El Somnambulo

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Mad Props For LBR

Filed in Featured, National by on January 13, 2021 5 Comments

This video has gone, pardon the expression, viral. As well it should. You can see the barely-contained smirk on the face of QAnon Conspirator Marjorie Taylor Greene.  My favorite line?: “Don’t do yourself any favors.” These assholes have infected at least three members of Congress.  Meaning, of course, that at least one of them is […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 12, 2021 3 Comments

I haven’t been this psyched for a legislative session in forever. Members of the 151st General Assembly will be sworn in virtually today. You can view the ceremonies here and here.  I know that so many of you worked on the campaigns of these great freshman legislators.  Sit back and enjoy as they take the […]

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We Want YOU To Run For State Auditor!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 11, 2021 11 Comments

Let’s not mince words: The Office Of State Auditor has extraordinary potential to promote accountability and transparency in state government.  The State Auditor, the last two in particular, have instead opted to cover up clear violations of state law and policy, and have served as agents for the Delaware Way.  One, Tom Wagner, covered up […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, January 10, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 10, 2021 5 Comments

Trump Fired Federal Prosecutor In Georgia Because He Wouldn’t Investigate Trump’s ‘Voter Fraud’ Claims.  That was the ‘unforeseen circumstance’ the prosecutor cited for leaving.  Trump Pushed Georgia Elections Investigator To ‘Find The Fraud’ In Separate Call.  Paging Mike Pence… ‘Our President Wants Us Here.’  Those weren’t dog whistles he was blowing, they were clarion calls […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, January 9, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 9, 2021 5 Comments

The Incoming Senate Environmental Chair Is–Tom Carper.  Incremental change awaits. Rethuglican Party Embraces Denialism.  Does anything about this gathering seem in touch with reality to you? Rethuglican State Attorneys General Funded The Mob.  Making them criminals…along with the surviving Koch Brother.  To (half)-wit: RAGA is a 527 political organization that helps elect Republican attorneys general […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, January 8, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 8, 2021 36 Comments

Capitol Police Officer Dies.  Beaten by a thug wielding a fire extinguisher.  Trump should be tried for murder.  ‘Reckless disregard’, I know, I’ve watched way too much Law & Order.  Police Were Complicit In Riot.  Capitol Police had more than enough resources to handle this, but didn’t. It’s True: Law Enforcement More Than Twice As […]

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DL Open Thread Non-Coup (Sorta) Edition: Thursday, January 7, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 7, 2021 9 Comments

BTW, Biden Is Officially The President-Elect.  You would have had to stay up until 5 am or so to know it.  But, it happened. This IS Who We Are.  The notion of the ‘United States As Example’ is dead.  Highly-recommended read. A sample: Over the past four years, that example has been badly damaged. We […]

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DL Open Thread: Trump-Incited Coup Edition

Filed in Featured, National, Open Thread by on January 7, 2021 37 Comments

Trump brought ’em to DC, lit the fuse, incited them, and pointed them in the direction of the US Capitol.  An assault on democracy to keep a despot in power. Only 52 arrests?  There would be at least 52 dead if this was a BLM rally…not to mention a storming of the Capitol would not […]

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BREAKING: Biden Selects Merrick Garland To Be AG

Filed in Featured, National by on January 6, 2021 2 Comments

Color me unexcited.  I understand the symbolism, but he’s not the progressive we needed: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/06/biden-to-tap-merrick-garland-for-attorney-general-455410 Civil rights leaders will not be pleased.  The closest analogy I can come up with: Hillary Clinton picking Tim Kaine for Veep.

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DL Open Thread: Wednesday, January 6, 2021: Non-Georgia Edition

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 6, 2021 23 Comments

Trump Prepares To Throw Pence Under The Bus.  The coup officially fails today.  Will poor Mike be OK?  Doctors fear he might have to undergo a lipunsuction procedure. Won’t Stop The Troglodytes, Though.  The Head Trogg will be there to air his grievances.  The myth of his invulnerability has crumbled.  I’m calling it:  Feel free […]

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Dems March Through Georgia Open Thread

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 6, 2021 9 Comments

Make no mistake: They’ve won ’em both.  Ossoff has a 16,000 vote lead, more than what Biden won Georgia by.  The remaining smattering of outstanding votes are in strong D areas. So Many Heroes, Stacey Abrams First Among Them.  It is impossible to overstate how hard it is to build a coalition the way that […]

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Georgia Election Results Open Thread

Filed in Featured, National by on January 5, 2021 14 Comments

Polls Close at 7. Follow along and comment here.

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DL Open Thread: Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 5, 2021 3 Comments

Trump’s Stoopid Lawyer Trix. Sidney Powell.  Cleta Mitchell.  Wonder if Trump will pay Powell’s legal fees if she’s sued. Trump’s Sources? QAnon And 4Chan.  Guess Fox and even Newsmax are too mainstream for him now… EPA Approves ‘Secret Science’ Rule Limiting Use Of Research In Policy-Making.  One more ‘gift’ from Trump on his way to […]

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