El Somnambulo

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DL Open Thread: Friday, Nov. 12, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 12, 2021 12 Comments

Who said it?:  “…“the Black wogs and coons and Arabs and f—ing Jamaicans don’t belong here.”   Answer at bottom of column. Manchin Is A Republican. Period. Sabotaging The Democratic Senate Caucus from within.  Might as well admit it and move on.  He will.  Phil Gramm redux: “We spend so much time being polite in the […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, November 11, 2021

Filed in Featured, National, Open Thread by on November 11, 2021 7 Comments

“Should We Burn The Books–Or Just Ban Them?“.  Not isolated. Organized efforts.  Democracy, or what passes for it, dies in darkness: Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin (R) had attacked McAuliffe for, as governor, vetoing a bill to allow parents to opt their children out of reading assignments they deem to be explicit. The impetus was a famous […]

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General Assembly Retains Former Delaware Supreme Court Justice To Consider McGuiness Case

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 9, 2021 5 Comments

Yes, we were spared the Alphonse-Gaston back-and-forth that had inexplicably taken hold in Leg Hall over L’Affaire(s) McGuiness: House and Senate leadership announced jointly they’ve retained former Supreme Court Justice Randy J. Holland for guidance on the General Assembly’s powers under Article III of the Delaware Constitution. The never-before-used provision, created in 1897, permits the […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Nov. 2 To Nov. 8, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 9, 2021 11 Comments

I’d imagine that this feature will migrate off of Tuesdays at some point.  But I put the first one up last Tuesday, and it suits my current work schedule. Besides, I’ve got stuff. 1.  First Would-Be Successor To Rep. David Bentz Surfaces.  And he has all the earmarks of a legitimate candidate.  Martin Willis filed […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, November 7, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 7, 2021 2 Comments

How Cops Justify Killing Those Stopped For Traffic Offenses:  ‘The Car Was The Weapon’: In a New York Times investigation of car stops that left more than 400 similarly unarmed people dead over the last five years, those words were routinely used to explain why police officers had fired at drivers. In about 250 of […]

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Shawn Garvin Brings ‘Teh Weak’.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 6, 2021 12 Comments

Yep, we’re talking about The Underwater City At Fort DuPont.  You will surely recall this letter from Jack Guerin to DNREC Secretary Garvin concerning this boondoggle: Hello Mr. Garvin, I’m contacting you based on your dual role as Secretary of DNREC and Board Secretary of the Fort Dupont Redevelopment and Preservation Corporation (FDRPC).  You are […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, November 6, 2021

Filed in National by on November 6, 2021 0 Comments

D’s Finally Pass Something, And Send It To Biden.  If a $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure program can seem anti-climactic, the D’s will make it so.  Of course, there was a caveat: House Democrats had planned to also hold a vote on their sprawling social policy and climate bill on Friday, but it was put on hold […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, November 5, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 5, 2021 1 Comment

Big Pharma Breaks Lobbying Spending Records To Fight Drug Pricing Initiatives.  They’ve already got Carper and Coons in their pockets–although maybe they can rustle up some spare change to further fatten their campaign coffers.  Remember, kids, not ‘centrists’, corporatocrats. Groundhog Day Headline Du Jour: ‘House Democrats Near Vote On Newly-Retooled $1.75 Trillion Spending Plan’.  Musical […]

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RIP: Governor Ruth Ann Minner

Filed in National by on November 4, 2021 13 Comments

https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2021/11/04/governor-ruth-ann-minner-delaware-dies/6285935001: Delaware’s first and only female governor Ruth Ann Minner has died at the age of 86 after living a “truly remarkable story of triumph in the face of adversity,” according to multiple government officials. Minner dropped out of high school at 16 to help out on her family farm. At 32, she was widowed suddenly […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, November 4, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 4, 2021 5 Comments

Opinion: D’s Have To Confront Rethugs’ Relentlessly Racist Dog-Whistles.  It’s been the R strategy since Nixon, and it works when D’s ignore it: Crucially, the Republican nominee, Glenn Youngkin, was able to use racially coded attacks to motivate sky-high white turnout without paying a penalty among minority voters. This appears to solve the problem bedeviling […]

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The FIRST Irregular Delaware Political Weekly For 2021-22!

Filed in National by on November 2, 2021 13 Comments

The legislative maps are officially locked in.  Meaning it’s Open Season for political junkies.  Let’s go! 1. The Announced Legislative Retirees: (The Disgraced/Disgraceful) Rep. Gerald Brady. His behavior guaranteed that the 4th RD would head on down to Suxco. Rep. David Bentz (18th RD).  It can’t be said often enough–one of Dover’s best and most […]

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The Delaware General Assembly Redistricting Special Session

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 1, 2021 12 Comments

Lt. Gov. BHL has just reconvened the Senate. Sen. Sokola has moved that SB 199, the legislative redistricting bill, be considered under suspension of rules. Sokola: Retains the cores of all 21 Senate districts, 5 minority-majority districts, one Black majority districts. Hocker: Will vote against bill b/c too much consideration is given to districts losing […]

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My Fave Tunes For October, 2021

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on November 1, 2021 1 Comment

Fewer songs this month because, at this time of the year, I eliminate tunes that are on albums that won’t be released until at least January.  I’ve already heard four stone-cold killers for early 2022.  Can’t wait. However, we’re left with some s-s-seriously good stuff. Including, wait, is that a jam band I hear? On […]

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