
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Smug and assured, ignorant and shameless

Filed in National by on April 8, 2023 2 Comments

There are many necessary responses to Matthew Kacsmaryk’s misogynist lawlessness, and Jessica Valenti’s too-hot-for-Elon visceral reaction is certainly one of them: There’s no real way to prepare for the feeling of despair that rises in your body as you’re reminded, once again, that you’re no longer a full citizen in your own country. I want to be […]

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Republicans Use Federal Judiciary to Enact National Abortion Ban

Filed in National by on April 7, 2023 10 Comments
Republicans Use Federal Judiciary to Enact National Abortion Ban

Heck of a job, Coons.  Matthew Kacsmaryk’s decision claiming to overrule the FDA’s approval of abortion drug mifepristone—23 years late—is an appalling and indefensible abuse of power that will go down in history as one of the judiciary’s most humiliating and lawless moments. https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/myvmojgodvr/ND%20Texas%20Abortion%20Pill%20Ruling%202023-04-07.pdf… The ruling is stayed for a week, so nothing changes now. […]

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It looks like the Fed will need to make houses and cars even more expensive

Filed in National by on April 7, 2023 11 Comments

U.S. adds a healthy 236,000 jobs despite Fed’s rate hikes America’s employers added a solid 236,000 jobs in March, reflecting a resilient labor market and suggesting that the Federal Reserve may see the need to keep raising interest rates in the coming months. The unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, not far above the 53-year low […]

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Chris Coons would like you to know that a “free trade” deal with the UK will be great for his fellow Millionaires and Billionaires

Filed in National by on April 7, 2023 2 Comments

Since the UK still has some labor protections and socialized medicine (not just for the old fuckers), I guess the US is going to play the “Mexico” in this deal. While the world is anxiously focused on the havoc being wreaked by rising interest rates and the anxiety over banks, we should note that there’s […]

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Conservatives call for charges against Hunter Biden after Trump indictment

Filed in National by on April 7, 2023 4 Comments
Conservatives call for charges against Hunter Biden after Trump indictment

Lappy!(tm): Don’t threaten me with a good time. 

While Republicans threaten to prosecute Democrats for fake crimes in retaliation for Trump being charged with real crimes – most Democrats are saying, “If you have crimes, please prosecute.  That’s what is supposed to happen.”


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Republicans – School Shootings “rational” “worth it” & “prudent deal” to preserve 2nd Ammnt

Filed in National by on April 7, 2023 1 Comment

Republicans are doubling down on being more honest about protecting guns over elementary school children: Charlie Kirk:  You will never live in a society when you have an armed citizenry and you won’t have a single gun death. That is nonsense. It’s drivel. But I am – I think it’s worth it. I think it’s […]

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What does Trump mean by “racist in reverse”?

Filed in National by on April 6, 2023 6 Comments

When Trump says “reverse racism” he is obviously he is making a value judgement about the kind of racism he is enduring. As Trump uses it, “reverse racism” is an illegitimate perversion of the regular racism directed at African American people by white people.

Regular racism is the normative state. It is fine. We all understand and accept regular racism. We live and breath it. But when a black person attacks a white person solely for being white, well – that is shocking. That shit needs to be called out, and simply saying “racist” doesn’t cut it.

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People are saying Clarence Thomas accepted these luxury vacations as “gifts” – actually he earned them

Filed in National by on April 6, 2023 2 Comments

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has for decades been the recipient of “luxury vacations” — some of which would normally cost as much as $500,000 — via billionaire GOP mega-donor Harlan Crow, according to a new ProPublica report.

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[Dumb Fucking] Statement from DEGOP Speaks for Itself [Annotated]

Filed in National by on April 6, 2023 1 Comment
[Dumb Fucking] Statement from DEGOP Speaks for Itself [Annotated]

 For Immediate Release
                    Media Contact: George D. Rotsch 302-354-5730

Statement Regarding the Trump Indictment

“This is a sad day in our nation.  But it should not surprise us that Alvin Bragg indicted former President Donald Trump. [This is a shocking break with MAGA orthodoxy to admit that Trump is the “former” President. tsk, tsk, Jane.] His campaign promise was to get Donald Trump.  And this simply continues the practice of the Democrats using Government against the people. First the IRS, then the FBI, and now the Manhattan DA’s Office. [Lappy!(tm) would like you to repeat how politically motivated prosecutions are wrong – but with feeling this time!] 

