El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, July 26, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 26, 2020 4 Comments

The Real Deal On Portland.  Kristof spends a lot of time there. He spoke at my youngest daughter’s graduation. His parents are both professors at Portland State.  This is accurate.  Trump wants a conflagration, maybe multiple conflagrations, to scare the shit out of suburban Americans. He may be getting his wish.  He will stop at […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 25, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 25, 2020 5 Comments

Company Insiders Cash In On Vaccine Press Releases.  More proof the system, whatever the system is, is rigged. Rethugs To Unemployed: “Drop Dead”.  Moscow Mitch is in no hurry.  Politics trumps helping people.  Something tells me the politics ain’t gonna look so good for the R’s come November, because this is what’s likely to happen.  […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, July 24, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 24, 2020 3 Comments

DeMatteis ‘Manages’ Prison COVID Outbreak Same Way Yrene Waldron ‘Manages’ Covid Outbreaks In Nursing Homes.  If anything, DeMatteis comes across as the more cold-blooded of the two. She betrays nothing but contempt for her charges. Carney loves ‘team players’ like these two.  Humanity is not a trait he values. DHS Admits Lying In Order To […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, July 23, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 23, 2020 8 Comments

Feds Tear-Gas Portland Mayor. Of course, the Portland cops had tear-gassed the protestors for weeks before he finally deigned to show up at a protest. Here is a lot more on the ‘secret force’ occupying Portland. This is Nixon in 1968, except the protests have largely been peaceful, and Trump is fomenting violence for his […]

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Chris Coons Exposes His Brazen Hypocrisy For All To See

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 22, 2020 3 Comments

The great John Lewis died last week.  A man who was beaten by police for the crime of championing voting rights. A man who rose to Congress and into history for his relentless battle to enable all to vote. One of America’s giants. The great John Lewis died last week.  US Senator Chris Coons of […]

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DL Open Thread: Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 22, 2020 0 Comments

Trump To Pardon Sexual Predator?  Hey, they all had some good times together in Palm Beach.  If it’s in his head, he’ll say it.  Ghislaine Maxwell is in his head.  I’ll say it: She has more than a little something on him. Remember, he’s a serial sexual predator too. It’d be like pardoning himself. Trump […]

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Post-Filing Ruminations

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 21, 2020 11 Comments

A couple of random thoughts following last week’s madness featuring Bait-And-Switch Friday: 1. The Potter Family Is In Checkmate.  A breathless headline on another site proclaims “The Potter Family Must Be Stopped”.  Hello, is this mike on?  The Potter family has already stopped itself.  Velda Potter abandoned her run for reelection as Wilmington’s treasurer after […]

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DL Open Thread: Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 21, 2020 13 Comments

Chris Tigani, The Bidens, And The Delaware Way.  Read it, critically.  Tigani portrays himself as the victim.  Yes, the Bidens are part of ‘The Delaware Way’. As is every Delawarean in this article, including Norman Veasey, who could have made a difference, but chose to give the casually-corrupt politicos a pass. Fascism Comes To American […]

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DL Open Thread: Monday, July 20, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 20, 2020 12 Comments

Trump, Rethugs Look To Decimate Aid Bill.  Seek to double down on stuff people hate. Mike Pompeo: Even Sleazier Than We Knew. No wonder Pompeo fired the IG post-haste. Trump’s Bat-Shit Crazy Interview With Chris Wallace. The most ridiculous comments. He. Is. Mentally. Ill: Let Biden sit through an interview like this,” Trump said to […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, July 19, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 19, 2020 7 Comments

Trump Opposes $$’s For Testing And Contract Testing In New Aid Package.  History will record that Trump’s passing the pandemic response off to the states will be among the most disastrous decisions ever made by a President: But their ultimate goal was to shift responsibility for leading the fight against the pandemic from the White […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 18, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 18, 2020 12 Comments

RIP: John Lewis.  Simply put, one of the greatest Americans to ever walk among us.  From civil rights hero to congressional giant. Trump, DHS Taking Fascism ‘National’.  If you haven’t paid attention to what’s going on in Portland, Oregon, you simply must.  Rather than heed calls to withdraw, Ken Cuccinelli, who would never have a […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, July 17, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 17, 2020 2 Comments

The Disastrous Response To COVID By Delaware Nursing Homes. Genesis and Manor Care (Manor Care being Yrene Waldron’s previous employer) are still among the worst offenders, some 20 years after Delaware enacted strong nursing home reforms.  John, are you still satisfied with the performance of your Division Director? If so, you’re still willing to accept […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, July 16, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 16, 2020 2 Comments

Georgia Governor Sentences Residents To Death. Bans municipalities and counties from enforcing mask requirements. Are we back in April?  Are all these Rethug governors engaged in a contest to see who can kill the most of their residents?  Unconscionable behavior. If Trump Loses Ohio By One Vote, Here’s Why.  He listened to Trump, not the […]

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