hiding in the open
Donviti's Latest Posts
How do you ask a question wanting to know what an elected official has done that doesn’t upset partisan supporters looking for a reason to make something partisan?
Serious QoTD
What is the Dems Ideology? Bonus: How have the dems supported those ideological beliefs as a party?
Not breaking news
on my facebook today I was sent word that Mat Marshal is now a Democrat. whoooopdeefuckingdo. I’m now a conservative. And I am now calling myself African American. Oh and I wear Nike and Polo underwear to bed. At. The. Same. Time. Oh and Please call the local media I am about to name my […]
Bye LuLu

A few weeks ago I asked a serious qotd. Lulu, our adopted/rescued basset hound had recently bitten my son. Again. The overwhelming response was to get rid of her in some fashion or another. I just did today and I’m sad. Really sad. I’m sad because I don’t know if the people adopting her know […]
Enjoy that Flu shot this year…b/c next year….
do Canadians even have medicine? Can socialism even produce research? As public health departments in this country and many other countries prepare for the flu season, they must now cope with what’s being called the Canadian problem. There’s evidently a study somewhere in Canada that links getting a seasonal flu shot to an increased […]
Book Banning US Government style
Funny if it weren’t true. I don’t recommend Noam for everyone. The truth hurts, and many Americans aren’t ready for the parallels he draws. Moore Award Nominee “This happens sometimes in totalitarian regimes,” Noam Chomsky, on why an Arabic-language copy of his anthology of post-9/11 commentary was rejected by the Gitmo library. Share This
Breaking News: Former Republican Candidate for Governor of Delaware wants to regulate banks
You read it here first: Comment by Delaware Republican on 13 October 2009 at 9:26 am: You are right to point out the bad actions of many banks. They have gone from too big to fail and now they are too big to regulate. Sad to say they got a lot of money on a […]
Serious Question/Topic of the Day
I get unemployment benefits I really do. I also get that in this global economy jobs that many had aren’t coming back. Which means that while people are on benefits they need to utilize that time and money to “retool” so to speak. Sure, WAY easier said than done. Laughably I can’t even believe I […]
last chance for Videos or Tips
We here at Del Lib…ok me…want to see some videos ANYONE has of themselves. I don’t even need videos. I will take an anonymous email about how you are trying to stage your own personal Debtor’s Revolt. I’m not going to lie and say I would love to hear from local people that are in […]
[youtube][/youtube] The parties involved will understand this victory dance! Comment by Von Cracker on 12 October 2009 at 3:25 pm: Your presence, DV, is more than enough! That, and losing to my new bride’s fantasy football team this week! lololololol
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