El Somnambulo

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Song Of The Day: July 19, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 19, 2018 1 Comment

I’d like to dedicate this one to Maria Butina, who would have been right at home in this band:

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BREAKING From NYT: Trump Knew Before His Inauguration That Putin Ordered Election Hack

Filed in Featured, National by on July 18, 2018 18 Comments

The NY Times is reporting tonight that Trump had been provided with incontrovertible evidence that Vladimir Putin personally ordered the hacking of the of the DNC computers. From the NYT article: “Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered […]

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Most Intriguing Primaries: SD 2 And SD 3

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 18, 2018 22 Comments

I first want to talk about how local Democratic primaries could impact the statewide primary races.  For the most part, with just a few exceptions,  the local primaries could well drive up progressive participation precisely where such participation could help statewide reform candidates. It’s just the way the primaries worked out geographically and demographically this […]

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Song Of The Day: July 18, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 18, 2018 1 Comment

Home is where you go when nobody else will take you in:

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Open Thread For July 17: Russian Roulette

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on July 17, 2018 4 Comments

In this case, Trump is not pointing the barrel at his temple, but at us. He is, indeed, Putin’s lackey. As are virtually all Rethug members of Congress. A couple of lonely R’s do the right thing, and resign. How Sinclair’s hubris pissed off even the Trump-controlled FCC. If it looks and smells like collusion, […]

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Song Of The Day: July 17, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 17, 2018 1 Comment

This song seems more prescient every day:

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Song Of The Day: July 16, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 16, 2018 2 Comments

What song do you think should be the theme for the Putin-Trump summit? Here is my wife’s pick:

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Song Of The Day: July 15, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 15, 2018 0 Comments

When you write songs as well as Graham Parker, you can escape the bar scene.  Here we catch him and the Rumour just as they were making that transition. As you can see/hear, Graham had great taste in soul covers as well:

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Song Of The Day: July 14, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 14, 2018 3 Comments

Most bar bands never escape the bar circuit b/c they just don’t have the ‘it’ factor.  I never understood how this band made their escape, but they did, and Thorogood is pretty cool, so that’s OK. And, if you’re gonna channel somebody, Hound Dog Taylor ain’t a bad choice:

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Delaware Political Weekly: July 6-12, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 13, 2018 11 Comments

1. Best Week Ever For Kerri Harris Campaign. Finally, the battle is joined. Tom Carper has a record that is indefensible to real Democrats. We’ve chronicled that record here for years now. It’s all over the DL blog this week. You’ve probably read much of it. Kerri Harris was not going to have a chance […]

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Song Of The Day: July 13, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 13, 2018 2 Comments

Another great British pub-rock band:

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July 12 Open Thread: Pizza For Perverts

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on July 12, 2018 5 Comments

I was gonna lead off with the news that Tom Carper has finally been engaged on the issue of his terrible record. But I can’t emphasize it enough. Hey, read the article twice. (Hmmm, guess I did lead off with Carper’s terrible record.) Alby’s fave pizza slinger steps in it again. ‘Resigns’ from Papa John’s.   […]

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Song Of The Day: July 12, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 12, 2018 1 Comment

Pretty sure that’s Nick Lowe on bass guitar. And Dave Edmunds might be up there as well. Pub rockin’ at its best:

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