
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Jamie Raskin is probably right, we should insist on the correct name

Filed in National by on March 1, 2023 4 Comments

I had kinda given up on paying much attention to this intentional grammatical error because so many Democratic Party dunderheads like John Carney constantly use “Democrat Party” when they mean “Democratic Party”.

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What is “woke” anyway?

Filed in National by on March 1, 2023 6 Comments

This is about as tidy a definition as I’v found: “Woke”, in fact, is a meaningless term — a floating signifier you can stuff with whatever you want. As Zoe Williams wrote in the Guardian: “a hate figure has been created, a shibboleth, a means by which bigots can identify one another and give voice […]

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It is Going to Be a Rematch – Biden v Trump

Filed in National by on March 1, 2023 30 Comments

There is no escaping the fact that Trump still owns the GOP.  And if you look at it in terms of purely mercenary electoral realities- that’s good news for Biden. Paul Campos at LGM sums it up: Two things make this inevitable: (1) A collective action problem: the only way any other candidate would have […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday March 1 2023

Filed in National by on March 1, 2023 6 Comments

These House Republicans really are some sick mother fuckers.

House Oversight Chair Laments That Joe Biden’s Dead Son Was Never Prosecuted

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer invoked the late son of President Joe Biden on Tuesday, lamenting that Beau Biden was never prosecuted over an investigation into illegal contributions involving his father’s 2008 presidential campaign.

When he’s not busy threatening pay-TV providers for not carrying his favorite right-wing channels, or warning that Chinese spy balloons may drop “bioweapons” on the U.S., Comer has devoted much of his energy to launching an investigation into presidential son Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to ban Black Sororities and Fraternities on the grounds of extreme wokeness

Filed in National by on February 28, 2023 8 Comments

I would not be surprised to read the headline above sometime. The hate monster needs constant feeding.  In the meantime, while we wait for that once unthinkable headline to become reality, did you see the Florida Nazi’s screaming threats at the Jewish residents of Volusia County?  Just free speech as far as DeSantis is concerned. Gov. […]

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DL Open Thread February 28 2023

Filed in National by on February 28, 2023 10 Comments

Coons will still fucking go on Fox News.  You know he will.   The guy just loves being Mr. Important. He loves being he guy with important bi-partisan insights cherished by all news outlet – even the news outlet that is not a news outlet but the propaganda arm of the GOP.   @MattGertz Rupert […]

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Poll Results and This Week’s Poll – Feb 27 2023

Filed in National by on February 27, 2023 18 Comments

Who do you think will succeed John Carney as Governor of Delaware? From the sharp crack of the starter’s pistol, the results were never in doubt. Bethany Hall Long is the DL readers & lurkers predicted next Governor of Delaware with 36%.   I’ve comment rescued a fairly cogent comment on the topic below.   […]

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DL Open Thread Monday February 27 2023

Filed in National by on February 27, 2023 5 Comments

Anyone want to play “guess the state”? (This State’s) Christians could sue people who call them transphobic, homophobic, racist, or sexist  if this GOP bill passes (_____________) Republican introduced a bill that would make it easier for religious people to sue those who call them out as homophobic or transphobic, a bill built on a […]

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Thanks, Bill Clinton!

Filed in National by on February 26, 2023 11 Comments

The DLC/Clintonite/Corporate Whore version of the Democratic Party really gave the Republicans a multi-generational gift by passing NAFTA and declaring that the United States didn’t need any manufacturing jobs because “everyone can either learn computers or retire!” Not only does it allow Republicans to pretend to be the hero’s of the rust belt, but it […]

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If you were walking in your community and saw a crushed soda can on the sidewalk, would you pick it up?

Filed in National by on February 26, 2023 3 Comments

Let’s say there was a trash can 10 yards beyond the crushed can, so your commitment to this project would be minimal – would you then? If you were walking in your community and saw a crushed soda can on the sidewalk, would you curse the person who carelessly threw it down? Would your mind […]

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Blog House Keeping

Filed in National by on February 26, 2023 6 Comments

I have emptied the trash and spam folders so any new legit comments that get auto-trashed should be more immediately visible and corrected.  We’re looking into what is going on.   

Apologies to anyone who had thoughtful comments auto-trashed.  Those comments are important to us, so keep them coming.   White christan nationalist, vaccine deniers, climate change skeptics, and Putin lovers can fuck right off.  

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This Week’s Poll

Filed in National by on February 25, 2023 4 Comments

The highly scientific integrity of this week’s poll is being besmerched (sp?) by someone who loves Tabatha Castro so much that they added her name three times.  And yet doesn’t love her enough to learn how to actually spell Tabatha Castro correctly.  

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Just wow

Filed in National by on February 24, 2023 8 Comments
Just wow

  @DonLew87 – Trump doubles down under oath on his ‘grab ’em’ statement. Basically says that’s how ‘stars’ roll. All the ‘stars’ out there, what say you? From Trump’s deposition in the E. Jean Carroll case… The lawyer didn’t have to lay a very elaborate trap for Trump to incriminate the shit out of himself.

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