
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Delaware’s Favorite Podcast Released a New Episode – Leg Hall Lament with Madinah Wilson-Anton

Filed in National by on July 3, 2022 0 Comments

After listening to this you will want to give some money to Madinah and set up a recurring donation to The Highlands Bunker.  E193 – Leg Hall Lament (w/Madinah Wilson-Anton) State Representative Madinah Wilson-Anton joins Rob in the bunker to talk about how the last few weeks of the legislative session has gone, giving a […]

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The Nightmare Scenario – If you don’t think the GOP is preparing for this in 2024, you are as clueless as Chris Coons

Filed in National by on July 3, 2022 15 Comments

I’ve included more than I should under fair use, but I don’t think Thom Hartmann would mind. Opinion | Beware: The Supreme Court Is Laying Groundwork to Pre-Rig the 2024 Election – This scenario isn’t just plausible: it’s probable. GOP-controlled states are already changing their state laws to allow for it, regardless of how their […]

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The Soft Corruption of the Entitled Class

Filed in National by on July 2, 2022 5 Comments
The Soft Corruption of the Entitled Class

El Som points out that maybe I was being a little hard on Jennings, and as I think about it, I agree. The tough part of Jennings job in this case was prosecuting corruption that was so “ho hum” and run of the mill. In fact if McGuiness had committed all of the same crimes in ANY OTHER elected office it would not have caused a ripple. If ever discovered or discussed, the corruption would have been waved off. The excuse making on process grounds, and procedural technicalities would have held, as usual.

Kathy had the bad judgment to practice her waste fraud and abuse directly in front of a staff that perceives its job to be discovering instances of waste fraud and abuse. When over half of the office became whistle blowers the din of whistles blowing became much too loud to ignore.

And yet, if you gave Kathy a shot of sodium pentathol and asked her if she did anything untoward, she would happily say she didn’t. She thinks giving friends no-bid contracts, rigging up pretend make-work jobs for relatives, and paying for stuff with the company card is what is suppose to happen. They are typical perks. And chintzy, penny-ante perks at that. When Kathy peevishly slammed the $20 on the table to pay off part of her Sirius XM bill she must have been thinking, “Pete doesn’t have to deal with this nit-picky bullshit.”

Looking around at legislators getting on boards and making bank from organizations that are funded by the very legislative body they serve on – would …

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Kathy McGuiness Trial Winners and Losers

Filed in National by on July 2, 2022 23 Comments


David Sokola, Bryan Townsend, Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman  – Plainspoken truth: “…a brazen willingness to circumvent the same open government laws and accounting standards she was elected to enforce.” “Any public official engaged in these behaviors is unfit for public office, but especially the state’s top financial watchdog,”

Steve Wood – Mr Razzle-Dazzle took what looked like an open and shut case and created enough doubt in the jury room to beat the most serious charges.

Highlands Bunker (REV & BILL) –  The daily coverage was really good. It was a great test case for their style of new media. Treading the razors edge between comedy and tragedy, they won admirers among Kathy haters and Kathy lovers alike.

Lydia York – Probably wouldn’t have been moved enter the Democratic primary for the office of Auditor of Accounts is the current auditor wasn’t so awful.


Peter C. Schwartzkopf – Even more exposed as corrupt a-hole for his tireless support for his corrupt buddy.

John Carney – Such weak Tea.  Doesn’t call for her removal but…“He finds it difficult to understand how the auditor, who swore an oath to place the public interests above any special or personal interests, can continue to serve the people of Delaware effectively given the circumstances,” said spokeswoman Emily Hershman.

Kathy Jennings – Her office didn’t come off great with the win.  Does Woods really have grounds for appeal?   He sure seems to think so.

Kathy McGuiness –  Says it was “political” which is ironic because she didn’t do a goddam fucking thing in office that wasn’t “political”.

Delawareans – We’ve had a self-aggrandizing, do-nothing auditor for years and still do.

