
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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The Impeach Biden Movement Gathers Momentum, if by “momentum” you mean Ted Cruz nodding like a dummy while Sean Hannity tries to get a rise out of his 11 remaining viewers

Filed in National by on May 4, 2023 0 Comments

lmao Cruz and Hannity are talking about impeaching Biden for allegations the substance of which they don't even know pic.twitter.com/RsnUTO3Jhg — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 4, 2023  

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The New York Times Strains Mightily to Turn the Debt Ceiling into a “Both Sides” Story

Filed in National by on May 3, 2023 9 Comments

The Gray Lady’s David Leonhardt give us a view of the media’s indestructible  “both sides” narrative A 90 percent story The hardest political stories for reporters to cover and pundits to analyze can be those that are neither 100 percent stories nor 50 percent stories. A 100 percent story is one in which reality is […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday May 3 2023

Filed in National by on May 3, 2023 7 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday May 3 2023

An Open Letter to Bethany Hall-Long

Dear Bethany,

I am writing to you today as a concerned citizen who believes in the importance of protecting the healthcare benefits of retirees. As you know, there is an ongoing controversy regarding the future of retiree health insurance, specifically the adoption of “Medicare Advantage”  which is not Medicare, but an expensive, low-quality, privatized, fraudulently named, inferior product.

I wanted to reach out to you personally and ask if you would be willing to make a commitment to not privatize retiree health insurance if you are elected and become the 75th Governor of Delaware.  On May 9th at 1:00pm many retirees and advocates in our state who believe that privatizing Medicare would be a disservice will be rallying at Leg Hall.  Would you be willing to show your support for those who have earned and paid for their healthcare benefits?

As a candidate for office, I believe it is important for you to take a clear stance on this issue and let voters know where you stand. Will you commit to protecting the rights of retirees to have access to Original Medicare ? Will you stand up against Governor John Carney’s attempts to privatize Medicare and ensure that retirees have access to the healthcare benefits they have earned?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter and hope that you will join me in supporting the healthcare needs of our retirees.




An Open Letter to Matt Meyer


I know you just read all that.  What the fuck dude?  This is a layup.





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Little Ronny Pudding Fingers deliberately targeted Disney for political retaliation. Just ask him

Filed in National by on May 2, 2023 0 Comments

Florida will be paying, and it will be expensive. I hope owning the Libs is rewarding in non-monetary ways. (DeSantis continuously and loudly testifying against himself) is unusual, says Scott Wilkens, senior counsel at the Knight First Amendment Institute. In such lawsuits, Wilkens notes, you “often have to make inferences” about the motives driving government […]

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Hey John Carney, Stop the Lies

Filed in National by on May 2, 2023 12 Comments
Hey John Carney,  Stop the Lies

RISE is fighting hard.  I hope they expand their field of vision to fight for future in addition to current retirees, but that is nit picking.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday May 2 2023

Filed in National by on May 2, 2023 6 Comments

Biden is in a tough spot. MAGA extremists in Congress don’t want a deal. They want to blow shit up. The debt ceiling is custom made for their brand of terrorism. Yellen says drop-dead date for debt ceiling is June 1 Lawmakers have until June 1 to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote […]

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DL Open Thread Monday May 1st 2023

Filed in National by on May 1, 2023 5 Comments

What’s the over/under for how many elections the DEGOP is going to lose under the new radical MAGA administration?   The Monday’s top two stories may provide some answers.  

Murray Blame Game Starts Minute 1 of Day 1

Murray wasted no time sloughing off responsibility for the DEGOP’s impending losses to a not yet hired executive director and “several committees.”  

“…we have to hire an executive director, our bylaws require it. … I’ve got to start there,” Murray said. “And that’s the person who’s going to be responsible for herding all of the cats. I have to operate more at a strategic level. We have several committees that we’re going to form. And I’m excited about that.”

She’ll be thinking big thoughts.  Terrific.   Yesterday I mentioned a preview she gave as to what big thoughts she might be thinking – MORE GUNS!  Just what the electorate is clamoring for.  

