
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday May 31 2022

Filed in National by on May 31, 2022 27 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday May 31 2022

All of these murdered children are so rude!  Always politicizing things that are inherently political. Also:
– American Cities Are Rethinking Traffic Stops. Why not rethink racist policing?
– Is White Christian Nationalist minority rule locked in? Yup, as long as we have a Senate and Electoral College, and
– A milestone for Coons’ super secret bipartisan caucus

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Is this really the freedom they died for?

Filed in National by on May 30, 2022 1 Comment

Memorial Day FB post by a friend gets to the heart of it. I know that today we’re supposed to remember those who died serving our country. But I feel that many of those people would be appalled at what our country is turning (has turned?) into. They would be appalled to know that the […]

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DL Open Thread Monday May 30 2022

Filed in National by on May 30, 2022 2 Comments

Happy (?) Memorial Day Open Thread. I’m taking today off so put anything you think we should know in the comments.

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“But, but, but… OUR Cops are good”

Filed in National by on May 27, 2022 2 Comments

I can just hear it. That’s going to be the reaction to the rightful excoriation of the cops who showed up at Robb Elementary School only to hassle parents and mill around with dumb looks on their faces. If only poor Ulvade had good cops like we do! But here is the thing – NO. […]

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OMG – just stop it with the “mental health” & “armed teachers” nonsense

Filed in National by on May 26, 2022 2 Comments

Nobody who says “We don’t have a gun crisis, we have a mental health crisis” gives a fuck about dealing with mental health. Do you know how I know that? Where’s the follow-up? Where’s the money? It’s just a little stalling ruse to allow the latest gun atrocity to fade from the headlines. Also, even the most cursory mental health screening for gun ownership would immediately put gun ownership waaaaay out of the reach of anyone who has ever said, “We don’t have a gun crisis.”

Similarly, “armed teachers” is a bunch of bullshit. Setting aside the fact that it assumes that school shootings are natural and inevitable, like tornadoes, last week they wanted teachers locked up if they mentioned in passing that “gay” is a real thing. So which is it, guns or handcuffs, for the nation’s underpaid surrogate moms and dads?

So yeah. All of the GOP’s talking points on this are pure bullshit. But it is Democrat’s that allow them to get away with it every time. At least Beto had the guts to call them on it this time. Maybe that sensibility can spread.

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Your US Senator is a very lazy shithead, and the US Senate is hopelessly broken and worthless

Filed in National by on May 26, 2022 5 Comments

You know your country is in a bad way when you’ve developed a sort of hierarchy of the awfulness of mass shootings, depending on the location and the number and identity of the victims. It’s safe to say the worst of all happen in an elementary school. The Sandy Hook massacre was a special kind of horror that transfixed the nation for days, and now so is Uvalde, Texas, where a lone gunman butchered 19 children and two adults in a local school on Tuesday.

In response, some senators proposed a vote on a background check bill that has passed the House several times, most recently last March. The swing Democratic votes in the Senate leaped into action to clarify that nothing of the sort would be done. Reached by reporters at the Capitol asking if he would support ending the Senate filibuster to clear the way for the bill, Joe Manchin refused, insisting, “The filibuster is the only thing that prevents us from total insanity.” Kyrsten Sinema concurred, telling reporters that she doesn’t think “D.C. solutions are realistic here.”

The Senate leadership barely even pretended to try to force their hands by scheduling a vote. Instead, senators are reportedly going on their Memorial Day recess. It’s a broken, worthless institution.

Meanwhile Senator Chris Coons would like you to know that “we” have to do more, but by “we” he does not mean the US Senate.

Senator Chris Coons
We have to do more. We have to make it harder for individuals to get access to weapons who have demonstrated the capacity, or the potential, to use them to harm themselves or their families. And we have to do more to address gun violence. We cannot become numb to this.

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Carney’s Veto is Appalling

Filed in National by on May 26, 2022 13 Comments

Cassandra Marshall – Via FB This is so very appalling. Especially that Governor Carney can’t connect the dots between the DSU student stop that was utterly fueled by anticipation of collecting up small amounts of weed from young Black people and legalization. A thing that happens on the regular all over Delaware. Rarely, of course, […]

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A Chorus of Empty, Rote Prayers From The Usual Bloodthirsty Ghouls.

Filed in National by on May 26, 2022 8 Comments

Ho hum….more children murdered in their elementary school.  Here is the Pro forma, boilerplate response used by many GOP leaders.  Ted Cruz even re-used an exact tweet from a mass murder of children in October.

There seems to be a formula for how right-wing politicians are now responding to mass shootings on social media that goes something like this:

I [We] am [HORRIFIED, HEARTBROKEN, ETC] at the senseless tragedy in [LOCATION] today. We are [LIFTING THEM UP IN PRAYER, PRAYING FOR THEM] and thank the heroic efforts of [POLICE, FIRST RESPONDERS, ETC] on the scene.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday May 25 2022

Filed in National by on May 25, 2022 43 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday May 25 2022

Any Delaware politician, Republican or Democrat, that accepts money from the bloodthirsty Delaware arm of the NRA needs to be removed from office. We can start with the Democrats, every primary day. Accepting donations from NRA/De Sportsman’s Assoc. should result in certain defeat. Yesterday 19 children and 2 teachers were murdered in an elementary school. […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday May 24 2022

Filed in National by on May 24, 2022 16 Comments

We’re in the worst timeline.

I envy the fuck out of the Jason330 who is in the timeline where Gore beat Bush, climate change was taken seriously, Rupert Murdoch was stoned to death by an angry mob, and corporate hegemony was vanquished.

That Jason330 is probably sitting at his lap top right now bitching and grousing about some trivial nonsense, like cakes vs pies.

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DL Open Thread Monday May 23 2022

Filed in National by on May 23, 2022 13 Comments

Let’s see. A Judge rules that Park City Kathy’s multiple confessions of wrongdoing* on her personal lap top can’t be used because State Police digital forensics (it is suddenly and conveniently revealed) sucks ass. Just around the same time Pete Schwartzkopf is rumored to be going around Rehoboth and Lewes saying that he has 100% […]

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Senator Chris Coons would like you to know that he is hard at work

Filed in National by on May 21, 2022 1 Comment
Senator Chris Coons would like you to know that he is hard at work

The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, urged two Arizona lawmakers to help reverse President Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory in the state, according to emails reviewed by ABC News — suggesting that the conservative activist played a larger role in pushing to overturn the election than was previously publicly known. Meanwhile […]

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Flag Day

Filed in National by on May 20, 2022 5 Comments
Flag Day

Here is a flag.

It is the 9/11 commemorative flag that the dynamic duo of Hansen and Hensley propose government buildings fly each September 11th in memory of the terrorist attack which resulted in our terrorist attack in Iraq.

I’ve got nothing against the flag, but it should maybe be flown with the cluster fuck of a flag associated with the war that even George Bush recently acknowledged was “wholly unjustified and brutal”.

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