
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Monday June 13 2022

Filed in National by on June 13, 2022 4 Comments

When you read this CNN headline, who do you imagine the “Senator” mentioned is?

Senator reveals how bipartisan group reached gun legislation proposal

If you guessed Coons, you are right. If you want to listen to Coons wax eloquent for 8 minutes about the greatness of glorious bipartisanship, go for it. I tapped out at the 6 minute mark.

In the meantime, I have my doubts about anything coming from this.  Apparently I’m not the only one with doubts:

10/ Drafting this law and passing it through both chambers will not be easy. We have a long way before this gets to the President’s desk. But with your help and activism, we can get this done. This time, failure cannot be an option.

Wait, what?  “…your help and activism” ?   Clap harder ya’ll.  The glorious bipartisan compromise, like tinker bell, needs you. Outside activism is required for the glorious bipartisan compromise among 20 senators to become fully agreed text and pass the senate.  

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Jan 6th Hearings Audience of 1 – Merrick Garland

Filed in National by on June 11, 2022 0 Comments

Lazy prosecutors always seem to rely on their tea leaf reading skills when they don’t indict because conviction seems improbable. Robert Kuttner Writing at The American prospect makes the case that the Jan 6th hearting is taking this excuse away from Garland. The most important thing to appreciate about the January 6th Committee hearings is […]

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Free Advice For Dems That Nobody Will Listen Too

Filed in National by on June 10, 2022 0 Comments

I feel like it is time for me to propose my DNC rules change again.

When picking a VP, whoever comes in SECOND at the Democratic National convention should have the right of first refusal for the VP spot.  Since 1984 this would have given us tickets like:

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Hashtag Unity

Filed in National by on June 10, 2022 3 Comments

Whatever happens, we can all agree that all of the failures of the Democrats can be laid at the feet of the all powerful liberal faction that ultimately controls everything.    

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“You aren’t here to protect gun rights. You are here to protect gun sales.”

Filed in National by on June 10, 2022 0 Comments

Just listen to this Highlands Bunker: E180 – Kids Who Die (w/Traci Murphy) DCAGV Executive Director Traci Murphy joins Rob in the bunker to talk about the recent slate of mass shootings, the different solutions needed for different types of gun violence, and what is being worked on in Delaware right now. Show Notes: Delaware […]

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Early AM Jan 6th Hearings Hearings Comments

Filed in National by on June 10, 2022 5 Comments

There is just so much evidence that Trump organized and executed an attempted coup to unlawfully remain in power.  The shame of this continuing attempt to end our constitutional democracy touches every person in America who still calls themself a Republican.

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Carney is the lamest of lame ducks. Who will be the next Governor of Delaware? Part 2

Filed in National by on June 9, 2022 9 Comments

Last time we looked at the Governors of yore and I’m glad I started there because we can dispense with who we’d like to be Governor and discuss who will probably be the 75th Gov of Smellaware.  There is no need for a drum roll. Based on the fact that 60% of recent Govs had previously served as Lt Gov and the probability matrix that fact establishes, the next Governor is going to be…

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Should America Continue to be a Democracy? Views Differ

Filed in National by on June 9, 2022 5 Comments

A coup against the people and government of the United States failed. That should be seriously and publicly unpacked. Arrests and convictions must made or we’ll invite bigger and more effective coup attempts.

And yet, we all know that the “objective” media coverage is going to be a nauseating “both sides” bullshit fest where the mid-term horserace is the central narrative and the FACT THAT REPUBLICANS TRIED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT is brushed aside.

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Carney is the lamest of lame ducks. Who will be the next Governor of Delaware? Part 1

Filed in National by on June 8, 2022 13 Comments

Carney, at best, is a cardboard cutout of a man.  In fact a cardboard cut out of a man has a little utility, so calling him that is an un-merited compliment.  El Som has documented his lack of creativity, energy and low character. With his veto I’m just over that fucking waste of space.  So […]

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DL Open Thread Monday June 6 2022

Filed in National by on June 6, 2022 19 Comments

Imagining that teams of teenage boys are transitioning to win the girl’s softball state championship is a “problem” that only exists in the fever dreams of MAGAT nation. No matter, Ohio House Republicans passed a bill late Tuesday that bans all transgender students from playing high school and college sports, and requires genital exams in […]

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Are you “working” *wink* from home?

Filed in National by on June 5, 2022 3 Comments

I’m an office person.  I like the dividing line between work and not work.  I also like being around people.  In my experience, being part of an effective team requires occasional bullshitting ..or let’s call it “non-work” interactions.   But I can also see that I’m not like some people who are way more productive without the commute and office bullshit.

Either way, showing up in an office because some middle manager is justifying their job by taking attendance is probably going away.

At its heart, the battle over remote work is a test of corporate America’s definition of an ideal worker. For decades or even longer, that has been a person who prioritizes their job above all else and has no outside commitments.

It’s “an incredibly powerful story,” said Brigid Schulte, the director of the Better Life Lab program at the think tank New America. “It’s part of our culture. It’s part of our DNA.”

It’s probably not shocking that people who are lower on the org chart tend to be less enthusiastic about returning to the office than the senior leaders and executives who thrived in the in-person Before Times.

“For many C.E.O.s and managers, that’s how they worked. That’s how they succeeded and that’s the only way they know,” Ms. Schulte said. “All of this was completely false; it was totally a fake story we’ve been telling ourselves.”


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Boomer-Wan Kenobi

Filed in National by on June 3, 2022 21 Comments
Boomer-Wan Kenobi

Even though I practically am one (born early in 1965), I’ve got nothing but contempt for the “Baby Boom” generation (people born between 1946 and 1964).  They wrecked the vibrant and inclusive post war economy by repeatedly cutting their own taxes, and driving a stake into the heart of American manufacturing.  They cavalierly gave us […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday June 1 2022

Filed in National by on June 1, 2022 3 Comments

I’m cooked. These days I cannot even skim the news, let alone come up with some kind of trenchant comment on it.   That’s why it is almost 2:30 and I’m just getting to this. To be honest, if it wasn’t for providing a home for El Som’s coverage of Leg Hall, I’d have folded up […]

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