
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday March 7 2023

Filed in National by on March 7, 2023 14 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday March 7 2023

Why does John Carney hate pedestrians? Among civilized states – Delaware has the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities “Your blogging licensing and registration, please” I hope this Desantis style “freedom” doesn’t come to Delaware.  I’d hate to have to register with the state just to continue pointing out that Chris Coons is a corporate lickspittle, and Lisa […]

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And lo, the answer came forth clear…

Filed in National by on March 7, 2023 0 Comments
Whan that new poll by Mason-Dixon fair
Did make its way unto the air
Conducted by the Fairness Campaign bright
A pro-LGBTQ rights group with might

The question posed did bring to light
A topic of great moral right
Should state leaders have the power
To overrule parents’ wishes hour by hour?

And lo, the answer came forth clear
From seventy-one percent without fear
Nay, say they, such laws should not exist
For parents’ wishes should always persist

In matters of their children’s lives
The power should rest in their hives
For who can know a child’s heart
Better than those who from birth did impart?

So let it be known throughout the land
That parents’ wishes should remain grand
And state leaders should not interfere
In matters of their children dear.

Dear ChatGpt – In the style of Chaucer, can you write a about A new Mason-Dixon poll by the Fairness Campaign, that showed 71% of respondents oppose laws letting state leaders overrule parents’ wishes?

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Poll Results – This Week’s Poll: Who do you want to be Delaware’s next Lt Governor?

Filed in National by on March 6, 2023 25 Comments

As to the question  “Which issue should Bethany Hall Long pick to be her signature issue in the upcoming gubernatorial race?”

It was a dead heat with “Access to healthcare for women in post Roe Delaware (24%)” barely edging out  “Continuing the work of the Carney admin (21%)” and “Addressing the wanton lawlessness of DE Cops through LEBOR reform (23%)”.

All of those are funny to me. “Addressing the wanton lawlessness of DE Cops through LEBOR reform” is perhaps the most hilarious.  This has less than zero chance of being a concern of the possible Hall-Long administration.   But it reminds me… Pete wants a special license plate for cops.  I haven’t followed it closely, but what does the plate commemorate?

LEOBOR Today, LEOBOR tomorrow, LEOBOR forever! ?

Onward to this week’s

The floor is open and please note the wording is: Who do you WANT to be the next Lt Gov.   So all you Tabatha fans, this is your moment.



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DL Open Thread Monday March 6 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on March 6, 2023 7 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday March 6 2023

The Delaware Court of Chancery is a bunch of milquetoast pussies who will never bop the fuck out Fox News like it needs bopping.  (And I know that all you milquetoast pussies read this blog, so now I’ve called you milquetoast pussies to your face twice, so you basically have to bop the fuck out […]

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Highlands Bunker – The Truth Falls Out (w/ Syl Woolford)

Filed in National by on March 5, 2023 2 Comments

Just listening to REV read from Eslanda Goode Robeson’s retelling of her HUAC testimony is well worth the price of admission. E231 – The Truth Falls Out (w/ Syl Woolford)  Local historian Syl Woolford joins Rob in the bunker to talk about his research into Paul Robseon, how it relates to the present day, and the […]

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Trump seals the deal at CPAC

Filed in National by on March 5, 2023 1 Comment

Paul Campos at LGM watched Trump’s CPAC speech: I’m watching Donald Trump doing his improv shtick at CPAC right now — it’s on CSPAN — and if you think somebody else has a chance to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2024 I suggest you think about it again. You can’t out-Trump Trump, and you […]

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Spot the racism

Filed in National by on March 4, 2023 8 Comments
Spot the racism

Here are two headlines about the same story. One is from Fox News and one is from WHYY.  It will take a keen eye, but see if you can spot the racism. Here are some of the changes: Starting next year, the exam will be given twice annually — in February and July. The “cut” or […]

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MAGA Shitheads just love being Putin’s bitch

Filed in National by on March 3, 2023 0 Comments

MAGA fuckwits (including MAGA members of congress) really got excited when they saw this doctored video.

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The denial dog that never barked

Filed in National by on March 3, 2023 4 Comments

Fox News has fully exposed itself as the for profit propaganda arm of the GOP.  Democrats are now free to stop pretending that it is “news” in a traditional sense.  Even members of the media fraternity are now saying that Fox News propaganda arm of the GOP.  But here is the interesting thing – nobody in the GOP or at Fox News denies it. They are candid – Fox News isn’t a news service, its a propaganda service.

No defenders of Fox have risen and attempted to make the case that Fox News is legitimate news.  Steve Bannon simply says that they are part of the GOP and a part that should be be doing a better job electing Republicans.


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Welcome to DelaWOKE – MAGA owned firms wondering when whites will ever get a fair shake in this state as Delaware moves to increase diversity in state-funded construction projects

Filed in National by on March 3, 2023 19 Comments

Delaware using pilot studies to increase diversity in state-funded construction projects Anitra Johnson In a state where Black and Hispanic people make up one-third of the population, the likelihood that Delaware utilizes women-owned, Hispanic-owned, or Black-owned businesses in government-funded activities is low. A 2022 study commissioned by the state found a lack of diversity amongst […]

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The Real Target

Filed in National by on March 2, 2023 2 Comments

The New York Times and other Trans-hating media outlets will want you to think that it isn’t the trans youths they hate but the doctors and their diabolical sex change “experiments”.   That’s bullshit.  They hate the queers.  

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Expand Social Security Benefits by $2,400 a year & fully fund the program through 2095

Filed in National by on March 2, 2023 1 Comment

Now that… (above) is something Democrats could run on and win,  if they only had the guts to do it. Sure they’d have moderate ass-wipes like Coons and Kaine fretting and moaning about it, but fuck those guys. And by the way, I know I tend to view “policy” through the lens of “strategy” but […]

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America’s Most Pressing Problem – Not enough uninformed screaming at school board members

Filed in National by on March 2, 2023 10 Comments

Republicans have a plan to address that.


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