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Look how happy Coons is to be partying with Republicans in Madrid

Filed in National by on July 1, 2022 0 Comments
Look how happy Coons is to be partying with Republicans in Madrid

Get a load of this picture. He’s a fucking child. He is a giddy, unashamed collaborator. Here are his Republicans friends he was so happy to be partying with in Madrid: Thom Tillis (R-NC) “Democrats are pushing radical legislation that would go beyond Roe v. Wade and allow abortion up until the moment of birth” […]

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Kathy is Running – Congratulates Herself for Raising the Profile of the Auditors Office

Filed in National by on July 1, 2022 0 Comments
Kathy is Running – Congratulates Herself for Raising the Profile of the Auditors Office

If you are wondering if KMcG suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, this quote is illuminating:

When McGuiness was asked, as a recurring theme her actions had been simply to raise the profile of the Auditor’s Office and was she concerned with what Friday’s conviction might mean for the impact on public perception of the office, she said: “I think more people will know that Delaware has a State Auditor.”

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Kathleen McGuiness Verdict Thread – Guilty on 3 of 5 Counts

Filed in National by on July 1, 2022 46 Comments
Kathleen McGuiness Verdict Thread – Guilty on 3 of 5 Counts

McGuiness beat the felony charges of theft and witness intimidation, but was found guilty of Structuring, Misconduct, and Conflict of Interest. Hopefully her political career (as a Democrat anyway) is over.

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The fall of Roe is the culmination of the Democratic establishment’s failures

Filed in National by on June 30, 2022 3 Comments

It took long enough, but nevertheless – it is nice to see my position (that I’ve held consistently for the past 20 years) being widely adopted as the conventional wisdom. The overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the underwhelming reaction from senior Democratic leaders to that huge defeat, make the case even clearer that the […]

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REV and Bill Cover the McGuiness Trial Part 12 – The Last Full Day of Ruzzle-Drizzle

Filed in National by on June 30, 2022 5 Comments
REV and Bill Cover the McGuiness Trial Part 12 – The Last Full Day of Ruzzle-Drizzle

We may have a verdict this afternoon, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Today’s podcast covers yesterday’s events. No matter what happens, vote for Lydia York for Auditor.

In a miraculous turn of events, the trial of the century is now running ahead of schedule. The defense rests, but not before bashing MLB Hall of Famer Frank Robinson a few more times and trying to determine what Kathy knew and when she knew it. Ahead of closing arguments and a potential verdict, Rob and Bill discuss the their thoughts on the case so far.

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Remember when that idiot (Trump) discouraged Georgia GOP voters From voting ?

Filed in National by on June 30, 2022 0 Comments

Trump’s bizzaro pre-election messaging in Georgia doesn’t seem to come up, but this actually happened. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Tuesday (11/17/20) that President Donald Trump would have been victorious in Georgia’s election had he not discouraged people from participating in mail-in voting. During the campaign, Trump claimed that mail-in voting would lead to […]

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Holy Shitballs “…we extended the Child Tax Credit”

Filed in National by on June 29, 2022 2 Comments

Vice President Kamala Harris seems to be making the argument that the Democratic Party should just go into receivership.  Let’s just sell off the desks, computers and shit and call it a day. CNN: What do you say to Democratic voters who argue “Wait a minute, we worked really hard to elect a Democratic president […]

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REV and Bill Cover McGuiness Trial Part 11 – The Persecution Never Truly Rests

Filed in National by on June 29, 2022 5 Comments

E191 – Kathy v Kathy Pt. 11: Hot Sheets The state finally rested its case today after calling a few more witnesses. After trying to get the whole case thrown out again, the defense begins with its slate of hardcore Kathy-heads and their favorite person: former Pennsylvania auditor Eugene DePasquale. Also,  more phone calls from […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday June 29 2022

Filed in National by on June 29, 2022 9 Comments

Jan 6 hearings: Ex-aide paints devastating picture of Trump   Turkey lifts veto on Finland, Sweden joining NATO, clearing path for expansion Last week, even before the coming holiday rush, about one-tenth of all scheduled flights at Boston’s Logan Airport were canceled, and more than a third were seriously delayed. Most observers expect next weekend […]

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