Legally, the case appears flawed, […crimes are only committed by black people in cities, Trump is white, duh!] outside the prosecutor’s jurisdiction and the statute of limitations.  [Yes, we have made the switch from Fox News to Newsmax. Why do you ask?] 

Politically, if it was intended to harm the former President, that has backfired; his favorability shot up, and donations are pouring in. [OMG!! YES!! Please nominate him!! HE IS AWESOME, WILL SURELY WIN NEXT TIME!! The campaign speeches that are long boring lists of grievances are certain to win over moderates and independents.] 

We the People, are not stupid.  [Psssst….Whenever someone claims to not be stupid, guess what..?]   We recognize a political prosecution for what it is. Regrettably, this is yet another instance of the unfair application and weaponization of governmental authority.”  [Well, Biden did say, “I am Your RETRIBUTION”.  oh wait, that wasn’t Biden? Shoot.].  

 Jane, [I once humored the brain-dead dunces, now I am one] Brady

Chair of the [flat out of ideas] Delaware GOP

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DL Open Thread Wednesday April 5 2023

Filed in National by on April 5, 2023 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday April 5 2023

Hey There,
Before we rundown the daily shitshow, take a minute and read this post and consider which organization you are going to support  We know about 400 people on any given day read DL’s coverage of Leg Hall, campaign coverage and other timely shit, so we’re only asking for a handful of news nerds to support DL by stepping up to support some other fine organizations.  

Look at it this way, climate grifter and well-known rugby ball impersonator, “Dr” David LeGates DOESN’T want you to contribute to any of the organizations. OK?

Oh Look, Trump’s Sons Suddenly Care About Judicial Conflicts of Interest!

The daughter of the judge overseeing Trump’s criminal case worked for Democrats. Nevermind that Clarence Thomas’ wife literally tried to overturn an election.

Putin Is No Longer ‘Sane,’ Says Kremlin Insider Who Fled the Country

A Russian officer who worked closely with Vladimir Putin as a captain in the Federal Guard Service has defected and is now spilling the Kremlin’s secrets.

A non-MAGA attended the DEGOP’s anti-electric car pep rally featuring their go-to science doofus.  It didn’t go well for the DEGOP.

I attended the town mall meeting March 21 at the Indian River Senior Center in Millsboro organized by Delaware Republicans to generate opposition to Gov. Carney’s proposed lower-emission vehicle program, requiring that dealers offer a growing percentage of electric vehicles starting with model year 2026 and concluding in 2035 when all new vehicles offered for sale must be electric.

The meeting was moderated by Rep. Rich Collins, R-Millsboro, flanked by Sen. Gerald Hocker. Collins stated: “We need to follow the science, folks. We need to work with correct information to make such an important decision.” The science expert Collins introduced was Dr. David LeGates, whose presentation focused on casting doubt on the severity of climate change and the human causes of global warming. He stated that carbon dioxide is plant food and not a pollutant. In the waning months of his administration, climate change denier Donald Trump appointed LeGates as deputy assistant secretary of commerce for observation and prediction at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  I encourage everyone to google David LeGates and come to their own conclusions as to his motives and affiliations.

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Comment Rescue: Yeah. We’re just a bunch of assholes being assholes

Filed in National by on April 4, 2023 4 Comments

Tell me the DEGOP is running on fumes, without saying that the DEGOP is running on fumes…

This morning Sen. Paradee posted a video showing that his office had been redecorated over the weekend with hundreds (?) of plastic straws on the floor, on the furniture and on the picture frames.

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April is DelawareLiberal’s Membership Drive Month

Filed in National by on April 4, 2023 9 Comments

You get so much from DL,  now it is time to give back.

BUT…Since you can’t join this site or give us money, we are asking you to join (or supporting with a recurring donation) one of these organizations that is doing good work as a proxy for joining or donating to Delaware Liberal.

If you don’t see one on the list, add your own and let us know who we overlooked.  JUST be sure to join or donate to a new organization as an expression of your love for DelawareLiberal!

Working Families Party 

Highlands Bunker

Claymont Food Closet

Friendship House 

Show your support for what we’re doing at DL by supporting our hard working fellow travelers.

2023 Goal: 20 new members/donors.

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The end of my red state tourism

Filed in National by on April 4, 2023 13 Comments

There was a time, not long ago, when I’d go spend money in Florida, Tennessee, and even Texas.  Not anymore. Fuck those places. Who knows if losing out on my measly tourist dollars will be felt by those places.  I doubt it.  But this isn’t about me joining some boycott,  its just about having a […]

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