El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, March 25, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 25, 2023 12 Comments

‘The Second Amendment Grants You The Right To Have Your Gun Stolen’.  Because you have the freedom to not lock your car and/or your glove gun compartment: In a country awash with guns, with more firearms than people, the parked car, or in many cases the parked pickup truck, has become a new flashpoint in the […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, March 24, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 24, 2023 5 Comments

Marcus Henry Vs. Karen Hartley-Nagle:  Looks like one of them will be our Next County Executive.  Henry is already campaigning, KHN put out an announcement yesterday: “I’m good at what I do, (being sued?) and experience matters,” she says. “And I believe that my experience is what sets me apart. As the president of New […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, March 23, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 23, 2023 4 Comments

JOE BIDEN VS. Carney/DeMatteis/Geisenberger.  The topic?:  Medicare Advantage: The multimillion dollar ad buy is part of an aggressive campaign by the health insurance industry and its allies to stop the Biden proposal. It would significantly lower payments — by billions of dollars a year — to Medicare Advantage, the private plans that now cover about […]

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Rethugs Launch Statewide Campaign Against–Electric Cars

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 22, 2023 7 Comments

Led by climate denialists,  petroleum-funded ‘spokespersons’, and yes, elected Rethugs. Here’s the story from Frank Burns, who must be elected to replace Mike Ramone in 2024: I am writing because a shameful ruse is being used by the state Republican Party to try to stop adoption of electric vehicles in Delaware. They are promoting this […]

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Why White Christian Nationalists Are Doomed

Filed in Featured, National by on March 20, 2023 20 Comments

It’s inevitable.  Because Demographics Are Destiny: The white Christian portion of the U.S. adult population includes 14% who are white evangelical Protestant, 14% who are white mainline (non-evangelical) Protestant, 13% who are white Catholic, and small proportions of white Latter-Day Saints, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Orthodox Christians. The proportion of white evangelical Protestants in the population […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, March 19, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 19, 2023 13 Comments

Rethugs Sabotaged Jimmy Carter’s Reelection Bid–Cut Deal With Iran To Hold Prisoners Until After Reagan’s Election.  We’d always suspected it, but now we have close-to-incontrovertible proof: It has been more than four decades, but Ben Barnes said he remembers it vividly. His longtime political mentor invited him on a mission to the Middle East. What […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, March 18, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 18, 2023 11 Comments

Conventional Wisdom: DeSantis Is Flaming Out Already: But the DeSantis salad days appear to be over. Perhaps Republican voters have already forgotten that Trump almost singlehandedly doomed their Senate takeover last cycle—they do tend to like alternative realities. Or maybe Trump’s unchallenged broadsides have truly begun to take effect. Whatever the case, DeSantis’ star has […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, March 17, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 17, 2023 12 Comments

“What do ye call a wee Irish person who’s always complainin’ of their aches and pains?” “A leprechaundriac.” Santos Plans Reelection Bid!  The exclamation point is meant to be ironic. Here’s why he has filed: The filing with the Federal Election Commission does not necessarily mean that Santos will run for a second term, but […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, March 16, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 16, 2023 6 Comments

Hey, kids, wanna get your bill placed first on the House Agenda? Simple.  Just get El Somnambulo (that’s me!) to predict that Our PAL Val will bury it in committee.  Which is not to say that the bill didn’t deserve to be buried.  We’re talking HB 40 (Briggs King), which: creates the Grants-In-Aid Committee. The […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, March 16, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 16, 2023 4 Comments

How AI Algorithms Routinely Reject Medicare Advantage Claims:  Just something else that the intellectually-incurious John Carney will never read: The STAT investigation found artificial intelligence is increasingly driving denials by health insurance companies for medical claims in Medicare Advantage. As health insurance companies expand their use of algorithms to predict a patient’s health care journey […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 15, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 15, 2023 4 Comments

If this post isn’t the worth the price of a non-subscription, I don’t know what is.  So much stuff that I’m gonna have to up the Snark Factor to keep it interesting.  Betcha I can do it. I’ve been told that there’s no such thing as a stupid question (not true, BTW), but I must […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 14, 2023 8 Comments

Stop the presses! Stephanie Bolden wants EVERYONE to know that she would have voted for HB 2 had she shown up for session on Thursday, and anyone who says otherwise is trying to besmirch her pristine reputation.  Which begs the question–will she vote to override Carney’s veto of the bill? Will she show up?  BTW, […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, March 12, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 12, 2023 6 Comments

‘I Got Your Oil Slick Right Here’.  Biden to Alaska: The Biden administration has decided to authorize a mammoth ConocoPhillips oil project in northwest Alaska, despite arguments by opponents that it will exacerbate climate change, according to people familiar with the matter. The project is enormous by almost any measure. Its $8 billion price tag […]

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