El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Fri., March 27, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 27, 2020 20 Comments

Carney Caves To Gun Nuts.  I mean, what’s more essential than hoarding guns during a pandemic?  You can’t get a stockpile of books, but you can get a stockpile of weapons.  Craven Carney caved, pure and simple. John, I’d like to be able to make an appointment to buy some books.  (I would, actually). Can […]

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DL Open Thread: Thurs., March 26, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 26, 2020 4 Comments

Senate Passes Disaster Relief Plan.  Guess Lindsey Graham decided it wasn’t worth risking payouts to scofflaw corporations in order to screw people who might conceivably abuse unemployment benefits.  And, of course, the Trump family stands to benefit, despite language to the contrary in the bill: Even the fine print in a near-final 880-page version of […]

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DL Open Thread: Weds., March 25, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 25, 2020 11 Comments

We Have A Deal.  At first glance, it looks like the Rethugs had no choice but to cave on the $500 billion slush fund and more protection for workers: After complaints from Democrats, a $500 billion fund — $425 billion for the Federal Reserve to leverage for loans in order to help broad groups of […]

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Bye Bye Firefly

Filed in National by on March 24, 2020 1 Comment

It’s been canceled for 2020: https://www.delawareonline.com/story/entertainment/2020/03/24/firefly-music-festival-cancelled-due-coronavirus-scare/2908547001/  

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DL Open Thread: Tues., March 24, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 24, 2020 1 Comment

Trump Unreality Show’s Latest Plot Twist?: Put An End To Social Distancing.  A real plot twist, or just a guarantee that the networks will continue to cover this serial liar? These so-called briefings are now marathon political events.  Stop putting him on TV.  We wanna see Fauci, who has apparently been placed in involuntary quarantine […]

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DL Open Thread: Mon., March 23, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 23, 2020 11 Comments

‘Wartime President’ Abdicates War Powers.  But his poll numbers are going up, largely b/c of his daily campaign rallies masquerading as ‘Coronavirus Task Force’ briefings. Ceding all responsibility (and blame) to 50 governors so he can claim that it’s not his fault.  It seems that Joe Biden has gone back into hibernation.  Seriously, where the […]

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DL Open Thread: Sun., March 22, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 22, 2020 6 Comments

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  Where are the masks? We hear the daily platitudes from Trumpence, but the masks don’t come. Trump prefers to let ‘market forces’ work.  And blame everyone but him. JEE-zus. Again, stop giving Trump free air time for his propaganda. The networks show they have learned nothing from their coverage of his […]

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DL Open Thread: Sat., March 21, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 21, 2020 10 Comments

Trump’s Press Conferences Are Nothing But Propaganda.  They’ve become like his campaign rallies, and I think the networks should stop showing them live.  He just pounds the same lies into us over and over again.  Bottom line: Where are the masks, where are the tests, where are the ventilators?  Nowhere near where they need to […]

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Mr. (P)Resident: Mobilize The Military And The Factories NOW!

Filed in National by on March 20, 2020 0 Comments

You have the power. You have the authority. If indeed we are swimming in masks and tests, as you claim, then mobilize the military to deliver them. They can deliver supplies behind enemy lines, they can surely deliver supplies to the hospitals on the front lines. You have the authority, which you requested, to mobilize […]

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DL Open Thread: Fri., March 20, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 20, 2020 17 Comments

‘We’re Not A Shipping Clerk‘.  Of course not. Not at a time when there is a critical shortage of surgical masks, testing equipment, and ventilators at medical facilities facing the worst pandemic since at least 1918. Not when the President has the authority to mobilize industry to produce such products, but has chosen not to […]

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BREAKING: Senate D’s Propose Student Loan Relief During Crisis

Filed in Featured by on March 19, 2020 8 Comments

A minimum of $10K per student, plus relief during the duration of the coronavirus crisis: https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/03192020%20Student%20Loan%20Payment%20Relief%20Summary.pdf This provides relief in an area where it is desperately needed. Senators Schumer, Warren, Brown and Murray are spearheading this effort.

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Delaware Political Weekly…Occasionally

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 19, 2020 3 Comments

Hey, we’re in the strangest of times.  But the political calendar doesn’t grind to a halt…even if elements of campaigns do, or at least morph into something else altogether.  I’ve got lots of political news, though, so let’s get started. 1.  Door-to-door is out. Alternatives are in.  I think I may have taken part in […]

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DL Open Thread: Thurs., March 19, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 19, 2020 10 Comments

Virus Expands Exponentially.  Response Doesn’t.  Yesterday, we were at 6496 cases and 114 deaths.  We’re now at 9415 cases and 150 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins conavirus map.  The government appears no closer to securing nearly enough ventilators nor making tests readily available.  A willful failure that will go down in history. Florida Governor […]

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