
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Monday Jan 16 2023

Filed in National by on January 16, 2023 6 Comments

The PAGOP is spending $100,000 for an election post mortem to figure out why they suck and nobody likes them. I would have taken the job for half that and turned it around in an afternoon. A GOP postmortem: What went so wrong in Pennsylvania? PHILADELPHIA — The Pennsylvania GOP is trying to figure out […]

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I’ve been wondering about this.

Filed in National by on January 14, 2023 3 Comments

If this deal happens it could empower Democrats too Surely someone else has thought of this: After a humiliating three-day stretch of 11 consecutive defeats in an election that is now the most protracted such contest since 1859, Mr. McCarthy dispatched his emissaries to hammer out a deal with the ultraconservative rebels, including agreeing to […]

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Briggs King Introduces a bill that doesn’t involve fucking over poor/brown people

Filed in National by on January 14, 2023 7 Comments

This “right to repair” bill is out of character in that it doesn’t try to cut taxes for the obscenely wealthy or indulge in some sort of MAGAt grandstanding. A bill that would limit manufacturer control over repairing phones and other electronics was introduced Jan. 5 and awaits action in committee. Sponsored by Rep. Ruth […]

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DeSantis Invokes Governor’s Executive Privilege (which doesn’t exist)

Filed in National by on January 13, 2023 2 Comments

Practicing for his presidency. DeSantis administration wants to keep some things private D.C. ways— Should Florida’s governor have some of the same powers as the president of the United States? Well, attorneys for Gov. Ron DeSantis keep arguing that he should and it appears they are hoping that a judge will eventually go along with […]

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Garland Appoints Rudy Giuliani & Ginni Thomas to Hound Joe Biden to the Gates of Hell! Huzzah for bipartisanship!

Filed in National by on January 13, 2023 8 Comments
Garland Appoints Rudy Giuliani & Ginni Thomas to Hound Joe Biden to the Gates of Hell!   Huzzah for bipartisanship!

We are so much more fair and even-handed than you mother fuckers! Even if it means helping you burn down the Republic. Don’t think we won’t fucking do it to prove how bipartisan we are. And I’m sure this will win over Tucker Carlson and prove to him once and for all that the DOJ […]

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Minor League Sports Update: Blue Rocks Lease Extended to 2030 / Delaware Thunder Hockey Bring 20 Game Losing Streak to Friday’s Match w/ Elmira

Filed in National by on January 12, 2023 3 Comments

Has anyone been to a Blue Rocks game lately? Our minor league baseball team has been off my radar screen since the kids went off to college. How’s the experience? Anyway, it looks like they plan on sticking around for a while. WILMINGTON – Two years after worries that Delaware might lose its longtime Minor […]

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Senator Chris Coons will be able to find middle ground with the GOPers who want to blow up the world economy and burn down the Republic

Filed in National by on January 11, 2023 2 Comments

Burn down half of the Republic?   Explode just western hemisphere’s economy? Don’t worry. He is a ver smart Yale educated theologian who can order his servants around in flawless Swahili.  Chaos Agents I don’t think the Tea Party era nutters had all that much of an evil plan, but you could basically identify them with […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday January 11 2023

Filed in National by on January 11, 2023 9 Comments

HOUSE GOP’S TO DO LIST: 1) Make America Great for Tax Cheats Again (MAGFTCA) 2) Make America View Hunter Biden’s Dick Pics Again (MAVHBDPA) 3) Make American Pensioners Starve Again (MAPSA) Israel Now Super-Ultra-Othodoxy Rightwing Theocracy In related news: Chris Coons says I’m never going to stop loving my little Super-Ultra-Othodoxy Rightwing Theocracy  How to […]

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Comment Jail

Filed in National by on January 10, 2023 5 Comments
Comment Jail

Did your comment get locked up?  Sometimes WordPress doesn’t like your browser or the three piece corduroy suit from Sears that you wore to your First Communion.  Maybe you put in a bunch of links, or have a dumbfuck using your computer who was trying to be a troll or some shit.  Who knows? Anyway, […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday Jan 10 2023

Filed in National by on January 10, 2023 9 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday Jan 10 2023

Hundreds of Tickets Still Available for This DEGOP wankfest! –
Sean Spicer Speaks!

$25.00 – $150.00

Date: Thursday, January 12, 2023
Cocktails 6:00
Dinner at 7:00

VIP Reception following the Dinner and Program.

The menu features Filet Mignon, Atlantic Salmon or Vegitarian.

Ok. I’m presuming that there are hundreds of tickets left based on the DeGOP’s demonstrated ability to get people to show up at things.   

Also Today: Biden’s lawyers discover classified materials and immediately contact the appropriate agencies to inform them of the situation to get things returned as quickly and forthright as possible. So obviously he deserves to be impeached for it.

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Survey Shows 81% of Republicans are Dumb Shitheads

Filed in National by on January 10, 2023 0 Comments

Trump really has a hold on those idiots. TBH, 81% is actually a higher than I expected.   (In a recent CBS News-You Gov poll) 81 percent of registered Republican respondents said that they want potential GOP candidates to have similar “policies and proposals” to Trump, while 19 percent want them to have different ones. … More […]

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Suck It, Losers

Filed in National by on January 9, 2023 0 Comments

Pentagon begins work to strip DOD of Confederate-linked names and items, rename 9 Army posts The Pentagon on Thursday instructed all Defense Department organizations to begin working to remove names and items associated with the Confederacy as recommended last year by a congressional commission. William LaPlante, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, gave […]

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DL Open Thread Monday Jan 9 2023

Filed in National by on January 9, 2023 5 Comments

Bannon and Miller were both advising the Bolsonaro Terrorists in Brazil, because of course they were   Siege Is Over After Extreme Right-Wing Bolsonaro Supporters Stormed Brazilian Capital Speaker Drama is Over, but Republicans discover that other Republicans are still a bunch of assholes Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) called fellow Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.) a “fraud” for fundraising […]

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