El Somnambulo

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primaries: #5: RD 29

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 21, 2024 2 Comments

Perhaps nobody is more ill-suited to his district than is Bill Bush.  A Delaware Way insider, he served as a House Attorney to the Kop Kabal, destroyed the choice of the Del-Tech Board of Directors in order to install Lonnie George’s Chosen One as Del-Tech President, and perhaps has been the leading pro-business/anti-grassroots Democratic legislator […]

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The Obligatory Democratic Convention Open Thread

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 19, 2024 6 Comments

What about the Convention do you want to talk about?

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How Low Will Brain-Dead John Carney Sink?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 19, 2024 13 Comments

Cut-and-pasting this: Friend, Thank you for everything you’ve done to support my campaign for Mayor. Today, I wanted to send a different message. I’m urging you to support Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long to be the next Governor for the State of Delaware. Over the last several weeks, Bethany’s opponents have distorted the truth and misrepresented the facts […]

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BREAKING: Red Clay Teachers Call For DSEA To Withdraw Its Endorsement Of BHL

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 19, 2024 18 Comments

Never knew I had so many teacher friends. (Stating the obvious, none had to deal with me in the classroom.)  But, starting this morning, several were in touch with me about this as I guess they all received the letter either at home or at school (I think this was the first day back for […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, August 18, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 18, 2024 21 Comments

A Bleepload Of Political Mailers.  Here’s what I got yesterday: Two mailers from Collin, at least a month too late; two anti-BHL mailers–gotta say, they were artfully produced; one mailer from Melanie Ross Levin or, more accurately, DSEA, addressed to my daughter, who does live in her district but doesn’t live here; one mailer for […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, August 17, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 17, 2024 2 Comments

Linda McMahon To Help Trump Transition.  See what I did there? Tulsi Gabbard To Play The Role Of Kamala For Trump’s Debate Prep.  Surely I’m not the only one who thinks he chose her b/c he thinks she’s hot.  Wonder what his plan is for a diaper workaround.  BTW, turns out she campaigned for the […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, August 16, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 16, 2024 23 Comments

Kamala’s Populist Agenda: Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday unveiled an aggressively populist economic agenda, providing the most detailed vision yet of her governing priorities since becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. Ahead of a speech in North Carolina, Harris’s campaign announced support for more than a dozen economic policies aimed at “lowering costs for […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, August 15, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 15, 2024 13 Comments

State Auditor Sets Up Opioid Slush Fund Tracker.  Great work that would be absolutely unnecessary if BHL had not used it as her personal slush fund to benefit her political allies.  It goes w/o saying that BHL and her ‘staff’ are the last people who should be auditing this.  We can now add over $90K […]

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BREAKING: BHL, Staff, Did Campaign Work On State’s Time

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 14, 2024 13 Comments

From Randall Chase of the Associated Press: Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long’s office staff was in regular communication last year with her husband and other people involved in her campaign for Delaware governor and worked during office hours to help facilitate the use of campaign funds, according to emails obtained by The Associated Press. The emails, […]

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Collin O’Mara Can Still Win IF…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 14, 2024 18 Comments

Guest Post by the MoMo: “It’s not too late” – me, an undecided voter. This is a message to O’Mara, the candidate with the most to gain. Summer sucks the lifeblood from voter contact, paid and grassroots for all candidates. Speaking to officials and Party members and primary voters, the clear message is that it is […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primaries: #6–Democratic Lieutenant Governor

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 14, 2024 3 Comments

I think this primary becomes less intriguing with each passing day.  The three candidates are State Senator Kyle Evans Gay, State Rep. Sherry Dorsey Walker, and Dr. Debbie Harrington.  I’m not saying that the race is over, but Kyle Evans Gay appears to be the front-runner.  I reported on her campaign finance windfall this morning, […]

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The 30-Day Campaign Finance Reports

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 12, 2024 60 Comments

The filing deadline for the Delaware primary is Wednesday, August 14.  As I start this, there are already 10 pages of filings at the Department Of Elections site. This article will be a work-in-progress as we will update it as the DOE site is updated, and as I get around to stuff.  There’s simply too […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, August 11, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 11, 2024 18 Comments

We’re gonna start our review of the Campaign Finance reports tomorrow.  We will update a lot in the coming days.  However, the Big Story is right there for everyone to see:  I can safely say that at no time in Delaware campaign history has there been such an influx of Third Party money into our […]

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