
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Pro-Life Republicans in South Carolina propose a bill to give the death penalty to a woman for having an abortion

Filed in National by on February 24, 2023 7 Comments

At some point you have to wonder if they are trying to out-crazy each other for limited Fox News screen-time, or they ARE really this crazy.

Proposed SC bill could make abortion a death penalty eligible offense

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WMBF) -South Carolina legislators are hearing a bill that would make abortion punishable by death.

Abortion is currently legal in South Carolina, as the state’s Supreme Court has vetoed all proposed legislation to restrict abortions within the state. The Court’s 3-2 decision allows abortion to remain legal in the state until 20 weeks of pregnancy.

The new bill, “South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023,″ was pre-filed on Dec. 15, 2022. Following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Republican leaders have been hoping to reinstate a pre-Roe ban on almost all abortions at six weeks of pregnancy.

The bill seeks to amend the state constitution to recognize life as an individual person “from the moment of fertilization” and to define “person” to include an unborn child at any stage of development.

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Lewes missing replica cannon ball story has the most Lewes ending imaginable

Filed in National by on February 23, 2023 3 Comments

Bombshell report: Lewes cannonball found! The cannonball from the Lewes Maritime Museum at the Cannonball House along Front Street has been returned. The disappearance grabbed the attention of the First Town in the First State, prompting a slew of amateur detectives to take up the case both online and at the site itself. “The case […]

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Will the economics of future wars make war less profitable?

Filed in National by on February 23, 2023 0 Comments

Leaving aside the fact that our planet is burning to a crisp and the most murderous countries are just going to try and grab the most promising looking ash piles  – war seems less and less worth it. I mean, I’m no economist, but if it costs eleventy billion dollars to produce and man an […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday February 21 2023

Filed in National by on February 21, 2023 13 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday February 21 2023

Republican racist/xenphobic performance art in Texas is really going off the rails. Chinese community in Texas are incensed over a proposal to ban them from buying property in the state “I have never seen the Chinese community this active and this motivated in my entire adult life. The community is inflamed right now. They are […]

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Poll Results 2/20/23 – DeSantis Nickname and Carney’s Replacement

Filed in National by on February 20, 2023 19 Comments
Poll Results 2/20/23 – DeSantis Nickname and Carney’s Replacement

“Meatball Ron” was a clear favorite (89%) for a nickname for Ron Desantis among the nicknames Trump was beta-testing.  I happen to like “Mini Me” as it is both derisive and by including the word “Me” allows Trump to keep the focus on his favorite topic.   I also really liked “Bootsie” as it keeps […]

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DL Open Thread Monday February 20 2023

Filed in National by on February 20, 2023 25 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday February 20 2023

If you vote for Republicans you are a bad credit risk (in addition to being a dumb-fuck). Republicanism Linked to Poor Financial Decision Making The region’s poor credit means Southerners are paying more to borrow money, assuming they can qualify for loans at all. That sets them back in everything from car and home purchases […]

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The DEGOP civil war that wasn’t

Filed in National by on February 17, 2023 2 Comments

I had been expecting a headline like the one below for a long time, but the coup has come and gone. DEGOP moderates never stood a chance so they never put up a fight. It’s like after Castle lost to O’Donnell, they just all said “fuck it.”   They’re all MAGA nutbags and really aren’t concerned with ever winning state wide ever again.  

‘Like a coup’: Michigan Republicans raise alarms at militant far-right takeover of their party

Story by Tom Bogging
Moderate Republicans in Michigan are growing increasingly alarmed at the antics of far-right members of their party who are making major inroads at taking over the party using methods including armed intimidation at GOP events.

According to a report from Reuters, the extremist members of America First Republicans “now control local party leadership in more than half of Michigan’s 83 counties” and that has officials alarmed as they prepare to hold internal elections this Saturday that could influence the direction of the party in the state.

Of concern among party members is that the failure of extremist candidates on the 2022 midterm ballot handed the state party its worst election results since 1984 — and they fear a repeat in 2024.

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Insurance Co’s to Floridians: If you want to continue to live in this shithole, its gonna cost you

Filed in National by on February 17, 2023 4 Comments

Florida property insurance rates expected to jump 40% to 50% in June by: Sam Sachs TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — The Sunshine State, home to more than 22 million people, has an affordability problem when it comes to housing—not just for buying a home or finding a place to rent. Protecting your home can also be […]

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Latest Hunter Biden OUTRAGE!! When will the corruption END??!!

Filed in National by on February 16, 2023 6 Comments

It is now impossible to see how Hunter Biden avoids doing hard time in Gitmo’ over these HUGE payoffs from the Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Wait, what..? It was Jared & Trump. Oh never mind.

Former US president Donald Trump and his former senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner are still receiving financial benefits after fostering a close relationship with Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) during their time in office, the Washington Post reported this week.

This murky relationship with the Saudis puts Trump’s integrity into question as the 2024 US presidential election approaches.

The Saudis provided both Trump and Kushner with sizable investments after their term, during which they bolstered MBS’s grip on the country by arranging that Trump’s first presidential trip be to Saudi Arabia, meeting with him in the US, and siding with him in several controversies.

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Speakers Announced for Saturday’s DEGOP Jamboree

Filed in National by on February 16, 2023 7 Comments
Speakers Announced for Saturday’s DEGOP Jamboree

For a measly 95 bucks you can listen to this dork talk about how climate change is a hoax.   Or this dork talk about how we really can’t do anything about mass shootings because “freedom” the flag and Ronald Reagan.       LINCOLN DAY DINNER  Saturday, February 18, 2023  Modern Maturity Center – […]

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DEGOP Looking for More Bloodthirsty Maniacs and Misanthropes to Run for School Boards

Filed in National by on February 16, 2023 9 Comments

DEGOP openly takes these non-partisan school board elections as a partisan training ground for follow on elections in a way that democrats don’t.  They haven’t been very successful MAGAfying Delaware’s school boards yet.  But they keep grinding.     Delaware Republican Party  Seeking candidates for school board elections! School board elections are on May 9th and […]

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His lawyers didn’t see this coming?

Filed in National by on February 15, 2023 3 Comments
His lawyers didn’t see this coming?

‘Anybody is welcome to help’: Lindsey Graham asks for money to cover legal bills Story by Jordan Green, Investigative Reporter,Matt Laslo  Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) ran up a hefty legal bill in his unsuccessful quest to avoid testifying before a special grand jury in Georgia investigating former President Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday February 15 2023

Filed in National by on February 15, 2023 6 Comments

It’s the ides of Feb.  And I have to sadly admit that I let my Highlands Bunker listening lapse while took all the football talk into my earholes.  (FTR, the sports talk all boils down to “nobody knows nothing” so that was a bloody waste of time.). Anyway, which of these should be prioritized above […]

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