mind that no Vice President in their right mind would announce a campaign from the Rose Garden, and no President would allow him to do it while there was an active campaign in his party. But you would announce you are not running. So I immediately assumed, correctly, that the Vice President was going to announce he was not running, while our wonderful liberal media continued to engage in their favorite game for a few more minutes.

It was the same game we have all engaged in for months if not years. The speculation over whether Joe Biden would mount a third campaign for President.

He was never going to.

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Wednesday Open Thread [10.21.15]

Filed in National by on October 21, 2015 10 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [10.21.15]

Markos on the Clinton bounce she received from the debate and why Sanders supporters are partly to blame for it:

I too thought she “won” the debate. […] She didn’t out-debate Sanders. He was great. And she was great. In a neutral world, I’d say they both acquitted themselves well, and the polling above bears that out—Clinton improved and Sanders either improved or stayed even. Neither candidate flopped.

But Sanders’ supporters spent the last six months telling everyone that the DNC was protecting Clinton with its ridiculous debate schedule, which was true. But many of his supporters went further—that Clinton was afraid to debate, that Sanders would crush her head-to-head. They also spent months painting a caricature of Clinton that simply wasn’t based on reality—that she was dull, that she was a neoliberal, etc, etc.

So you’d be excused if you tuned in to the debate expecting her to sound like Mitt Romney (and about as engaging as him, as well). You’d be excused if you ended up surprised that Clinton could take command of the stage, confident rather than afraid.

So Clinton didn’t win because she was better than Sanders, she won because she far exceeded the expectations that Sanders’ supporters themselves created. In politics, you don’t make news when you meet expectations (Bernie was as awesome as everyone expected him to be), you make news when you either blow expectations away, or you blow up. And she certainly didn’t blow up.

So a lesson to underdogs: you’re supposed to lower expectation for YOUR guy, not the front-runner. And for crissakes, don’t underestimate Clinton! She’s actually a damn impressive political figure, and talking her down got you nothing in the end.

One final note, take a look at the Democratic poll trendlines above once more, and notice Sanders’ flatline. That’s what maxing out the white, educated, liberal Democratic electorate looks like. He’s gotta bust out of that if he’s going to be competitive past the two early states.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.21.2015]

Filed in National by on October 21, 2015 0 Comments

New Castle Town Hall on 2nd and Delaware Streets in Old New Castle. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Tuesday Open Thread [10.20.15]

Filed in National by on October 20, 2015 8 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [10.20.15]

Trump has made a mistake in accurately blaming Bush for 9/11. Byron York: “This weekend was an inflection point in the Republican presidential race — a moment in which some significant part of the GOP establishment came out of denial and realized Donald Trump might well become their party’s nominee. That doesn’t mean Republicans have made their peace with a Trump victory. On the contrary — some are preparing to do whatever it takes to bring him down. Which could lead to an extraordinary scenario in which GOP stalwarts go to war to destroy their own party’s likely nominee.”

To take Trump down, you have to destroy the Republican base. The racist arrogant know nothing base of the GOP will have to be surgically removed from the party. That will lead to a collapse in the party’s electoral fortunes, but it is necessary. You cut cancer out. You don’t try to change cancer. You kill it.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [10.20.2015]

Filed in National by on October 20, 2015 0 Comments

Some houses on Trenton Place in Trinity Vicinity in Wilmington. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Monday Open Thread [10.19.15]

Filed in National by on October 19, 2015 4 Comments

This was excellent.

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