
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Why not listen to, and support the Highlands Bunker? It is better than grease trap grease.

Filed in National by on April 14, 2022 5 Comments
Why not listen to, and support the Highlands Bunker?  It is better than grease trap grease.

I’m catching up on some Highlands Bunker this weekend. I’m about halfway through Kathy v Kathy, but I’ll come back to apply my trademarked 1-5 buckets rating when I’m done.   (1 = a bucket of grease trap grease from Long John Silvers, 5 = Five buckets of this summer’s finest garden fresh tomatoes.) E170 – […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday April 13 2022

Filed in National by on April 13, 2022 1 Comment

Listen Up everyone. Seriously. Settle down.

As you know, the most important thing in this office is CONFIDENTIALITY. Also, LOYALTY. They are both number one.  They are co-equal for me doing my best auditing. Right?  because when I win, we all win, right?   Only metaphorically speaking, because…you know…you get to continue working here, and that is winning.  

Anyway…Also, PUBLIC RELATIONS! It is very very important.  Also number 1 in importance. Edith, please stop looking at me like that.  We can too have three number ones. Just like the Romans.  Jeez…learn some history.  

Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted by Miss Bitchface, I was going to say that during these trying times we must project a calm image of normalcy.  So when I say PUBLIC, You say RELAY-SHUNS.  Let me hear you.  PUBLIC! …..

*crickets chirp in the distance*

Well, we don’t really have time for that, but we’re all on the same page, right?  Ok. Good.

Now I’m taking my daughter..uh, I mean my assistant to lunch. Where did I put that office credit card?

..and scene.

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“Left” Parties in France Poll above 54.4%

Filed in National by on April 12, 2022 9 Comments
“Left” Parties in France Poll above 54.4%

My tabulation of “left” and “right” may grossly oversimplify where these party’s line up. But it looks like the “left” has more voters in the aggregate. Emmanuel Macron LREM (LEFT) 27.8% 9,784,985 Marine Le Pen RN (RIGHT) 23.1% 8,135,456 Jean-Luc Mélenchon LFI (LEFT) 22% 7,714,574 Éric Zemmour Reconquête (RIGHT) 7.1% 2,485,757 Valérie Pécresse LR (RIGHT) […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday April 12 2022

Filed in National by on April 12, 2022 0 Comments

Nothing goes on Russian state media with Putin’s approval.  So this is basically Putin saying that he is planning on rat-fucking our elections and going all out to return Trump to the White House.  Russian State Media Airs Its Ultimate ‘Revenge Plan’ for 2024 US Presidential Elections Fuck this guy.  Former Virginia police officer who […]

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DL Open Thread Monday April 11 2022

Filed in National by on April 11, 2022 3 Comments

Note: This isn’t an open thread so much as an open letter to Steve Newton. He is (was?) a libertarian and in the early days of blogging I was very dismissive of Libertarianism in general and him in particular. I’m still dismissive of libertarianism, but I’ve learned that Steve is a thoughtful historian and social scientist who cares about ideas and about America. That sounds awfully corny, but there you have it.

How will historians decide when one of Americans two major party’s lost its mind?  With Republicans attempting to one-up each other in mean-spirited craziness on a daily basis, I suppose it is easy for us to…

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Bill McSwain – Very Openly Racist Candidate for PA Governor

Filed in National by on April 7, 2022 10 Comments
Bill McSwain – Very Openly Racist Candidate for PA Governor

This guy wants to put “criminals, rioters & looters in jail.”   He wants to “restore freedom and law & order.” I wonder if he is talking about white “rioters and looters?”   Of course he isn’t.  So many GOP primaries will come down to who has the money to be the most racist on […]

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Not HaHa Funny

Filed in National by on April 7, 2022 6 Comments

It is funny to think that after the Dems get blown out in the midterms Hunter Biden and James Biden (who?) will be in jail and the Trump crime family will be walking around free as birds.

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Sherry Dorsey Walker – SMH

Filed in National by on April 7, 2022 2 Comments
Sherry Dorsey Walker – SMH

Just getting a picture with these ladies and the indicted State Auditor. Photo Via Orange is the New Black’s FB page.  

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Are any young adults in your life planning on having kids?

Filed in National by on April 6, 2022 23 Comments

Yup. We’re fucked.   The Earth is basically done, so is anyone still having kids?  I’m seriously asking. Do any readers with adult “kids” plan on being grandparents?  I don’t. Are any grandparents reading this expecting their grandchildren to reproduce? It seems to me that (in addition to the climate going ka-plooey), a drastically shrinking young […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday April 6th 2022

Filed in National by on April 6, 2022 5 Comments

Here is something that happened in April 1978: A concrete cooling tower under construction at a power station at Willow Island, West Virginia, collapses. All of the 51 construction workers on the scaffolding fell to their deaths. OSHA and the contractor agreed to settle the case for $85,500 (or about $1,700 per dead worker); no […]

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Unlivable World

Filed in National by on April 5, 2022 0 Comments

We’ve had a good 30 years to do something and now it is too late. Oh well. Being moderate and sensible, making friends with intractable loons on the right and carrying water for the energy sector was much too important.

Presenting the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he said: “The jury has reached a verdict and it is damning.”

The report shows “a litany of broken climate promises” and stands as “a file of shame, cataloguing the empty pledges that are putting us on track towards an unlivable world”, he said.

Sounds bad, but just look at my stock portfolio! Smashing!

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DL Open Thread Tuesday April 5th 2022

Filed in National by on April 5, 2022 9 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday April 5th 2022

Sometime soon Chris Coons will be all over TV to crow over triumph of bipartisanship that was Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.  Coons is the go-to quote-miester  about how bipartisanship is America at its best and two Republican votes have warmed his heart and made his little Coonsie rock hard.  And […]

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DL Open Thread Monday April 4 2022

Filed in National by on April 4, 2022 1 Comment

Why does Delaware want to protect only the bad cops? That’s a great questions posed in the Delaware Call by RAE KRANTZ.    By wrapping the bad cops in LEOBOR cotton, it’s as if certain Delaware State Senators couldn’t give a fuck about the good cops. I mean, imagine if 95% of anesthesiologists were good […]

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