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Poll Results and Next Week’s Poll

Filed in National by on April 30, 2023 10 Comments

Thanks to everyone who “joined” DL this month by supporting Working Families Party , Highlands Bunker, Claymont Food Closet and/or Friendship House  I increased my support for Highlands Bunker and made a donation to the Claymont Food Closet.  Our goal was to have 20 new DL members (or 20 new members/donors) for these fine orgs.  […]

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Murray defeat of Brady reveals north/south split in DEGOP – And not the split you expect

Filed in National by on April 30, 2023 19 Comments
Murray defeat of Brady reveals north/south split in DEGOP – And not the split you expect

There is a North/South split in the GOP.  It is, as you might expect,  along the lines of MAGA vs people who have a dim memory of when the GOP could win an election in Delaware. But it is not crazies in the south, “sane” Republicans in the north.

The convention counted 338 delegates: 49 from Northern New Castle, 58 from Western New Castle, 51 from Colonial New Castle, 73 from Kent County, and 107 from Sussex County. Murray got 182 votes to Brady’s 155. Her biggest strength was in Colonial, in eastern New Castle County, where she got 44 votes to Brady’s four.

Among people active enough to take part in party politics, the Murray defeat of Brady has flipped the old conventional wisdom on its head.   The newbie MAGA nuts who have joined since Trump are in the North, and the old timers who have a vague memory of Mike Castle and Pete Dupont are hanging on in Sussex.

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Breaking – Jane Brady Out at DEGOP, Dumpster Fire Now Chaired by Julianne Murray

Filed in National by on April 29, 2023 9 Comments
Breaking – Jane Brady Out at DEGOP,  Dumpster Fire Now Chaired by Julianne Murray

In a close (155/182) vote, Jonny-come-lately MAGAt Brady was defeated by genuine MAGAt Murray.

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Go Forbid the workers should get a little leverage. That would be bad for “the economy”

Filed in National by on April 29, 2023 3 Comments
Go Forbid the workers should get a little leverage. That would be bad for “the economy”

Yeah. Its pretty obviously not about inflation. It’s about keeping the boot on the necks of the workers.

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Coons Honored Among the “Thirstiest Members of Congress” in Politico’s First Annual Thirsty for Media Attention Awards

Filed in National by on April 29, 2023 9 Comments
Coons Honored Among the “Thirstiest Members of Congress” in Politico’s First Annual Thirsty for Media Attention Awards

It’s official. Coons is gross.  And it isn’t just me saying it.  

Presenting the first-ever Thirsties, for those who excel in Washington’s signature art form: trying to get on your TV screen tonight.

Hollywood has the Oscars. Broadway has the Tonys. Washington hasn’t had its own awards — until now.

Introducing the Thirsties, a celebration of the quality that defines this place.

You know what we’re talking about: the thirst. That unquenchable drive for publicity, attention, buzz. Call it what you want, This Town is full of it. The thirst can be found in staffers, lobbyists — even journalists, who are supposed to be covering the story, not angling for a starring role in it. To paraphrase a hoary old Washington line on something almost as obscene: You know thirst when you see it.

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Highlands Bunker – Is your life lacking in frustration?

Filed in National by on April 29, 2023 6 Comments

Is your life lacking in frustration? Do you need to be a little more annoyed than you already are?  Well, then this is the Highlands Bunker episode you’ve been waiting for. Here is a very worthy topic only partially unpacked in the last few minutes while REV spends a whole lot of time being his frustrating self, while the guest (Allison Levine) seems to completely miss the idea that politics is a “winner take all” zero sum game nowadays, and that Democrats have been being taking a beating for being too willing to meet Republicans halfway.

Local Journalism Initiative Founder Allison Levine joins Rob in the bunker to talk about the Delaware Journalism Collaborative, which includes the Delaware Call, its project of addressing polarization and what that entails, and how to make positive change.

Show Notes:

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